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Proxy match audio After user adjustment

Engaged ,
Feb 27, 2023 Feb 27, 2023

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With people more recently discovering they can work remotely, proxies are very important. With a remote workflow, you'll discover that there is a distinct use for 2 types of proxies. One would be h.265. Cut your bitrate down to 1.5 and now you can send 2 days worth of shoots to an editor. BUT, you can't make proxies in h.264/h.265 for So many pieces of footage because of the audio format. 


First off, if original footage has no audio, Please Please ignore a mismatch in audio? It's not going to make a bit of difference, even if someone goes to change the volume. It's blank. Great, moving on...No one wants to have to make Another ingest preset just for the same footage where the camera didn't record any audio.


And for another suggestion, let me make proxies based on how I've interpreted the footage, rather than what the original was. I got some Canon footage wrapped as MXF and it was recorded as 4 channel. The audio came out fine, so I don't need the camera audio at all. Just to clean up the timeline, I reduced that to just the mic channel. (which again would have a mismatch because it's mono, so thanks again for not giving us a way to make proxies that aren't proRes easier___that's sarcasm)


Once I've reduced the number of audio channels, the proxy could Now match. But that's not how Premiere works. It Could just tell the user, audio doesn't match original, but matches the current audio format. If you change the audio format for the clip the proxy can no longer be used. Fine, that's perfectly fine, so long as you provide a way to attach it again. 


If you're adjusting the proxy workflow also, one Great feature would be to allow us to do things like change resolution by percentage or one side, rather than absolutes. I have to make presets for 16:9, 17:9, 4:3

, etc.? That Sucks! It would be So much better to specify height as 1080, and that's it. Or specify 25% and it would just be sized down. Of course, I would also want the addition of a minimum which adds settings, but this could be an "advanced" option. I'd like to say 25% with a minimum height of 720. So normal 16:9 footage would never be smaller than 1280x720 in that example. 

For audio, it would just match settings, other than you being able to specify the bitrate. As an added bonus, if you choose h.265 and Premiere is demanding 8 channels of audio, just add mp3 files as sidecar files! There are solutions to getting proxies really small. h.265 on current nvidia cards is really smooth, and making really small proxies lets you go through footage remotely. Once you get to choosing footage you can download your higher quality proxies for color grading, detailed masking, etc. But those are often larger than originals, but smoother to edit, although again....newer graphics cards (on PC at least) don't even need proxies just for smoothness anymore. A 3080 Ti gets a little tangled up in 8k raw from RED camera here and there, but for the most part, I sometimes forget that I left the proxy button turned off for a while if my program window is small enough to not notice the quality shift. 

For many of us, proxies are to make things smaller. 


Please make some adjustments to the proxy system. I would Love to just set a few settings for h.265 and have that proxy setup work for Any format footage. I'd even set a high quality one for yuv422 intraframe......if AME let us choose that. That format is visually indistinguishable from ProRes at a fraction of the size. It's supported, so it's a shame that Adobe doesn't let us select it. Of course, 4 channel audio can also be supported, and I think AME even had that as an option but it went away in maybe 2019? Now we just get mono, stereo, and 5.1

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