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Unlicense 2 stock images

Explorer ,
Apr 14, 2023 Apr 14, 2023

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Hi, I accidentally licensed 2 stock images I don't want and would like the credits returned if possible (for 68130428 and 574535839).  As others have mentioned in this forum, I think a confirmation screen to use credits would help clarify this issue.  Thank you!







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Apr 18, 2023 Apr 18, 2023

Hello corb266896464z5v,

I have verified and granted you 2 replacement credits. Please delete above 2 licensed assets from any downloads or library at your end.

Hope this helps !!!



Community Expert ,
Apr 15, 2023 Apr 15, 2023

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As others have mentioned in this forum, I think a confirmation screen to use credits would help clarify this issue.  Thank you!

By @corb266896464z5v

The forum is full of examples of those cases, where a confirmation is asked, that the people licensed despite that confirmation (Video, Premium assets, extended licence). So, I simply doubt that. Avoid Accidental licensing 


@Vani_100 ?

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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Explorer ,
Apr 16, 2023 Apr 16, 2023

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What's detailed in the link you posted is accurate but doesn't say anything about confirmation.  It's pretty much a one-click license button on the image.  That's what's causing accidental licensing.  You click that button on the image and it's licensed.  There's no "would you like to spend one credit to license this image?" confirmation.  That's what we think would avoid this accidental licensing.  You'll also notice that the author's first reply in the link you posted is to credit an extra license to someone who likely did the same exact thing I did.  And this forum to me seems full of those cases (which is probably why they made a post called "Avoid Accidental licensing").





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Community Expert ,
Apr 19, 2023 Apr 19, 2023

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What I say is: the forum is full of examples, where people are getting asked a confirmation. That is the case for all assets that cost more than one credit. What happens there is that people just answer yes, when getting asked and later claim that was by error. People will take the wrong decision and would do so without regard of the cost. 


Now imagine all those, licencing assets for one credit and getting asked each time to confirm this. They won't get alerted, when being asked to confirm a 250 credits purchase, and they would simply say yes, because they are used to answer yes to that question. All this is a trade off between ease of use and usability. 


All those people using the site and licensing many assets a day on purpose really appreciate the ease to do so. The number of licensed items by error is small against items licensed correctly. It may sound strange to you, but people who are happy with the licensing system don't post here, to say that they are happy. So, it is normal that you find 3 or four people a week having licensed by error and 0 people of those thousands who licensed on purpose.

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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Explorer ,
Apr 21, 2023 Apr 21, 2023

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If what you say is true, then the images I mistakenly licensed were not more than 1 credit each because, again, and as I stated in my first post, there was no confirmation.  And you keep making false assumptions.  In general, I'm very happy with Adobe Stock and I use a lot of their free assets on behalf of the institution I work for and appreciate the ease of use to do that.  What I'm currently not happy with at all is how they triage support, which consisted of a chat bot redirecting me to this forum to get "doubted" by an "expert" before an actual employee solved my issue.  Would you consider your commentary here to be very helpful to me?





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Community Expert ,
Apr 23, 2023 Apr 23, 2023

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I find the commentary helpful to other people. And yes, for one credit images is no confirmation. If you are getting asked a confirmation, the asset is one that costs more than one credit. There is no ideal situation, where you can marry ease of use and total security that people do not licence by error.


The interface is in that sense correct, that those assets costing many more credits than one, have a confirmation. And so, someone who is used to licence without confirmation, should be alerted if the system asks if you really want to licence this item for 250 credits.


That's all I'm saying.


BTW: I licenced my first item in 2018 and of the items licensed there was one that I licensed by error.


(and just a final remark: I tagged Vani to chime in to help you out!)

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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Explorer ,
Apr 23, 2023 Apr 23, 2023

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1)  To me, we've only narrowed the problem down to 1 credit images, for which I can immediately think of a better solution.  In fact, Adobe's already doing it for free images.  For those, there's a little "free" that pops up whenever you rollover them.  Now, it's not particularly noticeable.  I actually first noticed it as a result of making these licensing errors.  Neither is it very useful because it's for free images.  But what Adobe should do is have a big, fat rollover highlight over the whole image that says "1 Credit" whenever you hover over a 1 credit image.  Then the customer would know exactly what they're spending before they click that button and the ease of use remains intact.

2) Thanks for tagging Vani, but I think that even lowers my opinion of Adobe Support.  I shouldn't have to go through you.  Imagine a system in which you walk into a Target to return an item but before you can get to the Customer Service desk, there's someone standing in the way to tell you, without caring to know your specifics, "Well, I think you're FOS and an idiot for not figuring it out and the system is just fine for a lot of other people" in so many words. There would be a complete meltdown in the store every other minute.  The reason that doesn't happen here is because you maintain some level of aninimity and this chat gets cordoned off into space where like 3 people will see it.  I realizing I'm hyperbolizing your doubt, but the concept is the same.





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Community Expert ,
Apr 23, 2023 Apr 23, 2023

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quote2) Thanks for tagging Vani, but I think that even lowers my opinion of Adobe Support.  I shouldn't have to go through you.  Imagine a system in which you walk into a Target to return an item but before you can get to the Customer Service desk, there's someone standing in the way to tell you, without caring to know your specifics, "Well, I think you're FOS and an idiot for not figuring it out and the system is just fine for a lot of other people" in so many words. There would be a complete meltdown in the store every other minute.  The reason that doesn't happen here is because you maintain some level of aninimity and this chat gets cordoned off into space where like 3 people will see it.  I realizing I'm hyperbolizing your doubt, but the concept is the same.

By @corb266896464z5v

You could also have contacted Adobe customer support. Adobe customer care can be contacted by beginning a secure chat session at https://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html?rghtup=autoOpen. Pop-up blockers need to be disabled, you need to accept cookies! If the chat window fails to open, or is non-responsive, use a different device and/or browser to start the interaction.
Support phone numbers may be found here: https://helpx.adobe.com/contact/phone.html. Kindly note that phone charges may apply.

For support via Twitter:

(see also here: https://community.adobe.com/t5/creative-cloud-services/how-to-contact-adobe-support/td-p/11875703 or here

Important: Adobe does NOT contact you unsolicited by e-mail or direct message. If you get contacted by direct message from a person, claiming to be an Adobe employee, look at that profile and look, if they bear the “Adobe Employee” marking under their name. Adobe support does not use Skype to give you support.

If in doubt, ask the forum.

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 18, 2023 Apr 18, 2023

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Hello corb266896464z5v,

I have verified and granted you 2 replacement credits. Please delete above 2 licensed assets from any downloads or library at your end.

Hope this helps !!!





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Explorer ,
Apr 21, 2023 Apr 21, 2023

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Thank you!





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