RNR1995 wrote I can verify that legitimate keys are being flagged, wasting valuable time had it happen to a client today, even though this "Genuine Software" program has been around for years Usually people do not pirate software at their place of business The software was installed for years, now it is illegitimate? (Acrobat Pro XI) Clearly there are issues here and Adobe should address them Seems this pirate notice is appearing on software that the support has expired, I guess software itself now expires? Years ago had other companies with activation schemes refuse to activate products that were reinstalled when people moved to Windows 7 Needless to say we do not use that software anymore, not sure what to do with Acrobat though? Greed is not good.... You say that you installed the software on behalf of clients, are you an authorised Adobe reseller? If not where did you get the software from? The Genuine Software validation service was introduced just a few years ago , initially just for Acrobat, but after extensive testing has now been extended to most Adobe products. It's easy to say Adobe are using sharp practice to get upgraders , but generally when these pop-up questions are investigated it turns out that the software has been counterfeited or the licence abused. It usually isn't the fault of the user, they have just got tempted by an irresistibly low price on eBay or a bogus software site or bought a special edition for educational use designed to time out or have a volume licence key that has been sold multiple times over. Adobe rarely discount their software and so if you see something for $250 that should be $650 alarm bells should ring. If you are an authorised agent I am quite surprised the company won't help you , but as you are going through the normal process of technical support rather than using one of the back office channels , I suspect you are probably buying the software in the same way as any ordinary customer and then installing on your clients machines.
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