Does anyone else out there think the interface on the clips in the timeline is starting to become too cluttered, and too unmanageable? There's a lot going on, visually and functionally, with the clips on the timeline these days.
- rubber band
- keyframes
- FX badges
- Audio Type badges
- crossfade handles
All have a purpose and I'm not saying they shouldn't be there - and I know some of them can be turned off. I don't know if it's just me, but with successive upgrades and new buttons and badges added to the clip interface, it's becoming harder and harder to simply grab a clip and drag it along the timeline.
At a certain level of zoomed-outtedness, it literally becomes impossible. Clicking on a clip no longer selects the clip - it selects one of the afforementioned buttons or badges or keyframes or drag-handles instead.
NOBODY'S WANTING TO GRAB KEYFRAMES WHEN THEY'RE ZOOMED OUT THIS FAR!!! Nobody's ascribing audio types when they're zoomed out this far. The only thing people do zoomed out this far is slide things up and down the timeline!!!
Personally, I think common sense should prevail. Let there be a threshold beyond which none of these buttons, badges, handles and - especially - keyframes activate. Clicking on a clip selects the clip. Nothing more. If you want to twiddle keyframes or whatever, zoom in to the appropriate scale.
I know I can turn keyframes off, but turning them on and off everytime I want to grab a clip is just as annoying as grabbing a keyframe instead of a clip. It's not really a solution.
So I wonder, does anyone else in the community have this problem? Would they like to see a simplification of the clip interface when zoomed out?