It would be great if there was a function to "lock" "any clip".
Currently, there is a function to lock "tracks" on the timeline independently.
In addition to locking individual tracks, I would like a function to lock specified clips (multiple clips at once).
"Lock" → Clips do not move even when selected. Ideally, it would be possible to link them to the timecode of the timeline and prevent them from moving from there.
For example...
Currently, you can select multiple clips and enable/disable them.
It would be great if you could lock/unlock multiple selected clips with a single shortcut key in the same way.
現在、複数のクリップを選択し、有効/無効 を切り替えることができる。
それと同じ要領で、選択した複数のクリップを、ショートカットキー1回で ロック/ロック解除 できると素晴らしい。