‎Sep 30, 2009
11:50 AM
No, even in CS4 PDFs will be opened as single page AI files. A script exists somewhere, that incrementally extracts al lthe pages and adds new artborads for them, though. Mylenium
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‎Sep 30, 2009
11:07 AM
Mmh, I'm not sure if AVCHD, even its "Pro" flavor, is really the format of the future. I think that because of growing availability of almost infinite amounts of storage at low prices, even for hobbyists and semi-pros at some point RAW recording becomes a viable option, or at least only relying on binary compression, not destructive reduction of the actual image content. Beyond that I'd be careful with predictions. Formats these days come and go quicker than you can make up your mind about them. And of course for compositing in the strictest sense one could still argue that support for such formats is non-essential as comparing compositing tools to mere editing programs is not exaxctly fair. If AE wasn't so integrated with Premiere, would you even care for trying this? Other competing programs certainly don't - combustion*, Fusion, Nuke and even Motion do not accept anything other than image sequences or Quicktime files instead of offering native support. If you get my meaning - as much as AE is ahead in this game, it ultimately also turns into a disadvantage. the constant hunt for supporting the latest video formats IMO costs a lot of resources and effort that potentially could be spent otherwise... Mylenium
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‎Sep 29, 2009
10:33 PM
Anyhows - I had thought Adobe already have access to such files, this camera is all over now, very popular. I do not know. He's the employee and gets paid the big bucks. If he says so, we'll have to take his word for it. That aside, one should not expect a software vendor to automatically have access to any camera model, latest computer or whatever. Even a big one like Adobe has a limited budget for that and, lest we forget, even if they could buy it all, they'd not hire a hundred extra people just to test it.... Mylenium
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‎Sep 29, 2009
11:49 AM
MTS files (AVCHD) in After Effects - supported? Generally yes, but obviously not all of its flavors. Some cameras do not flag their streams correctly or add additional, non-standardized data that confuses AE. For those formats unfortunately only converting them before bringing into AE guarantees correct results. If you can provide a short clip (~30 MB, 5-10 secs.) we can investigate in the hopes that at latest for CS5 those formats are supported correctly. Mylenium
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‎Sep 08, 2009
02:34 AM
AE uses WDM sound. It should be able to handle ASIO in a WDM wrapper, but it cannot handel it natively. I think Premiere and Sounbooth do, though. So in essence AE crashed due to attempting to initialize the card incorrectly. I'm sure this can be remedied by enabling some compatibility switch in the audio config, also, but if removing the line does the trick, success can hardly be argued. As they say: Fortune favors the bold! Mylenium
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‎Sep 07, 2009
11:00 PM
Maybe Key Correct Pro does that too No, not that I'm aware of. There was a compatibility fix for CS4, but the plug-in itself is not hardware accelerated and should not interfere with MediaCore. Magic Bullet products (Looks, Colorista, Frames, Steady) however might. It's definitely worth checking. In addition, I recommend checking the Media Cache. perhaps there are just some damaged conform files in there. Mylenium
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‎Sep 02, 2009
07:30 AM
It would make perfect scense if you were to send your client the source PSD file of their site and then they come back asking for all the fonts used. It is a nightmare going through a big PSD and find all the font names fist and then searching them in the windows fonts folder. I don't agree. Especially if they received special treatments inside PS, what would be the point of packaging them up with the art? If your client doesn't understand the internal structure, he could utterly ruin it. And in order to retain the appaerance, you really don't need the fonts - PS already stores a rasterized version of each layer which should be enough for printing and viewing. And not to put too fine a point to fonts being intelectual property and thus falling under certain regulations - if a client has you create a certain design as an editable template, he eitehr has the fonts and should be ready to buy them himself and in the same way you should always know which ones you used.... Mylenium
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‎Sep 02, 2009
12:50 AM
I’ve seen such an option in Corel Draw where you prepare a document for print and it includes all the fonts with that document. But surely that either was Corel's own file format or just a plain old PDF. For PSD or other image formats no such thing exists and it wouldn't make sense, anyway... Mylenium
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‎Aug 25, 2009
09:55 AM
1 Upvote
What exactly are you trying to do? That error only pops up when you use an already large layer and multiply its output width in excess, thus reaching the magic limit of 30000 pixels (which is simply AE's maximum in either direction). You will have to reduce the size of the source layer or change the settings. also try one of the "smarter" tiling effects that come with AE - CC RepeTile and CC Kaleida. They work on absolute pixel values rather than percentages and thus it's easier to control them in a way that would still fill the backround fully without stacking the tiles in a dumb and memory consuming manner. Mylenium
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‎Aug 21, 2009
03:14 AM
Effect --> 3D --> Extrude&Bevel. Set the view to Front and choose the More Options.... Define a bevel shape add more lights when needed to the little sphere, define a custom shading color. It's not the cleanest solution, though, as it will produce objects overlapping each otehr in the same place. A better way would be to duplicate the source, use Offset Paths and blends between inner and outer contour. Mylenium
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‎Aug 20, 2009
12:32 PM
Sadly the only download at Adobe is the 64 bit extended version. (and during installation 32 bit can only be installed if 64 bit is a s well). Yes, that's one of the other annoyances. It might be possible by modifying the install scripts, but that is way beyond what should be discussed on forums and certainly not endorsed by Adobe. As for copying over the install - that might work now with the trial, but it still doesn't solve your underlying problem. Once you buy the full version, the licensing system needs to establish itself properly and without the proper registry keys and auxiliary filkes in place, that may not be possible at all... so at latest then, you're back in square one. Mylenium
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‎Aug 20, 2009
08:02 AM
If other CS4 apps install, then so should PS. Indeed it would be strange if it doesn't. Did you install the otehr programs with a custom install? If not, that may be worth checking out. Choose Custom, then deselect all the options you don't need when installing Flash and DW. Especially shared components and anything related to AIR is always suspicious. Without them, your PS install might work. Mylenium
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‎Aug 20, 2009
07:33 AM
This is really starting to annoy me. How can installing one program be so hard? Well, you are running on an - so far - unsupported operating system. And contrary to your belief, it does matter, like it or not. A simple change on the user policies for a single file or a variation in localized directory names can throw off installers. The latter has been known to happen regularly, so the sane advice is to run such installs with the system set to one of the languages supported by Adobe, under worst conditions that would be English (US). That aside, I think your harddrive is simply too large, causing a miscalculation in the installer and possibly the licensing system. Having a 1TB partition as the primary partition is not particulalry sensible, anyway. The only way I see out of this problem is to trim down the partition below 700 GB and then try again. Also, if your disk setup uses dedicated RAID or SATA drivers or requires som fancy BIOS trickery, these things must be checked as well of course. Mylenium
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‎Aug 18, 2009
09:14 PM
Please tell us a little more about your system. What processor? Graphics card? I agree with first trying to run all updates. In order to launch the Adobe Updater, go to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Updater6 and launch the update.exe. Mylenium
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‎Aug 12, 2009
01:22 AM
Use the Auto Trace command with the Add to Swatches option to only add the colors from the image to a swatch palette, or at least the maximum 256 of them. Mylenium
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‎Aug 11, 2009
01:42 PM
1 Upvote
As the others said, there is no way to preview this on a monitor. Just define the spot colors properly in the document and hand it over to the textile printer. If he knows what a Pantone swatch is, he will pick the right colors. If he uses some other concoctions based on a textile specific color system, he will call you up, anyway, and you will have to sort this out on the location. Also make sure you get things right with any additional layers of white underprint or special additional reflective pigment., depending on how brigh tyou want your dayglo orange or whatever... Mylenium
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‎Aug 05, 2009
09:39 AM
Well, dunno why nobody posted the right answer... It's simple. Edit the com.adobe.XYZ.registration files manually. Check C:\Users\Marty\AppData\Roaming\Adobe. Set the first line in the files to never and you shall have peace. Mylenium
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‎Jul 31, 2009
01:50 AM
If you need that kind of control, a script probably could do it. since we're talking merely standard commndas, this can't be more than a few lines of code... I'd ask on the scripting forum if someoen can slap together something quickly or provide a link to an existing resource. Mylenium
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‎Jul 30, 2009
01:45 PM
1 Upvote
You can specify naming conventions in the Safe for Web and Devices dialog by customizing the settings. This includes a variety of options, from slice numbering to custom prefixes/ suffixes. Actions as such cannot change names, but they record dialog settings, so if you call Save for Web with your custom settings, naming things differntly will be possible. Mylenium
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‎Jul 24, 2009
02:33 AM
Why not simply install a multi-user enabled CMS like Joomla or even a blog software like Wordpress? It sure is possible to do that all manually, but honestly with "proper" software available for free, I wouldn't bother. Too many things that can go wrong with functionality and security. Installing and configuring takes 5 minutes... the biggest hurdle is configuring and sytyling it, but since you know HTML well enough, you should be able to deal with CSS formatting or at least pick a template/ skin that suits your needs and modify it... Mylenium
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‎Jul 17, 2009
01:01 AM
As mentioned, the bootstrapper is a normal part of the Windows installer system. Nothing to worry about. Mylenium
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‎Jul 12, 2009
10:11 PM
1 Upvote
Lonesome61 wrote: What am I doing wrong? You are using AVI! Seriously, as mentioned, depending on your output target and the content used in your project, compression is an art in itself. Assuming you are only preparing stuff to be used for editing in another program, file size as such should be the least of your concerns. Titles and backgrounds can easily be converted to the target format by e.g. rendering the timeline in Premiere Pro or rendering a motion menu in Encore. Up to that point, your sole concern should be quality. A good balance between both can still be achieved by using Quicktime files with lossles compression such as Animation or PNG. If you're talking DVD, then naturally everything will end up as MPEG-2 in one way or the other, so it doesn't matter whether you directly render it from AE or let again e.g. Encore do the conversion. For desktop playback, H.264 offers good options, but if you are on Windows anyway, simply use WMV. For web, FLV is almost de facto a standard. The rest is, as they say, far out and far inbetween and you will have to provide more info on your specific needs as well as simply do some experimenting. There's a ton of encoding tools out there, free and commercial, and each of them takes time to master. Mylenium
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‎Jul 11, 2009
05:14 AM
As John said - no way. If a PDF of the file exists, it may be possible to extract separate pages in PS and illustratorand even get partially editable objects, but it will never be the real deal as doing it in InDesign. And then again, even if you are able to edit the data, getting it printed might be another thing, as possibly rasterized elements from PS will never look as sharp and sexy as their vector based brothers could in ID, not tho think of the whole color management dance... Mylenium
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‎Jul 07, 2009
11:07 AM
Sol Racionz wrote: My project in AI CS4 (WinXP) is not able to place (import) a 600dpi image (size is 35mb). The error message says "Insufficient Memory was Available to Complete the Operation". The same image at 300 dpi worked where the 600 did not work. You are mistaking file size for the actual uncompressed size, it seems. They are not related. A 35MB JPEG can be humungously large, so once it is uncompressed you may indeed simply run out of RAM. Similar logic applies to other compressed formats. Only if you safe e.g. uncompressed TIFFs, you can halfway assume the size on teh disk and in memory are on par. In addition, of course any color space transforms and otehr operations, that require to decode and possibly duplicate the pixel data in memory may further add to that problem. And to round it off: Reducing the ppi res to half effectively cuts the size in memory to a quarter, so it may naturally work better. Mylenium
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‎Jul 05, 2009
01:46 AM
Sounds like you have a generic system configuration problem. I'm not aware of anything that would auto-trigger quick mask mode. Perhaps something with a custom mouse function/ tablet function key? Mylenium
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‎Jul 03, 2009
09:42 AM
Fonts are handled by the respective global system control panel. Nothing specific Adobe, so check there. Mylenium
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‎Jun 25, 2009
03:33 AM
No, there isn't. There couldn't really be one - smudging is a pixel operation whereas AI is still a vector graphics program. You can deform the paths and contours and in turn this will affect rasterization, and you can use gradients, meshes and blends for soft transitions, but that's as good as it gets. True blending of pixels is only possible in PS. Mylenium
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‎Jun 22, 2009
09:01 AM
Yupp, as Rick said, use a motion path and adjust the timing. There is no way to measure the exact length of mask and shape layer paths, so there is no easy way to correlate them with the percentages of the Trim Paths modifier. Once it's a motion path, one could derive that info using integration functions based on the positional differences of the current keyframe to the next (n, n+1), but that seems unnecessary and can considerably slow things down, as it would have to be done in a loop. I think Dan Ebberts has such a setup on his site, if you're still interested in doing it that way. Mylenium
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‎Jun 18, 2009
12:41 AM
Still strange. If you selectively disassemble your project? Render without audio? Turn off Cartooner? It could work then and at least you'd know who to blame. Mylenium
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‎Jun 17, 2009
11:37 AM
Mmh, yes, of course, these are just tips, not guaranteed cures. It should however be completely possible to render such comps on a 2 gig system. It may not be fast or fancy, but it should work. So something else must be causing this. What source footages do you use? What effects? Maybe a specific effect is just getting memory hungry (blurs and glows dilate the buffers considerably...) Mylenium
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