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RH 2017 responsive help, broken links from external content search items using redirects in URL

Community Beginner ,
May 13, 2019 May 13, 2019

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I previously set up a set of external content search items that would return names/links to videos in search results of a help system (when users entered terms like 'video' in the search field, for example). The URL's associated with the videos use a redirect system value (our company has a database where I assign a URL to the redirect value). When I try to run those links from the search panel results, I get a browser php error message of file not found. Those same URL's are used successfully in other spots of my help system such as the table of contents. In those spots, the links succeed in running their destination URL -- in this case, the applicable video.

The only way I can get the videos to run from search results tied to external content search items is if I don't use the RDI version of their URL.

Anyone else use redirects in their URL's and have them function okay in the framework of search results and external content search? I want to be able to use the RDI version to aid in tracking use of the resource.

Example, this external content search items uses an RDI value and results in the file not found issue when I click the result in search panel. Last two images shows external search item that doesn't use any RDI. That functions fine when click the result in search panel.










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