‎Jun 17, 2009
01:27 AM
Woodsman819 wrote: Anyways do you have any other suggestions on how I could get this to work? Don't use Photo-JPEG or any other compressed Codecs! From inside AE that is. What happens here is that the additional math transformations (discrete cosinus transforms [DCT] and other geek stuff) required to let the compression do its thing also take up valuable memory and it may actually be that part that prevents you from creating your movies. At best, use "simple" RLE compression as employed by the Animation CoDec (which, depending on the image content may even be more efficient than Photo-JPEG). If, for some reason you need specific CoDecs, then do the compression externally using Quicktime Pro or, should you require H.264 and other MPEG derivates, with ffmpeg or similar tools. AVIs can easily be created with VirtualDub and it even supports some QT formats, so there are some free options as well. And of course in CS4 there's Adobe Media Encoder for such tasks... And another tip to improve behavior: render to image files (TIFFs), then convert the image sequences in a second go. This will prevent AE from having to keep open a large movie file to append frames in the first pass, which will make it more reliable. Mylenium
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‎Jun 17, 2009
01:11 AM
1 Upvote
Doesn't involve any 3D. what Steve is referring to is that you may wish to pre-compose your existing items to keep possibly existing animation independent from the scale. E.g. you may have your object already moving and you may want to retain that move on the page. This would only be possible by applying the scale one level above and making the existing motion a pre-comp, as naturally all scaling will be based on the anchor point. If you were to scale a moving layer directly, you really only flip the layer content, not the motion... Just try it, it will become clear. and for a page turn, you would not need to animate scale at all - CC Page Turn is your friend or you simply rotate your pre-composed layer as a 3D layer. Mylenium
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‎Jun 15, 2009
10:40 PM
RaycerX wrote: I've tried two different ways now to get this right. First with "Gradient Overlay" but I can't see the stops you've mentioned so I'm unable to adjust things that way. I've also tried using a "ramp" and with that I see the stops. Unfortunately, I can't make the second color fade to zero transparency. In Photoshop this is so easy, but AE is kicking my butt with this issue. No, I think you are misunderstanding the previous posts. The key to success is not using different methods, but adjusting the gradient position handles. Using the Ramp effect or layer styles will only enforce rasterization, as they are bitmap effects or affect the render order of 3D layers (should that be relevant). What you must du is to select the path shape or shape group that the fill is applied to using the Move Tool (!!!), not the shape tools. When you do so, the start and end point will show up. their default position is [0,0] and [0,100], which is in teh middle of the comp. As mentioned earlier, if your shapoe is e.g. in the left half of the comp, naturally only the full color of the start point will show up this way. Also do not forget, that the gradient will render on top of existing fills, if you have defined them, so remove them to get transparency.... Mylenium
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‎Jun 08, 2009
10:03 PM
My GeForce 285 is working smoothly on Vista 64... So much for that. As for your card, I'm afraid I cannott offer any real advise. I was merely asking in case we missed something. The only ATI card I evber "owned" I won in a price draw of some games mag and I sold it on eBay. Anyway, it's strange, regardless, that none of the usual steps seems to fix your driver/ display issues. Have you run DXDiag to check for any possible conflicts? Do you run any 3D programs on your system? If so, do they work correctly? Mylenium
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‎Jun 08, 2009
10:51 AM
Umm, from line 11 of your log file: Adobe Photoshop CS4 (Middle Eastern Version) (Patch & keygen) You really don't expect anyone around here helping you with pirated software, or do you? Mylenium
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‎Jun 08, 2009
09:48 AM
What screen resolution do you run and how is the monitor connected? HDMI? DVI? VGA? Also, what happens if you disable AEro/ switch to a different visual theme? Mylenium
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‎Jun 07, 2009
10:13 PM
Oceanking wrote: Is there any way to crank that all the way up to 100 percent like Premier does automatically? Nope. In addition to what was said before, you have to consider that many effects simply aren't that computationally intense. Even applying particle systems with several thousand particles is a walk in the park on modern computers. Furthermore, there is a difference whether an effect requires a lot of temporal information and thus needs to calculate several frames at once or if it's a "dumb" effect that just modifies color values or gnerates elements. It's really more a matter of how they are combined. Also note, that several functions and effects only use conventional multithreading, meaning that by themselves they will use 2 cores at most. Mylenium
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‎May 26, 2009
12:27 AM
Mmh, dèja-vu? Looks familiar somehow. A simple way would be to split the array, then put sections into the separate table columns. The proper way would be to expand your database with categories and sort based on that... Mylenium
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‎May 25, 2009
10:55 PM
As gheto said, you are using too little differentiation between the individual levels. The following happens: Your colors are 19:36:44 (bottom right) and 69:82:90 (gradient center). With a little math we arrive at the following: Red: 69-19=50 Green: 82-36=46 Blue: 90-44=46 Therefore the maximum available number of discrete color steps in 8bit is 50x46x46=105800 These colors spread across an area of about 928x555 pixels, ergo 928x555=515040 105800/515040=0.208...- meaning that within that field not each pixel can have a unique color (te result would have to be 1 or higher). The ratio of available colors to required ones is about 1:5. Therefore the only thing the program can do, is to use the same color for multiple pixels, which in your case happens to occur along the radius of the gradient circle. Now, as suggested, adding noise may make it vissually less noticable because it introduces a random element, but even this form of random dithering does not change the fact that you still are running low on colors. The logical conclusions therefore must be: - use the maximum color range you can use, i.e. b/w gradients, wherever possible - color them using gradient tints or by putting layers above them and using blending modes and opacity adjustments - work in 16bit or 32bit to get more color levels - save to 16bit or 32 bit formats - only reduce the gamut/ color range for final output with respect to color profiles and other requirements, e.g. in web graphics - if you work in 8bpc, make sure to not exceeed certain dimensions that cannot cover the limited fidelity Mylenium
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‎May 25, 2009
12:20 AM
Search is a server-side thing or something based on a pre-fab XML/ JavaScript that holds the indices and keywords. A input field named search in any form doesn't mean anything if the logic behind is missing. Depending on what you are looking for, something like this may get you started: For more complex stuff, you will have to use PHP or other server languages or rely on Google... Mylenium
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‎May 21, 2009
07:19 AM
Glad it worked out! Mylenium
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‎May 18, 2009
11:21 PM
Have you checked your graphics card settings and driver? Most such failures are related to the GPU sniffer producing nonsense results due to the drivers still being Betalized. Also try to manually turn off some of the fancies for Aero and such. I'm not sure, since I'm staying away from W7 for the time being (just got a new core7i with Vista 64 and not feeling adventurous), but you may also need to work your way through that changed media handling stuff and Quicktime. I tend to think there is certainly some "legacy" switch for DirectDraw CoDecs in the control panel somewhere. Just a few random thoughts on the matter, of course, but may be a starting point. Mylenium
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‎May 05, 2009
12:20 AM
Is it perhaps just something enabled in Acrobat? Preflight checking or commenting perhaps? Some of those functions will highlight items. Likewise, you will see the containing boxes, while in teh advanced editing mode and selecting stuff.... Mylenium
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‎May 04, 2009
10:13 AM
1 Upvote
--Jason-- wrote: However, the programs he gave me are all in Chinese. *lol* Then you should ask him what the other language versions cost on some street market in Beijing or Shanghai. I'm sure it's no more than 5 bucks. Seriously, this stinks from head to tail and expecting an "official" solution is asking too much. The neutral technical answer is: PS, AI, Flash and several other programs have never been multi-language enabled and will run in the language chosen during install or dictated by the serial number. Furthermore, install packs are region specific and an Asian version may not even contain English language files just like US American installer packages mayx not feature European languages. So, in so many words: You're out of luck unless you insstall the correct version. Where you get it is your own problem, but paying software developers for their work is not such a bad idea, after all, even if they are working for a biggy like Adobe... Mylenium
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‎Apr 30, 2009
01:17 AM
Do you have sufficient administrative privileges? Is UAC doing something or is it turned off? Have you tried to uninstall your other CS4 apps? I would definitely triy that. And again: Use the CS4 Clean Utility to unregister all installed apps from the installer database and manually get rid of any AIR-based stuff (AIR, Adobe Media Player, There are known incompatibilities between different versions of AIR that prevent installs. Aprt from that, Elaine is right - the package could be corrupted and you should try to download it again, perhaps using anotehr browser. Before doing that, you could however attempt to open it in a 7z-enabled packer, e.g. WinRAR or newer versions of WinZip. It's basically just an archive file with an executable attached, so with luck, you could still extract the setup files.... Mylenium
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‎Apr 20, 2009
09:04 AM
1 Upvote
I don't think that there is a quick solution to this. Several of the items are stored as odd combinations of knockout groups and blends, so this will take deeper surgery to get it working properly and editable in AI. However, at least on my system all the content shows up with correct gradients and transparencies... Mylenium
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‎Apr 16, 2009
11:43 AM
I don't think that how you obtained the trial has any relevance. If it was somehow damaged, it wouldn't even install. I'm more inclined to think that you are running some special stuff in your network environment that prevents the licensing from working correctly. Perhaps some special deployment tool, server notificatio, other network services, virtualization technology, remote desktop products... There's a million things that might need to be considered. Unfortunately that's the kind of "I would have to sit in front of the machine to solve it" problems, I'm afraid... Again, sorry for your troubles. Mylenium
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‎Apr 16, 2009
07:09 AM
I think your statement is not doing justice to the complexities involved in getting working installs. I know it sucks, but consider, that this can happen any time even with competitor products. Unfortunately we no longer live in a day and age where simply inputting a serial number is enough and special licensing services or hardware dongles are everywhere. I could tell you endless stories about how to get Maya, Scenarist, ProCoder or Avid software to run and it makes some of the stuff we experience with Adobe products pale in comparison. nothing so ruins your day like trying to run 4 different dongled products on the same computer. therefore I recommend you look into the matter again and perhaps simply try it on another machine. If you realyl planned on buying an 80 seat volume license, I'm sure you have enough resources at your disposal. Mylenium
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‎Apr 15, 2009
07:54 AM
Tom Usrey wrote: In Illustrator CS3 select the objects you want to get the nearest spot color match. Then go to Edit > Edit Color > Recolor Art Yepp, what I said (in less simple and elegant words) 😉 Mylenium
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‎Apr 15, 2009
02:08 AM
I don't think so. If the swatches have not been properly embedded and the colors converted, there is no way to exactly determine what Pantone color they were. The only way to somewhat guess the color is to use the Color Guide in CS3/ CS4. When you sample the color and then load a color book, it will match the colors in the palette to the ones in the book. Still, I rarely do print stuff, so someone may have an better idea. I also guess, since you get a warning, it could be merely a mismatch of your color profile and print settings, not something with the color itself. Mylenium
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‎Apr 15, 2009
01:08 AM
Ah, sorry. Yes, of course as a trial user you are stuck in that bad position. Sorry for the inconvenience... Mylenium
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‎Apr 14, 2009
11:20 AM
kn4ma wrote: I have rebooted the computer 4 times and uninstalled and reinstalled 4 times.????????? You can do that another 100 times and it won't work, I'm afraid. As the others said - contact tech support via phone and they will hold your hand with the procedures for challenge codes and erasing invalid activations. Unfortunately the licensing system is an ugly black box that nobody, except the Adobe officials, can look into, so any help and tips we can offer you, may not be of any value. Sorry, but that#s just the way it is.... Mylenium
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‎Apr 08, 2009
08:25 AM
They are known, so there's nothing to report, but to quote "We will not do extensive modifications and customization to avoid update problems in the future." So, in essence, these features will only be changed/ fixed, if the whole forum engine is updated by Jive Software, not specifically by the Adobe admins that run the show. I'm afraid we'll have to live with the small annoyances for the time being and just get used to the new way of doing things... Mylenium
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‎Apr 07, 2009
07:20 AM
1 Upvote
Use Offset Paths or apply contours which you later expand back to normal shape objects. Neither method is guaranteed to give typographically perfect results, though, and with lots of text it gets repetitive, so maybe still find a similar font with reduced weight? the type doesn#t look that extraordinary, so I'm sure you can find enough alternatives. Mylenium
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‎Apr 06, 2009
10:26 AM
Did you convert you screen nanme when the old forums were still active or was there another Adobe ID with your name? If it's not taken, you can always change your Adobe ID and the forum should reflect that. Mylenium
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‎Mar 31, 2009
11:20 PM
Dashes are a property of normal strokes, so check your stroke palette. Enable "Show Options" in the palette's menu to get access to these extended features.
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‎Mar 31, 2009
11:19 PM
Solely depends on the font. Most Unicode/ OpenType fonts contain a Greek set, so use your character map utility to copy&paste them into AI.
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‎Mar 27, 2009
11:27 AM also try Ease & Wizz, a collection of scripts that will setup expressions for alternate interpolation methods (from a different site, haven't the link handy).
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‎Mar 23, 2009
01:50 AM
Well, I could not see anything that would explain the crashes, but that must not mean anything. Apparently the GLViewer itself recognizes all features correctly, but the Adobe tools may not. however, I seem to remember some people having trouble with 4870 cards on the Photoshop forum. From what I gather, some special thing with Catalyst Desktop, so maybe look over there. Sorry not to be of more help...
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‎Mar 22, 2009
01:14 AM
Yeah, it's definitely OpenGL, but without further detsails, it#s impossible to advise. Please generate a dump of your graphics card stuff using GLView ( and provide it for download or send it via mail to mylenium<|>at<|>mylenium<|>.<|>de. Also include a generic dump from your System Information Utility (Start Menu --> Programs --> Utilities --> System) for comparison.
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