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Trying to use the tutorials on adobe's website but my version isn't compatible

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Jul 11, 2023 Jul 11, 2023

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Hi everyone,

I'm trying to use the tutorials on Adobe's website (View all Adobe Premiere Pro tutorials). Everything downloaded perfectly, but when I go to import the files, the following shows up:


Screenshot 2023-07-11 215748.png


Screenshot 2023-07-11 215758.png


Screenshot 2023-07-11 215811.png


Anyway to work around it? 



Error or problem , Import




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Community Expert ,
Jul 12, 2023 Jul 12, 2023

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There is no cause for concern here.

The tutorials were saved in an earlier version of the program; all that first dialog box is telling you is that it will convert the project file to a newer version and rename it so that it doesn't overwrite the original.

The second dialog box is asking you to locate the media files referenced in the project file; again very common. Just locate the very first file and it should link to the rest automatically. Be sure to click that option to "Display only exact name matches" that's in the 3rd picture; that way it will only show you the exact file you need to click on to re-link.

FYI this process is exactly the same one you will encounter when opening a project from somone else or one that has been moved from another drive. Once you master the linking of missing files like this it will become second nature.

JVK | Editor/Designer/Software Instructor. Pr, Ae, Ch, Ps, Ai, Id




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