I have pushed for a request to have auto scroll when playing audio wave forms back in the source monitor. Currently it doesn't scroll along when you play them when zoomed in, would need to so this also when playing audio/video together in monitor. The source monitor needs some serious love.
I've done the toggling thing plenty, but for longer interviews I'll put the whole clip (or series of clips) in a sequence, open the audio time line and use the waveforms there to do the same thing, but cut out the parts I don't want, so I'm left with edited selects. If I'm careful to place markers on the tracks (rather than the in the sequence time line) I'll even have marked master clips ... case I need them.
While we're talking improvements for the source window, a very small thing that I would like to see that's along the same lines: When you are viewing the waveform, currently you can only drag the audio or the video to the timeline individually, but not both. When video is being viewed in the source monitor, you can just click the image and drag it to the timeline and will get both audio and video, however in the audio view, clicking and dragging scrubs through the waveform. It would be as simple as adding a 3rd button to the icons below the source that has both video and audio with a link symbol that would allow to drag both from there.
This would be really useful. It would speed up finding the right parts in interviews a lot. I would suggest putting the waveform as a small overlay over the video footage (Resolve style), instead of stacking it. And than of course with the option to toggle it on or off.