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Since recent Android update, Rush only showing black screen when I import a video. Audio fine. Anyone else?
2 Correct answers
Black screen issue is fixed after I updated the app with new version
Thanks, Kevin! I turned off all HDR settings on the clips before importing them into Rush, and it worked. I’m relieved this solved the issue, but it would be great to see Rush upgraded to support HDR and other settings seamlessly. Thanks again, Kevin!
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Same issue here
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I'm trying to edit a project, and I can see the video tracks and hear the audio but the monitor is blank.
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I'm having this exact issue on android. I noticed it 2 or 3 days ago. Nothing I do has any effect, like reinstalling., etc.
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I use Rush Pro to export various travel vlog since 2 months. I encounted many issues with the app but this one is major and new. I have been working on a specific video since many days. I just finished my project yesterday afternoon without exporting it. I work on a Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra.
When I came back to export my project, the project was there but seems like each video files cannot be read (despite the fact that everything was working all weel 4 hours sooner). Where I should see a preview of each videos, it's all blank (see picture attached). I tried to export but I have an error message. My project and all others I have in the app can't be properly read. I tried to start a new project just to see, and same thing. I can select files but when the project is created, nothing can be read. All files are blank spaces.
Someone has encounter this type of problem? It's pretty frustating to pay for a product that does this kind of bug...
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S24 Ultra, even the sample media point has the audio, the video is not showing.
As Juan2724729675ws just stated, 4 years and no resolution. Might be time to find a new app
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Any solution for this?
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Same issue, have read countless separate threads about this being an issue that began today. Any clue if there is any resolution!?
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Having the same issue. Even with the provided sample media, the video is not showing but the audio works fine.
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in the future, to find the best place to post your message, use the list here,
p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post (like this one has already been moved) if it helps you get responses.
<"moved from using the community">
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Thank you for this, but using rushes when you're out and about to cut something quickly together is what I found so appealing. I've uninstalled and reinstalled this morning and still can't get it to work. I'll have to use Cap-cut until I can sort something else out. It's fine if you have your laptop, but if you only have your phone to work from, it's a bit much to go through all this. Thank you everybody for responding.
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Es gibt Fehlermeldungen beim Hochladen von Fotos.
Woran könnte das liegen?
Ich hab natürlich schon aktualisiert, neu installiert, ... aber nichts hilft.
Hat jemand eine Idee?
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in the future, to find the best place to post your message, use the list here,
p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post (like this one has already been moved) if it helps you get responses.
<"moved from using the community bugs">
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Hi @TiR_24,
Edit: Update Rush. A new version fixes the problem.
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Guten Morgen,
vielen Dank für die Antwort.
Ich habe es gleich mit mehreren Fotos versucht und durch den Photoshop geschickt, funktioniert leider noch immer nicht.
In der App sieht es dann so aus: siehe Anhang.
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The app has stopped displaying video previews
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This is what happened to me this morning. I reinstalled it but still tje same thing. I don't know if this is an upgrade problem. I ended up using caput this morning, because nothing else was working.
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Estou capturando áudio e vÃdeo e só tá indo pra edição VIDEO! Por que isso?
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Isso pro programa HUSH
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bonjour a tous
je ne parviens plus a visualiser une image en format mp4 ou JPEG sur l'application RUSH mobile android
savez vous pourquoi ?
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@Kevin-Monahan With this issue, I deinstalled and reinstalled the app on my Samsung Tablet yesterday in an attemp to make it work. Before to deinstall it, I exported the back logs of my projects on my Google Drive. I did reinstall the new version this morning but my projects are gone. How can I retrive my projects with the back logs?
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Hi @MaggieCP,m
Thanks for the message. I am unsure about that. I just asked the team for you. I hope it's OK that a response may take some time. Sorry about that. Hope all else is well.
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I downloaded Premier Rush for my iPhone 13 Pro Max and just started getting into the editing progress when all my videos started to only play back black. I can still hear the sound and music I had added, but can't see the videos.
Is there any way to fix this or is the app just broken?
Appreciate any tips!
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Hi @azunkm,
Edit: Update Rush. A new version fixes this issue.
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Perfekt chat support this morning 😡 "de- and reinstall the app, than it should work". Now adobe published and update which fixed the problem. All projects are lost now. Thx adobe 😡.