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Hello Everyone.
Hello Everyone.
Let say, I have a small clip of a Man Walking, and I want completely mask his face with Blur effects while he Is walking.
I can add a Blur to the clip, and use the Ellipse, or create, 4- Point Polygon Mask or use the Pen Tool to Draw a Mask.
Here Is my question Please:
I noticed, If you apply the Mask directly Into Adjustment Layer, and Click on Track Selected Mask Forward, It's not working, so Technically, you have to add the Effects to the actual Clip, Is that Correct?
Also, what If I want to Manually adjust the Mask. I don't see any actual keyframes.
Thank you very much.
Past Kevin's comments ...
Manual tracking:
-set the mask, set a keyframe ... now move the video forward or backward one or more frames, move the mask, it makes a keyframe, and will auto-move the mask between the last keyframe set and current keyframe.
-to 'hold' mask then move, make mask & set keyframe ... go to frame you want to start movement, then back towards start of mask one frame, manually click to set keyframe, move the one frame forward, move the mask ... rinse & repeat.
Auto tracking:
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Hi animationlife,
Adjustment layers should work. I just tested it. Try tracking again, but in reverse. It may work better for you.
Mask Path generates the keyframes for tracking the mask. I found just moving the mask generates keyframes.
See if that works for you.
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Past Kevin's comments ...
Manual tracking:
-set the mask, set a keyframe ... now move the video forward or backward one or more frames, move the mask, it makes a keyframe, and will auto-move the mask between the last keyframe set and current keyframe.
-to 'hold' mask then move, make mask & set keyframe ... go to frame you want to start movement, then back towards start of mask one frame, manually click to set keyframe, move the one frame forward, move the mask ... rinse & repeat.
Auto tracking:
-you can set it to auto-track forwards or backwards ... watch it work, if the mask needs adjustment, click 'stop' and go to the frame the frame you need to manually adjust the mask, and place the mask ... then select auto-track and keep moving along.
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Dear Mr. Neil.
sorry for the Late Reply. Its working now.
I am practicing,
Thank you very much.