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Provide Handles for "Edit Clip in Audition" render and replace, as well as file path options

Engaged ,
May 02, 2023 May 02, 2023

Copy link to clipboard


When sending edited clips from a Premiere timeline into Audition, the only option I'm aware of is to use the "Edit Clip in Audition" feature, while selecting the clips you want in the timeline (labeled Yellow below)


Edit Clip in Audition.PNG


This feature would be far more usefull to Editors and Sound Designers if the user could specify handles for the output, as can be done in the "Render and Replace" feature (Which by the way does not seem to allow the user to specify audio only file types such as .wav, even after attempting to import a preset -pictured below).


Render & Replace.PNG

The reason is that it does not even seem to calculate audio crossfade handles, ensuring that the files are very infllexible to work witn, and cannot accomadate any revisions/ edits, once back in a premiere sequence.

Edit Clip in Audition-exracted no handles.PNG


The curent workflow for what I'm doing are as follows:

(A manual Noise Reduction with the tools in Audition, on the interview clips used in a sequence) 

Duplicate the clips in question and paste into another sequence/ at the end of your sequence;

select the clips;


envoke "render and replace", with handles added, and wait the considerable amount of time it takes to render out MXF/video files;


Locate the files on your drive and import them into Audition;


Convert them to mono tracks, delete the 3 out of 4 tracks you dont want (keeping the Lav/Boom track);


Run your NR pass on each mono track required, and close/save the files in Audition;


In premiere, locate the MXF/video clips generated by Render And Replace, modify the interpret footage/audio mapping to 1 track mono;


Replace Footage, specifying the NR Mono clips that you have saved out of Audition;


Make a duplicate sequence in Premiere with an "NR" suffix, and paste the exported+NR clips into right spot in your sequence (... or dupe the sequence first and work directly on the clips in place I suppose);








Idea No status
Editing and playback , Interoperability or 3rd party tools , Sound , User experience or interface






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