‎Nov 29, 2017
10:40 PM
Yes of course, I often delete photos best part of bridge, but the post is about the fact that just looking at sensitive private images in Bridge will leave copies elsewhere on hard drive, whether you keep or save.
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‎Nov 29, 2017
10:32 PM
Ok if you want images off computer have to go hunt them down and delete? Mac
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‎Nov 29, 2017
10:24 PM
Sorry did not understand a word there. I have a folder, I click purge and next day all images I want purged are not purged.
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‎Nov 29, 2017
10:02 PM
Lost me there Jeff totally. Unless you are trying to say the purge cache, does not get rid of the cache..???
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‎Nov 29, 2017
05:54 PM
Jeff, thanks, found it. But question: in Bridge, I did purge cache folder and what I saw was...Generating Previews, and exporting ... Why would I see that text after clicking Purge cache for this folder? And later, I went to cache folder and they were not purged, they were all there.
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‎Nov 28, 2017
02:56 PM
I used to be able to find this but can't now. thanks. Is there a way to not have it stored but just one folder here there?
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‎Nov 04, 2017
06:23 PM
Thanks, Nancy, this site, cannot be changed to a dynamic site without 20k in labor cost.
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‎Nov 04, 2017
05:24 PM
Nancy, Many of these bad links were created by interns/ apprentices over 15 years. Many were manually typed in or have errors, and DW says they are not on local hardrive. Yes, I'm in a defined local site folder.
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‎Nov 04, 2017
05:03 PM
Just tried CS5, it freezes up when click/ but did say only 300 broken links whereas CS3 said 1200. BTW I could do free trial on new version of DW just for this use?
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‎Nov 04, 2017
04:28 PM
Thanks Nancy, mine --- simple html site and did not want to do the 100 HOURS to learn CSS which Adobe forced after that version. So file that away for me so you remember my case. (I don't need 99% of what DW offers) Still don't understand B sentence I do have copy of CS5 let me try there.. Maybe there as online tool does better job?
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‎Nov 04, 2017
03:18 PM
Thanks Nancy and B. B what does this mean? "that is why I have posted a FR to be able to save the results in a panel and be allowed to get multiple results panel" And how do you achieve that? I just see export to excel. Nancy, nice screenshot. I double click the file, but I don't see the <a href come up. Is is because I'm in CS3? When I double click the white html page comes up but with no indication of there the <a href is. It's then a easter egg hunt to find it -- but maybe I'm doing something wrong. If either ofyouyou can or would like to help offline, PM me or I'll PM. I don't want to send screenshots here of my site.
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‎Nov 03, 2017
01:57 PM
Nancy, Birnou, Ben: DW says I have a broken link. I export that to an excel sheet. Then I go into DW, and I go to the page that has the broken link. That html page could have 30 live links on it - of which I created . To find this link I'd have to click on all 30 and visually look at properties. I don't get it. I tried filling into that code Ben... but too tedious and did not work anyway. Did not help Clicking on the folder icon while in DW did not work, just brought up Mac finder. No help. So what the point of the Broken Link checker if you cannot quick find the broken link in DW?
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‎Nov 01, 2017
09:34 PM
Too vague an answer, does not help. Some pages have 30 links... And the links are not text or code, so I'm lost. I'd have to click on each link and look manually at properties tab?
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‎Nov 01, 2017
07:49 PM
DW makes a broken link report and shows the file the broken link emanates from, and what the link is you created. But then how to you find that link on a busy page, for example, a site map with a lot of anchor text to those links? DW CS3
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‎Sep 18, 2017
09:41 AM
Thanks will hold off on that because, there is no evidence that solves the problem. People who come online and say to reset your preferences use this as a catch all fix for all problems.
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‎Sep 09, 2017
01:51 PM
Sorry did not understand that. In Bridge, I chose tools, photoshop, imageprocessor, and it worked good.
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‎Sep 07, 2017
06:08 PM
I one take one link that works and is specific over 4 that are broad and I have no idea where to look, so I'm out of luck there, #2 does not work. But I did using IP, image processor so all done. OK
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‎Sep 07, 2017
04:50 PM
Thanks Stephen, I don't think the old Russell vid is working? Anyway, Bit weird as the BW sit next to colors in Bridge and the colors are done, ready to use, so I'll have to run IP, then replace in folder with colors... more degradation no?
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‎Sep 07, 2017
04:45 PM
Thanks Rohit, it's a very broad page, so it's not worth much unless someone can get more specific. It seems to happen on all folders now.
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‎Sep 06, 2017
08:43 PM
I converted 30 color images in ACR to BW and they look terrific BW in Bridge and they look terrific BW in PS, but on Desktop on Mac still color and when I upload to Blog still color. Really annoying.
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‎Sep 01, 2017
06:53 PM
I keep getting this all of the sudden: "There was a problem writing to the cache, file/ Volumes..... because of a disk error. The cache will be replaced. I click ok, and I don't notice anything is wrong or odd. The alert is highly annoying because now it's so frequent. Any suggestions? Thanks.
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‎Aug 29, 2017
03:17 AM
Thanks everyone, yes, I did have a constraint and forgot to hit clear. You know I think would be a great feature, no, if PS has those fields lit up in in Red or something, as they populate, as that happens every now and then. Would be a nice feature? But this has been a great thread, as I've never even noticed that gear icon with those options before, thanks C. So I may not need classic, but I now know it's there. It was also auto- centering, which I've never seen or noticed before. Thanks, PE for info why that is (trying to re-create old dark-era), I would have never guessed, and I owned many darkrooms. It's all good but sometimes too much technology can makes things maddening, but my fault...
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‎Aug 29, 2017
12:12 AM
1 Upvote
I perplexed: I pull a side bar of crop tool, and I would think only the side would push in, but the while image gets effected. PS, increases or decreases all sides. Also, I can't understand why I'm pulling a side and the background is moving around. Is there an option to use a old legacy version of crop? Maybe I need a manual on how to use the crop tool. It used to be so intuitive. Thanks.
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‎Jun 25, 2017
07:37 PM
I'm making pdf portfolios. It's very non intuitive software. I should post the notes on to make this pdf portfolio it would make your head spin
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‎Jun 25, 2017
06:13 PM
Yes, I see them W. but you have to know LR is like this or else you could think it's not working. Another weird thing: usually the item selected is very obvious or you would think it would be.. t hanks.
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‎Jun 25, 2017
05:57 PM
I've been using LR since it was invented, though admittedly sparsely just for pdf, and web galleries. Ive seen the books, too broad, for my needs. But, I'm not complaining because LR just is by far million times better then PS for pdfs and web galleries. But wow, for me it's just so non - intuitive. Am I wrong? Who would think of selecting a group of anything by not clicking the edge? An old friend said he uses LR for 99% of all photography needs. I suppose if one goes full blast it will get more intuitive. Final to confirm, what they offer is what you get: you can not make the edge black (or that red outline-- you just made that for t his thread?), or something that will really set if off and let my know it's an image selected.
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‎Jun 25, 2017
04:33 PM
1 Upvote
Great info guys thanks. Can one change the selected image our color or fixed? See how confusing LR is, I don't even know what stack images are! Can selected images had that outer red outline that justshootme has in his example but I suppose that was made just for this example?
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‎Jun 25, 2017
03:20 PM
No what I meant in the edge is light grey, the background is medium grey so selected images are barely noticeable. How do I make the edge Red? Crazy how the LR defaults barely see something is selected.
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‎Jun 24, 2017
10:20 PM
Thanks Wobert, opposite from every software in the world, as you usually have to grab sides to move. BTW, also confusing how to get selected images to look separated from background. Tips on that?
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