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Legacy titles not working with new update (Premiere)

New Here ,
Apr 23, 2020 Apr 23, 2020

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Ever since the new update last week, premieres legacy titles no longer work with the reccomended GPU acceleration (metal) Render it only works with software only but when i change to software only some of my preset transitons dont work because they require GPU acceleration. Anyone else having this problem and it adobe planing on fixing this?




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Community Expert ,
Apr 23, 2020 Apr 23, 2020

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legacy titles are legacy.  they've been replaced with new tools that work fine...  If you have an old project, stay in the version in which they were created.  If you're starting a new project, learn the new tools.  




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Explorer ,
Oct 04, 2020 Oct 04, 2020

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I had created titles in an earlier version, and discovered difficulties when editing credits after upgrading. Going back would not be easy as much work had/has been done in this current version. Therefore, staying in the earlier version, where much of the work has been upgraded, is not viable. I can't see an easy conversion for an onerous task. I'm open to suggestions.




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Oct 04, 2020 Oct 04, 2020

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Unfortunately, the Legacy Titler is some of the older code still in Premiere. There wasn't direct way to match things from that to the new graphics "engine" (code) so it's frustrating but there isn't an easy way to migrate things.


They've carried the Legacy Titler through three versions ... three years ... of updated program versions. None of us knows how much longer they'll include it. And yea ... that means rebuilding things. Wish there was another option.






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Explorer ,
Oct 31, 2020 Oct 31, 2020

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Unfortunately its not always that simple.




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Nov 01, 2020 Nov 01, 2020

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I didn't say it was simple, nor can I see when looking at any response in this thread, that I ever even implied it. It's an absolute pain there isn't some automated way to move things forward. But that's in the nature of the change from a a very early code for graphics work, that as I've been told, was cadged together to get things done that the then-code wasn't really designed to do.


"Pretty amazing what they got out of that code, really ... but pretty incomprehensible to look at it now and figure out what and how it worked." Even when they've had a couple old staffers look back at that code, they can't remember what they did and how they used it.


We're several generations of code design and construction later, with current code having no correlation in the older code. And it was built so long ago there aren't even any current staffers left from when that original code was built. There are sections of it that well, were put together ... oddly ... they got X done all right, but technically, it shouldn't have worked that way. So the work-arounds the engineers back then did to get functionality the code supposedly didn't allow, actually make it more difficult to figure out now even what perzactly they did.


The current engineers and their supervisors were very aware from the get-go in designing the new graphics 'engine' that this lack of forward-migration capability was going to be a HUGE problem for many of their biggest clients. Premiere is used for a ton of major network/broadcast things. Shops with hundreds of licenses. They have their own massive libraries of graphics. And telling them they were going to have to re-create everything was not a joy.


For those of us that are in small or one-person shops (like moi) ... yea, it's still a pain. But I long ago simply gave up on carrying forward the old Titler, and went about replacing things. So for me, the pain was all a couple years ago.


You can get through it. And I know some have said well if "Adobe" won't fix this they'll move to another app. Fine, there's other tools/hammers out there, and competition is a good thing.


However ... that means not only dumping all of your current graphics, but spending a ton of time and effort getting up to speed on a new app's processes & workflows. Which again is fine, but ... it's a ton more work than simply learning the new graphics in Premiere and replacing your old ones.


That is the pair of options you have, and yes, I wish there was another. But either to replace your oldy moldy (in code) graphics or learn a completely new app while replacing all your oldy moldy graphics.


There's some pain either way, I do understand. Already been through that here.






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Explorer ,
Nov 02, 2020 Nov 02, 2020

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Well thanks Neil - that was quite an account of the process, and yes, it fits very well with the whole ongoing story of retrospective compatibility with things cyber. I did find a temporary fix by exporting the (two) pieces of incompatible pieces of credits as media - the older piece being a scroll of names and functions, and the newer being an After Effects creation of the major credits - and then combining them. It still doesn't look quite right, but it's allowed me to move on. I'll have to come back to it.


Ken M




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Nov 02, 2020 Nov 02, 2020

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I've been running computers in my business since what, '87 or '88? In that time, three or four times, we've had to junk our accounting data. We could keep it running on an computer in a particular OS and program to be able to produce reports & reference things, but had to switch to a new app with new ways of doing things and couldn't simply transfer data. And after say four years, just say buh-bye and shut it down.


INCREDIBLY annoying.


I've had cool setups in database apps. But then, that app is 'deprecated' as the makers either shut down or were bought out by someone else to shut it down. And had to migrate what we could. Finally gave up on database apps.


Computers have been and are awesome for so much, yet the life of working with them also comes with PAIN.


And I've got a brand new 24 core 128GB/RAM computer sitting here for two weeks cause I haven't had the time to take the couple days to 'do the dance' ... migrate me to this one, migrate the missus & her stills businsess to the old one, retire a different computer. That time has to be found soon. And I HATE transferring computers ....






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Explorer ,
Nov 15, 2020 Nov 15, 2020

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A couple of days ago i fixed my issue with Legacy Titles. I took the various advice given in this thread and moved on, which is to say I discontinued use of Legacy Titles. I was able to copy the (long) list of credits into a Simpletext file and paste them sectionally (ie via segments) into the new text vehicle. All up that took one session of me sitting here doing that - a ocuple of hours with tweats and modifications. Compared to the hours I spent hair-pulling trying to make it work, trying to save time and not be copying text - it was a breath of fresh air. Updating Premiere Pro proved to be more complicated than I expected, it was a little bit like wandering into an old mine field.

Given the complications I encountered, and other testimonials in this thread from users more experienced that me, I would say Legacy Titles should have been taken out of circulation by Adobe. Maybe they could make an announcement with suggested ways of working around it, like the one included herein. 





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New Here ,
Jun 20, 2021 Jun 20, 2021

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I believe we all know what legacy means. Plus, staying in a previous version (perhaps years old) is really not practical.

So, I'll try to restate the question in a different way: will new versions of Adobe Premiere work with legacy titles. Or must I replace every legacy title with new one.


Background: I am re-editing older productions with updated information and don't really want to re-do each and every one. By the way, the legacy titles work fine as well.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 20, 2021 Jun 20, 2021

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Actually, I've got CS5.5 on one system and CCfrom 2017 on up on a couple of systems.  No question, eventually these will no longer dependably work (don't get me started on Encore), but it's unrealistic to expect Adobe to support legacy titles ad infinitum.   They're a company and these sort of decisions are driven by the bottom line.

So even if Adobe pledges to continue to support Legacy title in perpetuity, I don't think you can depend on it.

Can't tell you how many valuable things Apple has dropped and made unusable in newer OS's.   





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Jun 20, 2021 Jun 20, 2021

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New Here ,
Jun 20, 2021 Jun 20, 2021

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Thanks Ann, appreciate pointing me to this link! May save me many hours of work!!





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Jun 20, 2021 Jun 20, 2021

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It would be ever so much nicer if there was a complete way to simply "port" all Legacy-created titles/graphics to mogrts, but this is far better than nothing.


And now that they've made it, I'm putting my request in the "office betting pool" time slot chart that Legacy Titler will disamapear in the first 2022 series release. Sigh.


We still need two things at least with the EGP/mogrts system: ability to simply and completely store any mogrt in a project file, and a shape library.






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New Here ,
May 06, 2020 May 06, 2020

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what are the new tools?




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May 06, 2020 May 06, 2020

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Adobe Employee ,
May 06, 2020 May 06, 2020

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FYI, there is a known issue using legacy TItles with GPU Rendrerer in Premiere Pro 14.1. This issue is already fixed in Premiere Pro 14.2 Beta (build 24+). Until 14.2 ships, possible workarounds include using Essential Graphics (mentioned by others in this post), switching to Software Only Renderer or going back to Premiere Pro 14.0.4.


More information can be found in the FAQ: https://community.adobe.com/t5/premiere-pro/faq-how-to-solve-low-level-exception-error-after-updatin...




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Community Expert ,
May 06, 2020 May 06, 2020

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Essential graphics are great, but can be daunting.  Just select the text tool and start typing in the program monitor with the playhead approximately where you want the title to start and a text clip will be created superimposed over the underlying video.    Don't worry if the type size is too big or too small cause you can use the effects controls to adjust many many parameters.    I'm sure there are many tutorials available, but it's fairly intuitive.




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Adobe Employee ,
May 18, 2020 May 18, 2020

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FYI, the fix for legacy Titles with GPU Renderer is in Premiere Pro 14.2, which just shipped.


What's new and fixed in PPro 14.2:






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Guide ,
Oct 04, 2020 Oct 04, 2020

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A lot of people have mentioned valid reasons why they still use Legacy Titler. About every ten days people post about needing DVDs and Blu-rays. I hope Adobe is not turning a blind eye to the comments. The Legacy Titler still has several advantages over the EGP. The fact that I cannot put the EGP titles in a bin is a deal breaker.


This video demonstrates the metadata capabilities of the legacy titling system over the essential graphics panel (EGP). If you agree with my comments let Adobe know. I have left the links. https://community.adobe.com https://www.adobe.com/products/wishform.html ...




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Community Expert ,
Oct 05, 2020 Oct 05, 2020

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I agree that it would be nice to be able to drag a title from the timeline to a bin, but as a workaround, you can just put your titles in a sequence and let the sequence live in your "graphics" bin.  It's then a simple process to copy and paste from this sequence into another sequence and make whatevere changes you want.  I always found the legacy title tool a royal pain.  Although sometimes the new way of editing titles seems overly complicated, it is incredibly flexible.  I usually don't deel with the egt, but just select the text tool, and click in the program monitor to create a text clip.




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Oct 05, 2020 Oct 05, 2020

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I always felt like I was back in Win3.11 with the Legacy Titler. And I liked that OS a lot better than working in the Titler. But we're all different ...


For most things, the EGP is a lot more useful for me, even if not every part of it is "intuitive". There's a lot of things you can do fairly quickly/easily if you know how, but they aren't obvious that you'd do it that way. They need better documentation for it.


I understand liking bins for everything. But between the graphics folders and libraries, I have no trouble having them available in anything I work on or give them to others I may work with.






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Community Beginner ,
May 18, 2021 May 18, 2021

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What is happening with this? The Adobe Help page says that the legacy titler does not yet have a discontinue date, and that Adobe is working on a conversion utility. Where is it? My 2 year old projects with the Legacy titler do not display any text at all. Even when double-clicked to open the titler, no text shows, so how am I supposed to recreate them in the new titler? (which I don't like, after months of use)




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Community Expert ,
May 19, 2021 May 19, 2021

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updates often require better system specs.  you can check to see if your system meets the requirements here


Please tell us your system specs: OS version, Premiere version, amount of RAM, Hardware specs including graphics card.  

in the meantime, you might try creating a new premiere project and importing the project with the problematic legacy titles




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Community Expert ,
May 19, 2021 May 19, 2021

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Message appears in 15.2 and the beta version.






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