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Capturing VHS via Canopus ADVC-110

Engaged ,
Dec 09, 2018 Dec 09, 2018

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Was capturing into Media Composer just fine with Canopus using a fire wire however now that I am using Premiere CC I am having capture problems. I was able to somehow capture a full two hour VHS and saved but can not longer repeat the process.

I have shut down hard drive upload and closed out running programs but nothing seems to work. All dip switches are set right, I can hear the audio playing every time but no video.

VCR composite into Canopus and fire wire into computer.

I have ordered a Blackmagic Design Intensity Shuttle from B&H and they say that will work without problems but I would like to capture this today. Any thoughts?

I have tried this from another forum but the sequence did not help.

I have a bit different set up than you do, but I’m sure the pattern is still somewhat similar. - I’m a Windows person and I use Adobe CS5, but the app is basically the same. Well, this is how I did it:

1. Set up the Canopus WITHOUT turning it on. Check, if all of the tiny switches on its bottom are set correctly. If you use PAL VHS, set everything up accordingly (read the manual how).

2. Create a new project in PPro. Choose the format etc. I used DV PAL, 48 kHz.

3. Open the project; on the top menu go to Edit->Preferences->Device Control->Canopus->ADVC 100. It works perfectly for ADVC 110. And MAKE SURE you marked here ONE MORE TIME the same standard as during the first set up – PAL or NTSC. Click OK. Close the project.

4. Now prepare you VHS player. Find the spot you’ll want to record the tape from. Press pause.

5. Turn the Canopus on (aka connect the FW cord). It should trigger PPro. Open the project you’ve just created. Press F5. You’ll see the frame from your VHS player on the Capture screen. Feel free to begin your successful recording. )))))

By the way, I use a devoted FW card and the Grass Valley AC adapter. I wanted to make sure that I prevented all possible glitches. Maybe, all this wasn’t even necessary, but I didn’t want to take chances; I was seriously tired of all those conundrums.

Windows 10 64-bit
Gigabyte Z490 AORUS Ultra Intel
LGA 1200 ATX Motherboard
Intel I9-10900K CPU@3.70GHz
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Super
& NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Dec 09, 2018 Dec 09, 2018

I have the Canopus ADVC-300 and have the same issues as you have. Canopus shipped the ADVC-300 with a small application named Picture Controller and if i launch it and click on the preview button i see video in Premiere Pro. Sometimes i must open the preview in Canopus Picture Controller and click on the Play button in the Capture panel inside Premiere Pro. Sometimes just clicking the Play button in the Capture panels does the trick.

So the issue is not a graphic card or driver issue. I have seen



Engaged ,
Dec 09, 2018 Dec 09, 2018

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Just noticed when I stop recording the video is there in the bin and I can put in on the timeline...then it shows but not when recording.

I guess it's the graphics card maybe there is a driver update.

Windows 10 64-bit
Gigabyte Z490 AORUS Ultra Intel
LGA 1200 ATX Motherboard
Intel I9-10900K CPU@3.70GHz
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Super
& NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650




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Community Expert ,
Dec 09, 2018 Dec 09, 2018

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I have the Canopus ADVC-300 and have the same issues as you have. Canopus shipped the ADVC-300 with a small application named Picture Controller and if i launch it and click on the preview button i see video in Premiere Pro. Sometimes i must open the preview in Canopus Picture Controller and click on the Play button in the Capture panel inside Premiere Pro. Sometimes just clicking the Play button in the Capture panels does the trick.

So the issue is not a graphic card or driver issue. I have seen this for years on different computers and with a load of different graphic cards.

I have uploaded Picture Controller to my OneDrive so you can download it and test it: Canopus Picture Controller

Unzip the file and run PCtrl300.exe. I included the readme file as well.

My gut feeling says that the PCtrl300.exe won´t "talk" to the ADVC-110 but it can be worth trying. Report back with your findings since it would be interesting to see if it works.

If it doesn´t work, use ScenalyzerLive to capture your videos. It´s free these days and it has no problems with displaying video from FireWire: ScenalyzerLive Page




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Engaged ,
Dec 09, 2018 Dec 09, 2018

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  Canopus Picture Controller won't install can not find ADVC-300. I did not try the ScenalyzerLive as I am getting the Blackmagic Design Intensity Shuttle soon. Thanks I think your right it's not a graphics card problem.

Windows 10 64-bit
Gigabyte Z490 AORUS Ultra Intel
LGA 1200 ATX Motherboard
Intel I9-10900K CPU@3.70GHz
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Super
& NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650




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Community Expert ,
Dec 09, 2018 Dec 09, 2018

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I use this instead of Premiere Pro with my Canopus:





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Engaged ,
Dec 09, 2018 Dec 09, 2018

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Says camcorder not recognized. I have the Canopus fire wired in but it won't show up. I guess if I am going to be doing this for clients I should be the Blackmagic.

Windows 10 64-bit
Gigabyte Z490 AORUS Ultra Intel
LGA 1200 ATX Motherboard
Intel I9-10900K CPU@3.70GHz
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Super
& NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650




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