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I have been experiencing problems over the past couple of days with Premiere projects losing the in and out points to all the clips on the timeline when I relink media. This makes all my sequences unusable. I have made sure to have the Align Timecode and Preserve interpret footage settings checked when linking. At first I thought it might be a change in compatibility with BRAW Studio but it does not happen to every clip and it does not happen to one singular video format. I have this problem on every file type I have tried; R3D, BRAW and CRAW. I have also had this problem on three separate PCs. I can export using Encoder directly with no problems but as soon as I open in Premiere I get the same problem. What’s changed? Has the latest update changed some settings somewhere? Any help gratefully received.
1 Correct answer
If people are having this issue recently with Premiere Pro 2023, Adobe seemed to have fixed it in 23.5, see here -
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Can you test with a new project?
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Hi Peter,
Yes if I creat a new project set a bunch of in and outs then make media offline - relink and the ins and outs are lost even without closing the application.
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Hey Kevin. This is really becoming a major problem for me. I've had to retime my timeline cuts three times now because I work off of an SSD and will eject it and plug it back in frequently. Can this please please PLEASE be fixed soon?
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Did you find a solution?
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Hi Kevin I just upgraded to Premiere Pro 2023 and now I'm experiencing this problem. Can someone fix this for real... please? I have to get an edit out now and I don't want to have to drive for hours to go back to my office just to do 5 minutes of work because of an Adobe bug that has been arround for 3 years (?) now. What is the fix? Please!
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This is an old thread, addressing what I assume is a different problem with related symptoms. Or is your problem re Autokroma?
See this
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Clay Grier
Sr. Video Editor/Production
Life Science Communications
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I am experiencing this now too, Clay, and hoping to find the asnwer somewhere in these threads! Incredibly frustrating to lode all of the in/out points this late into an edit!
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I am also experiencing this issue now. Our second editor gave me her project files incl. assets, and it's usually just a quick process of opening it up on my PC, quickly pointing to the path of the media files (it usually asks, because of file location differences) and done. However, today when I opened her project, all the cut points in her edit shifted to the beginning of each clip. Extremely frustrating, and very worrying.
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I'm dealing with this on my team as well. Hoping to find a solution soon!
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Turns out it has to do with transcribed clips in v23.4. Best option is to revert to 23.3 or use a .xml from the original machine.
View the fixes here:
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Experiencing the same issues. Thanks for this. Everyday I waste so much time fighting Adobe Premiere, such a piece of junk.
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Thanks so much! For anyone reading, instead of reverting to 23.3, updating to 23.5 fixed the issue since they included the fixes in that update.
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I'm running 23.5 on Mac and I had this problem when using network drives that sometimes would use different names due to different subnets at the same time. I use a laptop with 10gb and sometimes will roam using wifi.
For Example:
MediaDrive would become MediaDrive-1
Accessing media through MediaDrive-1 caused the in and out issue and using the original network mount name resolved it.
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Yes I have tried the Align Timecode checked and unchecked. It’s a serious problem for me right now with large projects that will take days to correct by hand waiting to go to clients. If I spend the time going back through and changing it by hand I’m worried that I’ll find myself in the exact same problem when I need to move the project.
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Yes this works. The in and out points are correct after importing from the XML. If I then unlink the project again and use the normal Premiere link the problem reoccurs so there is something wrong in that department. The XML route means I lose all my grade and plugins which makes it hard to use on larger projects.
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It seems that Premiere Pro has this bug since 14.0 version.
See this uservoice we created to ask them to correct this problem, you can upvote and this will give more weight !
Also we made an article about this :
Nicolas from Autorkoma
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Hi. I figured out the problem. It's Hard Drive Drive letters. So if you working on the project, and the drive you working on is Drive E: , wherever you move your footage to, the drive has to be E: as well. Usually drive letters change if you are using an External Drive, so this will cause this bug. So just change the Drive letter untill you get to the one that works. I've had this problem twice and this is how I fixed it on both occasions.
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How do you change the letter of the drive?
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bumping this solution as this worked on my end. Having the same issue but when I changed back the drive letter to the previous path, it worked.
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Thanks so much @UncleScrooch. This worked a treat on Mac also. I changed the name of the drive to the name of the drive I'd had linked previously and worked amazing!
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After digging we found that it was happening when relinking footages when the media path changed.
So we implemented a tool to relocate your project footages easily available in the BRAW Studio Panel.
Here is an article for more information :
Nicolas from Autokroma
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When I relink the media, it shifts to the first frame. So I tried using the Automatic Tool in the BRAW Studio Panel but it doesn't say there are any issues. Please help!
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Using the 2019 version didn't fix it either.

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