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I am using the latest version of RH. I tried to use the built-in functionality for documentation localization and, without surprise, once again made sure that it did not work properly.
При импорте xliff файлов большая часть переведенного текста пропадает и не может быть найдена в переведенных документах.
Great, than we can solve this quickly 🙂
The translator needs to configure SDL Trados Studio in the project settings for pre-segmented files. This was missed when creating the Studio project, but luckily you can configure it even after the translatio is done.
In Studio, just choose Projects view > Home tab > Project Settings > File Types and select XLIFF. Select the Settings page. Now, deselect "Do not store segmentation information in the translated file".
Then export the XLIFF files from Stu
...Exactly. See the answer I just posted here. (Our posts crossed.)
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When importing xliff files, most of the translated text disappears and cannot be found in translated documents.
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To exlude that the XLIFF file was not completely or not correctly translated, you can open the translated XLIFF file in a simple text editor like Notepadd++ and scroll to the end. There you will find the translation units.
If the CAT tool the translator is using works correctly (or is configured correctly), than all <trans-units> should have a source element, the <seg-source> element with all the source language segments (<mrk> elements), and the <target> element with all the corresponding <mrk> elements with the translations.
It looks like this (simplified for better readability):
<trans-unit id= "1">
<source>This is the first sentence. This is the second sentence.</source>
<mrk mtype="seg" mid="1">This is the first sentence.</mrk>
<mrk mtype="seg" mid="2">This is the second sentence.</mrk>
<mrk mtype="seg" mid="1">Это первое предложение.</mrk>
<mrk mtype="seg" mid="2">Это второе предложение.</mrk>
Can you please check this and post a screenshot or te code from your translated XLIFF file?
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@AndreyGl, Thanks for the screenshot. However, I did not mean a screenshot of RoboHelp, but from the source code of the translated XLIFF file. Alternatively, you can copy a small snippet from the translated XLIFF file and paste it here.
Here's how to do it in a few simple steps:
1. open Windows "Editor" (aka "Notepad") or any other plain text editor.
2. open the *.xlf file in it.
3. search for <body>.
4. mark an exemplary translation unit, i.e. <trans-unit> to </trans-unit>. Copy it and paste it here in a post. It should look like the one in my post from earlier.
Then we can see how the XLIFF file was translated, and infer what went wrong with the translation.
Спасибо за скриншот. Однако я имел в виду скриншот не из RoboHelp, а из исходного кода переведенного XLIFF-файла. Как вариант, вы можете скопировать небольшой фрагмент из переведенного XLIFF-файла и вставить его сюда.
Вот как это сделать в несколько простых шагов:
Тогда мы сможем увидеть, как был переведен XLIFF-файл, и сделать вывод о том, что пошло не так при переводе.
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I try to upload the code here for the third time, but it gets deleted. This is how it looks to me right after loading.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xliff xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2 xliff-core-1.2-transitional.xsd" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" version="1.2">
<file original="contents/First_Topic.htm" datatype="plaintext" source-language="ru-RU" target-language="en-US">
<tool tool-id="6" tool-name="Adobe RoboHelp" />
<group restype="x-document-xhtml5" resname="RoboHelp Document">
<group id="/html[1]" resname="Html">
<group id="/html[1]/head[1]" resname="Head">
<trans-unit id="/html[1]/head[1]/title[1]" resname="Title">
<source xml:lang="ru-RU">
Первая тема
</source><target state="new">
<group id="/html[1]/body[1]" resname="Body">
<trans-unit id="/html[1]/body[1]/h1[1]" resname="Heading 1">
<source xml:lang="ru-RU">
Первая тема
</source><target state="new">
<trans-unit id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[3]" resname="Paragraph">
<source xml:lang="ru-RU">
Это первая тема вашего проекта.
Удалите этот текст и замените его своим.
Чтобы добавить новую тему, нажмите кнопку <g id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[3]/b[1]/" equiv-text="b" ctype="bold">Создать тему</g> на панели инструментов.
</source><target state="new">
<trans-unit id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[7]" resname="Paragraph">
<source xml:lang="ru-RU">
Чтобы узнать больше о редакторе, нажмите клавишу <g id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[7]/b[1]/" equiv-text="b" ctype="bold">F1</g> (курсор должен находиться на этой панели) и ознакомьтесь с соответствующим разделом справки.
</source><target state="new">
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Have you confirmed that you're doing this process correctly? I don't deal with localization, but don't recall anyone reporting that something wasn't working with it.
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Please clarify what you mean by "latest version". Sometimes people believe that to be true but we then find it isn't. You should be on 2020..6.
See Manual Translation. Are you saying the process is going wrong at that stage? Like @Jeff_Coatsworth I don't work with translation but the most likely cause at that stage would be something wrong with the XLIFF file.
I think on this one, unless someone familiar with translation steps in, your best bet would be Support. See for your Adobe Support options. The email link is recommended as it reaches a team dedicated to Technical Communication Suite products including RoboHelp.
See for free Authoring and RoboHelp Information
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Hello Peter,
The versionof my RH is 2020.6.76.
Trust me that when I write here all the manuals have already been read and many hours have been spent on various tests and trying to solve the problem on my own.
Unfortunately there is no support from technical support.
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Dear @AndreyGl, the support team and I are there to help you. You can always directly reach out to to connect with the Adobe Technical Communication Support team wich is specialized on RoboHelp and FrameMaker. Generally said, the more information and examples you can provide here or with the support team, the more likely we can find a solution for you.
Уважаемый Андрей,
мы с командой поддержки готовы помочь вам. Вы всегда можете напрямую обратиться по адресу, чтобы связаться с командой поддержки Adobe Technical Communication Support, которая специализируется на RoboHelp и FrameMaker. Как правило, чем больше информации и примеров вы сможете предоставить здесь или в службу поддержки, тем больше вероятность того, что мы сможем найти для вас решение.
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You can find my today appeal on this subject in this mailbox.
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Where? What mailbox? If you mean this thread, this is mostly a user to user forum, not Support. On this occasion you are fortunate that Stefan has stepped in.
See for free Authoring and RoboHelp Information
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The one listed on the official site [] and that you warmly recommended to me.
[image removed by moderator to protect private info]
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You can find my today appeal on this subject in this mailbox.
Only Adobe staff can see that.
See for free Authoring and RoboHelp Information
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@Stefan Gentz is an Adobe employee! He has a depth of knowledge in things like this.
I have just heard from someone saying quite the opposite of what you say about Support and I recently had to use them and found the same. How did you contact them?
See for free Authoring and RoboHelp Information
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It seems to me that this is not the case when rumors should be believed. Facts are stubborn.
I have personal statistics of requests and it doesn't give any hope.
By today I have probably used all possible communication methods.
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I am quoting facts, not rumours. I can't help you further on this one.
See for free Authoring and RoboHelp Information
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Psst, @AndreyGl, that's not a screenshot of your XLIFF file like @Stefan Gentz asked you to check. Try again to check what he's looking for.
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Plobably like this
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Yes, like this. Just please do not paste the whole XLIFF file content here. Just an example of one <trans-unit> 🙂
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But unfortunately, my reply disappeared, as well as part of the translated text.
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Here is body of my xliff:
<group restype="x-document-xhtml5" resname="RoboHelp Document">
<group id="/html[1]" resname="Html">
<group id="/html[1]/head[1]" resname="Head">
<trans-unit id="/html[1]/head[1]/title[1]" resname="Title">
<source xml:lang="ru-RU">
Первая тема
</source><target state="new">
<group id="/html[1]/body[1]" resname="Body">
<trans-unit id="/html[1]/body[1]/h1[1]" resname="Heading 1">
<source xml:lang="ru-RU">
Первая тема
</source><target state="new">
<trans-unit id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[3]" resname="Paragraph">
<source xml:lang="ru-RU">
Это первая тема вашего проекта.
Удалите этот текст и замените его своим.
Чтобы добавить новую тему, нажмите кнопку <g id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[3]/b[1]/" equiv-text="b" ctype="bold">Создать тему</g> на панели инструментов.
</source><target state="new">
<trans-unit id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[7]" resname="Paragraph">
<source xml:lang="ru-RU">
Чтобы узнать больше о редакторе, нажмите клавишу <g id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[7]/b[1]/" equiv-text="b" ctype="bold">F1</g> (курсор должен находиться на этой панели) и ознакомьтесь с соответствующим разделом справки.
</source><target state="new">
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and after translation
<group restype="x-document-xhtml5" resname="RoboHelp Document">
<group id="/html[1]" resname="Html">
<group id="/html[1]/head[1]" resname="Head">
<trans-unit id="/html[1]/head[1]/title[1]" resname="Title">
<source xml:lang="ru-RU">
Первая тема
</source><target state="translated">
First topic
<group id="/html[1]/body[1]" resname="Body">
<trans-unit id="/html[1]/body[1]/h1[1]" resname="Heading 1">
<source xml:lang="ru-RU">
Первая тема
</source><target state="translated">
First topic
<trans-unit id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[3]" resname="Paragraph">
<source xml:lang="ru-RU">
Это первая тема вашего проекта.
Удалите этот текст и замените его своим.
Чтобы добавить новую тему, нажмите кнопку <g id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[3]/b[1]/" equiv-text="b" ctype="bold">Создать тему</g> на панели инструментов.
</source><target state="translated">
This is the first topic of your project.
Delete this text and replace it with your own.
To add a new topic, click the <g id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[3]/b[1]/" equiv-text="b" ctype="bold">New Topic</g> button on the toolbar.
<trans-unit id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[7]" resname="Paragraph">
<source xml:lang="ru-RU">
Чтобы узнать больше о редакторе, нажмите клавишу <g id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[7]/b[1]/" equiv-text="b" ctype="bold">F1</g> (курсор должен находиться на этой панели) и ознакомьтесь с соответствующим разделом справки.
</source><target state="translated">
To learn more about the editor, press <g id="/html[1]/body[1]/p[7]/b[1]/" equiv-text="b" ctype="bold">F1</g> (the cursor should be on this pane) and see the related Help topic.
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Okay, but even the translated XLIFF file is broken.
In your file it looks like this:
<trans-unit id="/html[1]/head[1]/title[1]" resname="Title">
<source xml:lang="ru-RU">Первая тема</source>
<target state="translated">First topic</target>
But it would need to look like this:
<trans-unit id="/html[1]/head[1]/title[1]" resname="Title">
<source xml:lang="ru-RU">Первая тема</source>
<mrk mtype="seg" mid="1">RoboHelp Test Document</mrk>
<target state="translated">
<mrk mtype="seg" mid="1">First topic</mrk>