More and more users are editing podcasts, Zoom/Teams events, video interviews done with tools like Riverside etc. in Premiere Pro. Especially after we got Text-based editing, I’ve seen an increase in clients doing this kind of editing in Premiere Pro.
One thing they all have in common is that they’d like to auto-mix voices that are on different audio tracks. Say you have two or three audio tracks, and you want to duck the levels on the tracks of those who are not speaking at the moment to avoid spill/bleed/leakage/phase issues, noise, and generally low audio quality. For now, this is mostly a manual task.
This is a screenshot of a client’s timeline of an interview with two microphones (track 1 and 2), and as you can see, they’ve done a lot of manual cutting back and forth between the tracks.

Manual cutting of interview with two microphones
I have tried to trick the Essential Sound panel into auto-ducking one voice against another, calling one of them a music track, but it’s impossible to find a setting that makes it work 100% of the time.

Tricking Auto-Ducking into ducking one microphone against the other
So my feature request is: I want to select all the voice clips, and make the AI duck them an amount of dB, very much like the auto-ducking we have for music.
We need to be able to choose one voice as the winning voice if/when multiple voices compete for our attention.