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Make the Essential Graphics interface options flexible & robust (Folders)

Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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make the Essential Graphics browser flexible: sorting, icon or text, import .mogrt folders, mort folder organizing on the desktop will appea
Idea No status




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New Here ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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I just updated and now my business logo graphic has disappeared from my time line. It was there and now its gone. The word logo has replaced it in white. Any suggestions?




Adobe Employee ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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Hi Mark,

Emailing you as well... can you share a screenshot or video of your issue?
Are you using a Mogrt that was made in Premiere Pro or After Effects?
If you're using a title made natively in Premiere, is it possible that your logo has gone offline?

Would you also mind sharing your Mogrt?

Hopefully we can get you back on track soon!

Thanks so much,
- Dacia Saenz, AE & PR Engineering Teams




New Here ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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I want folders in my essential graphics pane please.




New Here ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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I have to re-do all my essential graphics every time I reopen my project.




Adobe Employee ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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Hi Mara, thanks for your comment. Would you please file a separate user voice post and give a little more information about the issue you are facing? Also please send a screenshot which shows the problem. This way we can focus on your specific issue. Thanks! Annika




New Here ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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This was 2018 and we're STILL waiting on this?




Adobe Employee ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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Thank you all for the helpful comments and votes here. This really helps us understand user needs and priorities.

This particular topic has included a lot of different ideas and requests over the years and has been hard to follow over time. Also, the Under Review status assigned to it may be a little misleading. As a result, we are removing that label at this time. This doesn't mean that we don't care about all the user requests in this area. On the contrary, we want to keep hearing your voices so that we can deliver the best possible features in the future.

For now, I'd like to let anyone who is reading know about a few existing methods to help you organize your mogrts:
(1) Export or copy your mogrts to be inside of CC Libraries. These can be filtered and viewed like folders in the EGP and they are also searchable from within the EGP Browse panel.
(2) Use "Manage Additional Folders" which can accessed from the EGP spanner menu. You can add, remove and sort local and network folders from within this dialog and then view and filter them from within the EGP Browse tab.
(3) There is a free plugin call Premiere Composer which will give you some really nice UI to help you organize and use mogrts.

Regarding that 3rd option, I'll let my colleague Dacia provide some additional info about it including a link to a page where you can preview and download it if you want.




Adobe Employee ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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Mr. Horse makes a really rad free plug-in called Premiere Composer that comes with a ton of free Mogrts, but most importantly has a panel that organizes your content, including Mogrts into a more traditional folder structure.

Mr. Horse is an incredible 3rd-party developer and has a long track record of making complimentary tools for After Effects and Premiere Pro.

Hope this helps!


- Dacia Saenz, AE & PR Engineering Teams




Enthusiast ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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Thanks for the tips James and Dacia!

Premiere Composer is fantastic, I highly recommend it to everyone! This plugin definitely solves the organizational limitations of EG.

The main thing that seems to be missing now is the ability to see previews for all .mogrts. The lack of previews is especially painful when the .mogrts in question don't even have a representative thumbnail, such as in the case of 48 of these 49 animated icons in the attached picture. Imagine having to go through all 48 .mogrts one by one in the Timeline to find the one you're looking for! Providing users with .mogrt previews (i.e. an easy way to generate them at the .mogrt creator and/or end user level) would make .mogrts so much easier to work with!

FR for this here: https://adobe-video.uservoice.com/forums/911233-premiere-pro/suggestions/34344874-preview-the-motion...

Another 2 things that would be helpful:
1. The ability to drag & drop multiple .mogrts in the Timeline at the same time. In the case of the 48 animated icons, if a user could at least drag them all to the Timeline at the same time to preview them in the Program Monitor, it would essentially reduce 48 drag & drop steps to just one!

2. If a user drags a .mogrt to the Timeline to test, and then deletes it, it would be nice if that same .mogrt were automatically deleted from the "Motion Graphics Template Media" Bin in the Project Window and from the "Motion Graphics Template Media" folder next to the project file in Windows Explorer. This would keep things a lot tidier!

These two features would be a handy stopgap solution if providing proper video previews for all .mogrts isn't feasible due to software limitations.

As always, thanks for listening!




Adobe Employee ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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Thank you for the thorough feedback as always, Pierre. For now I will just respond to those 2 additional points you made.

Re: (1) Drag and drop multiple mogrts to sequence. I have requested this myself because it's often part of my testing process to analyze a lot of mogrts at once. But this is not a real user scenario and when asked to come up with a real use case, I have not been able to. Can you help us understand what the actual editing/creative workflow is where someone would want to add 48 mogrts at once, all in a row in the same track?

Re: (2) This could get dangerous. A lot of people purchase and use stock mogrts and expect to be able to keep them in their EGP to use whenever they want. If they don't remember to move them to a Library or some additional folder location they could lose their purchases for good. In any case, I think we want to err on the side of NOT automatically deleting any user media from disk or even from within a bin in the project. But again, if you have a really compelling use case for this, we'd like to hear about it.




Enthusiast ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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Hi James,

Thanks for the reply.

Re: (1) "Can you help us understand what the actual editing/creative workflow is where someone would want to add 48 mogrts at once, all in a row in the same track?"

I'm not sure why you ask this since you already answered this question yourself when you wrote "I have requested this myself because it's often part of my testing process to analyze a lot of mogrts at once." Same goes for me and everyone else. Whether it's to test 2 different .mogrts at once or 48, what's the difference? The ability to drag multiple .mogrts to the Timeline at once would be very helpful anytime they don't have video previews and/or useful thumbnails.

What I'm suggesting is just a stopgap solution to help users evaluate their .mogrts which don't have a video preview. The best solution by far would be for Adobe to make video previews available for all .mogrts (also allowing users to easily create their own previews when an independent .mogrt developer couldn't do so previously or doesn't care to do so once they're able to).

Re: (2) "This could get dangerous." I don't see how deleting the junk files I mention could ever be dangerous. The only thing that should be deleted are the files that Pr automatically creates inside the "Motion Graphics Template Media" folder when adding a .mogrt to the Timeline. No user in their right mind would ever keep the only copy they have of a .mogrt inside a subfolder with a crazy name such as "7913d488-10cf-446e-a775-90d47351ea87". You wrote "I think we want to err on the side of NOT automatically deleting any user media from disk". While I agree 100% with that statement, the files I'm talking about Pr deleting are not 'user media', they're files created by Pr. If a user tests 10 .mogrts in their Timeline and discards 9 of them, what's the sense of Pr polluting the user's Project window and their "Motion Graphics Template Media" folder with a bunch of junk files the user does not need nor want? Hopefully, respecting an editor by keeping things clean and tidy is a "really compelling use case for this". 😉 If a user ever wants to use any of the .mogrts previously discarded from their Timeline, they can easily do so by dragging them back into their Timeline from the EGP. Once again, to be crystal clear, an original .mogrt on a user's system should never be deleted by Pr just because a user deletes it from their Timeline. Only the supplemental files created by Pr should be removed. Please note that I'm not advocating for a destructive workflow in any way, shape or form.

I believe this is what most Pr users would like:
#1. Add video previews to all .mogrts

If #1 can't be provided by Adobe in a timely fashion (i.e. by the end of 2021), then...

#2. Give us the ability to drag multiple .mogrts to the Timeline
and also, if possible, but of lesser importance...
#3. Automatically delete junk .mogrt files when they are not relevant to the user (i.e. when .mogrts are tested on the Timeline and then deleted)

#2 and #3 are NOT an alternative to #1, but would be great to help us get by while work is done on providing #1.

If any of this still isn't clear, please let me know. Thank you!




Participant ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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Folders please? No? Three years not enough time to bring back a previous feature?




Adobe Employee ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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Hi Michael,

I mean... I gotta level with you. I don't think the folders are coming back after three years. That was a version 1 design and it got replaced by the current model to support multiple views, from CC Libs to Stock.

We did add a way to add file paths to specific folders on your system or server though! If you click on the hamburger menu in the EGP, you can choose "Manage Additional Folders" and link to your custom folders. This will create a dropdown menu that you can then filter your view by.

Another alternative to return to the way it was is to install Premiere Composer.

Mr. Horse makes this really rad free plug-in that comes with a ton of free Mogrts, but most importantly has a panel that organizes your content, including Mogrts into a more traditional folder structure.

Mr. Horse is an incredible 3rd-party developer and has a long track record of making complimentary tools for After Effects and Premiere Pro.

Hope this helps!



- Dacia Saenz, AE & PR Engineering Teams




New Here ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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Gotta add another vote to this. It's 2021 and many of us have dozens or hundreds of mogrts that need an actually usable way to navigate. Searching is nice but doesn't always even work. For instance, I have a ton of mogrts installed that are just named "Title 1, ..." or "Title_01, ..." but when I search for "Title", nothing shows up. And Libraries are helpful, but it isn't realistic to manually add dozens of files from a new pack to a new library, every single time. All we need is to be able to make a folder, add the mogrts, and boom your done.

It doesn't make sense to make My Templates stuck to the way you want to show Adobe Stock. They're two different things, for two different purposes.




Adobe Employee ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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Hi Nathaniel,

Are you familiar with the option in the hamburger menu of the EGP called "Manage Additional Folders"? It allows you to create to your own folders on disk or a server.This will create a dropdown menu that you can then filter your view by, and you manage the contents of those folders with Finder or Explorer. Just like you would any other folder.

Another alternative to return to the way it was is to install Premiere Composer.

Mr. Horse makes this really rad free plug-in that comes with a ton of free Mogrts, but most importantly has a panel that organizes your content, including Mogrts into a more traditional folder structure.

Mr. Horse is an incredible 3rd-party developer and has a long track record of making complimentary tools for After Effects and Premiere Pro.

Hope this helps!



- Dacia Saenz, AE & PR Engineering Teams




Enthusiast ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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Hi Dacia,

I want to add that not being able to nudge individual EG elements with the arrow keys when selected (blue bounding box) is a major, massive PITA. 😞

Why this wasn't introduced from the get go given that LT has had this ability for ages defies all logic and frankly is a huge disservice to Adobe's customers.

PLEASE fix this ASAP!
Thank you!




Adobe Employee ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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Hi Pierre!

Good news! You CAN nudge individual layers and shapes made with the new Essential Graphics tool in Premiere and it's been possible for many releases now (maybe 2 years???)!

Open the Keyboard Shortcut editor to see all the various combos that allow you to nudge by 1 or 5 pixels. Feel free to change them to whatever makes you happiest too!

You can also arrange layers in the EGP layer stack with KBS too.


- Dacia Saenz, AE & PR Engineering Teams




Adobe Employee ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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Hi Pierre -

The EGP/PGM has nudge for graphic layers. We do not assign them to the arrow keys by default because that would interfere with stepping the playhead. The default assignments are cmd-arrow for nudge 1 pixel and shift-cmd-arrow to nudge 5 pixels. You can reset these to whatever you want in the keyboard shortcut dialog though.





Enthusiast ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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Hi Mike and Dacia,

Thank you for your prompt replies!

I didn't know about those keyboard shortcuts, so thank you for letting me know. It seems extremely odd however that the arrow keys (and Shift+arrow keys) can't simply be used, since after all the arrow keys DO work for nudging clips, pictures and even entire EG titles when selected in the Program Monitor!

Not allowing individual EG title elements to be nudged with the same arrow or Shift+arrow keys breaks this convention and makes it inconsistent with the way users are used to nudging everything else in Pr (and other Adobe programs for that matter!)

While I appreciate the availability of keyboard shortcuts, resorting to new, separate shortcuts vs the existing ones users are used to is very inconvenient since it forces users to assign and remember new shortcuts when they really shouldn't have to.

I really do wish more thought was put in by the Pr team when designing new tools since time and time again they fall short of expectations due to appears to be incomprehensible lapses in basic 101 logic, such as the botched keyboard shortcuts for toggling off Lumetri Color effects (doesn't work in full screen since the Lumetri panel needs to be selected!) and the Remove Gaps shortcut that nonsensically doesn't work properly whenever there's unselected media on other tracks, to name but a couple.

Doesn't more work go into testing before releasing to the public?
Mike, you wrote "We do not assign them to the arrow keys by default because that would interfere with stepping the playhead." That argument is nonsense IMO. Rather than offer new shortcuts that are mutually incompatible with current arrow key functions, as you point out, why not respect existing workflows and simply continue to allow arrow keys to function differently based on what the user is doing at that given moment?

It should be so simple and self evident:
EG layer(s) selected in Program Monitor = arrow keys move selected layer(s)
Nothing selected in Program Monitor = arrow keys act according to their shortcut assignments (move playhead forward/back, jump to previous/next edit, etc)

Why didn't the Pr team see the simplicity, logic and downright convenience for end users of those options above? Did the Pr team cop out on this one because it was easier to program this way, rather than putting in the work to make it work as users would hope/expect?

Sorry if I sound overly critical, but at some point users need to speak up and say enough with the nonsense already. 😞 BTW, I only speak up about this and so many other issues because I care more about Pr and seeing it work properly than most users ever will.




New Here ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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URGENT: I require a folder where I can clearly see where my essential graphic Adobe Stock Templates are stored so I can access them for both video and audio for use in Premier Pro. Currently when I want to purchase or download a free or paid Essential Graphic template, I don't know where it is being stored so I can use it. I have a full Creative Cloud Adobe Pro membership. I click the download button and can't see the download. I have gone to the commons folder and nothing is there.

Please assist ASAP.


Jeanette Jones
+61 439 521 366




Enthusiast ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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jeanette jones - sounds like a whole separate conversation, not sure why you are raising that in this thread? Try checking the CC libraries within apps if you bought it in creative cloud, or if you bought from a third party website, check your downloads folder. Either way, maybe do some more research, and if it's still a problem, raise a new support ticket / feature request so that your request gets the attention it deserves. Posting on a random thread rarely gets you anywhere.

Regards, aTomician




Adobe Employee ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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Hi Jeanette,

This is a totally valid place to come to for clarity on your sorting options, and I'm happy to help offer a few tips to help you get back on track. We try to help on these threads as often as we can.

When you download or license a mogrt from the Essential Graphics Panel in Premiere Pro, a copy of those mogrts get stored in your Local Templates Folder. These are visible in the Browse tab when you filter by "Local."

The best advice I can give you though is to sort that view by "Recent." There is a little icon at the bottom of the Esential Graphics Panel in the middle that allows you to sort by Alphabetical or Recent. I find this to be super helpful.

If you want to find the actual .mogrt files on disk, the folder is here:
On Mac: /username/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Motion Graphics Templates

On Win: /Users/username/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Common/Motion Graphics Templates

Alternatively, if you want to keep things managed even further, you can use the "Manage Additional Folders" option in the hamburger menu of the EGP. This allows you to move collections of Mogrts into specific folders and create custom pathways to those folders, locally or on a server.

It might be more helpful to download the Mogrts from the Adobe Stock website on a browser and choose where you want your files downloaded to if you go this route.

Lastly, you can always save your licensed Mogrts to a CC Library and manage collections in that manner as well.

Hope that is helpful and that you can get back on track.

- Dacia Saenz, AE & PR Engineering Teams




Adobe Employee ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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Oh one more thing, Jeanette...
Another alternative to return to having a more traditional folder structure is to install Premiere Composer.

Mr. Horse makes this really rad free plug-in that comes with a ton of free Mogrts, but most importantly has a panel that organizes your content, including Mogrts into a more traditional folder structure.

Mr. Horse is an incredible 3rd-party developer and has a long track record of making complimentary tools for After Effects and Premiere Pro.

Hope this helps!



- Dacia Saenz, AE & PR Engineering Teams




Participant ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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I just don’t understand the refusal and pushback from Adobe against the users on this. We need a folder option for our workflows!

Similar to Annette Rays (from 2 years ago!) my group is using hundreds of .mogrt files for some shows and within that some we have a choice to use and some we don’t. So it would be really, really useful if we could say have a main folder for each show, then sub folders for things we can choose from and things we can’t like the main body and lower thirds for example. .mogrt files are great and we love them, but it’s becoming to unwieldy sometimes to practically use in the current form.

But for some reason we seem to just be told to use the hamburger menu that doesn’t let us sub-folder things and in the end just makes a list so long it’s no more clear to use than the regular mess. I work with 6 other editor and all of us just want a folder structure we can tailor to our individual workflows here. And we shouldn’t have to rely on a 3rd part plugin that you have to register for and may or may not work after each update for a workaround.

Just please give us the freedom to organize the essential graphics panel they way that works best for each of us… and yea that’s a folder option!




Enthusiast ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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I totally agree. I have just finished a 2 hours conversation with Adobe tech support trying to find out why's this simple and logical feature isn't there in 15.4.1. I just don't understand why it's missing in a product of 2021. Starting to get a deja-wu with Windows 3.1...



