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Hi everyone,
I'm wondering if it is allowed to submit AI-generated illustrations as vector graphics, and if so, if that would be preferred over submitting them as JPEGs and generally more sellable. In that case, the AI-generated image would first need to be converted into a vector graphic.
I tried the Adobe Stock search to check if there are such files on the site, however when clicking on "Generative AI Only", the option for vector graphics in the "subcategory" does not show up at all.
Would appreciate any guidance on this! Thanks!
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Adding Raster Photos to a vector is specifically listed as a Don't in the Adobe User Guide Vector Requirements
I'm not aware at this point if there are any A.I. programs that create vectors.
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Thanks for your response.
I'm not looking to add a raster photo to a vector, but to make a vector out of a png or jpeg photo created by the AI. There are softwares, including Illustrator, to convert a png/jpeg to vector, so the final result will be fully vectorized as a eps file, which all lines converted to paths.
However, when uploading the vector to Adobe Stock there is no checkbox to mark it as generative AI.
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Are you referring to using auto-trace to convert the raster images? That is also covered in the Vector Submission Requirements. It's always been considered best practice to manually trace elements of raster images so there are an appropiate number of anchor points.
At this point, I'm not aware of any official policy on the submission of vectors created with elements of A.I. generated content. I think there would be ethical concerns to the labeling of it though, so I would probably wait until Adobe decides on this. I have seen a similar question asked before, but about A.I. generated vectors which I don't believe any of the programs create yet. I do believe it is only a matter of time though.
Full disclosure, I'm a fellow contributor and not an Adobe Employee.
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Thanks so much for your response! That's really helpful to know!!
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I would strongly recommend abstaining from such assets, until Adobe allows them in their database: this risks you getting blocked! Banned for vectorizing generative AI
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Good to know! I wasn't aware that Adobe does not allow this practice, I couldn't find anything explicit about this in the submission guidelines on their website. Thanks for letting me know!
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You're welcome. There is effectively nothing about this in the rules. But the rules for generative AI exclude Vector graphics without saying this because (😞
In addition to the same quality standards that apply to all asset types, there are specific requirements you must adhere to when submitting generative AI images.
and (
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This is great info! Thanks @Abambo .
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You're welcome. Be sure to read also this: Banned for vectorizing generative AI