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(Bug) UNDO after adding a point to a mask path animation doesn't delete the newly created point

Community Beginner ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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I think that there is a bug in Premiere Pro, latest version (23.1.0).

I'm using Windows 11, latest version.

Steps to reproduce:

- Create an adjustment layer
- Add a lumetri color effect to that layer
- Create a mask path of that lumetri
- Toggle animation of that mask, and create at least three or four keyframes, moving the mask in different places of the video in those keyframes
- Add a point to that mask, in a keyframe that's not the first
- Edit -> Undo

What I thought should happen:

The point gets deleted in all the keyframes

What happens:

The point gets deleted just in the first keyframe, and in the keyframe you added it in (if the point was added in a time position where there already was a keyframe).
In addition, the movement between those keyframes "jumps" and doesn't "smoothly move" between the positions of the video.


I chatted with the support, and they told me it is an expected behavior as the only way to remove a point added "by mistake" is with ctrl+click (on Windows), or leave it where it is if it didn't alter the original shape of the mask.

Thanks in advance
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