Revisit MXF import to Premiere Pro CS6
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Hi Everybody,
This maybe too much for asking something old, but I am hopeful to get a helpful - if not an excellent - answer.
I am new in this highend MXF import in Premiere CS6 and had been using 'Quicktime .mov' files into my church volunteer projects. Premiere user since 2002.
Anyway, I am moving to the next-level so I affiliated to a Veteran (*most of us anyway!) group/film *crew up in Northern Los Angeles (I am from further south - enough said!). I accepted to tackle the 'pro bono' post-editing task (mainly I want ) for a shortfilm film-thesis, and I did even volunteer as PA during production - I'm just in to have "production credit" involvement to add under my belt.
So the DP captured the video footages from Sony F55, and audio wav files was captures from another source. We transferred all video and audio into a new external hard-drive. Capture format is 1080p!
Now the details:
All I've been getting in green when I drag the MXF into the timeline.
I have tried presets relevant to this Sony F55 captures with 1080p (xml file indicates AVC100BG_1920_1080H422IP@41 shot in 23.98p --
1) AVC-Intra > 1080p > " AVC-I 100 1080 24"
2) XDCAM** EX > same > "XDCAM EX 1080p24 HQ" (** same derivatives)
3) X**... HD422 > same > "X... HD422 ---- non HQ"
4) X**... HD > same > "X... HD"
5) I also downloaded "PLAD-RW1_v1.2_forWin", and it only gave me a new preset as SONY Raw (4K)
6) Now I learned that AVC-Intra is a Panasonic-origin codec, so I tried the DVPro50 and HD presets
None of them helps
Hardware and OS info:
Windows 7 with i3-2120 core***
Quadro K4000
8GB RAM (can't further upgrade)
*** I never encountered any problem with this CPU, but have an option to upgrade with i5-2400
And I don't have good options to upgrade yet to CC with requires upper-end hardware upgrades.
Any help is appreciated... Thank you!
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Post screenshot of clip in Mediainfo in treeview.
Your machine most likely cannot handle the footage.
Dont bother upgrading to an i5.
Get at least an i7 and CC.
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Could try changing mxf to mpg extention.
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I appreciate your response. I'll try to research that method of conversion. However, it wouldn't hurt sharing 'mxf to mpg' transfer while I'm searching - I may not find what I'm looking for.
I was going to invest in getting Content Browser 2 since Sony is mainstream, but apps seems heading the other way around (ie m4 to mxf) converting - I could be wrong. Thanks again!
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Dont convert just change the extention.