‎Mar 21, 2009
06:34 AM
Copy&Paste. Jeff Almasol also created a script to automate this when you need to do it en masse. Check his site and Adobe Exchange. Be aware, though, that parametric shape layer items like ellipse, star etc cannot be converted.
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‎Mar 20, 2009
02:15 AM
1 Upvote
Well, given, that the original poster never provided more details, I'm afraid there can#t be a stock answer. What you should do, is as follows:
- check your folder permissions. All folders must be readable by the user and "System". If you want to save files, you also need write priveleges.
- check, whether the user account exists on both systems with identical name and password.
- check, whether the Group Policies and specific system wide security settings are identical on both.
- on Windows Vista, also check UAC, DEP and Internet Zone flagging.
- check for any additional security settings that may be related to network features such as share privileges and names of mapped drives/ shares.
- when you transfer files e.g. by ways of a mobile harddrive, make sure to always copy the permissions correctly (NTFS).
- check, whether virus scanners or software firewalls are interfering
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‎Mar 17, 2009
11:20 PM
You simply use the angle my formula spits out --> radiansToDegrees(Ang). You may just need to add 180 degrees to reverse it...
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‎Mar 16, 2009
05:03 AM
No idea, but since this is an unofficial "hack" anyway, you cannot blame anyone. This feature may have been removed. As a minor, look whether your permissions for scripts in the prefs are set to read and write files...
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‎Mar 16, 2009
05:01 AM
Determine the angle based on teh difference, then use it to drive sinus and cosinus:
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‎Mar 16, 2009
04:55 AM
Yeah, but I fail to see the differentiation. For such simple stuff it would be just the right thing. For more complex stuff you'd have to define the variables in more complex ways, anyway, so having it in the menu is of limited use at best. I rarely use it except for the odd occasion when someone asks about something that I never use and i need to look it up... I'm not sure. In that regard it would be much more consistent to have custom classes and have the editor work with code hinting, both of which are not really available in AE....
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‎Mar 16, 2009
04:44 AM
1 Upvote
Yes, they do. Anything from storyboarding to masking to final color corrections and, most importantly, pretty much any of those fancy mock UIs on screens in movies and TV series is either done completely in Ae or at least involved using it somewhere along the way... Also, many opening animations and credits are done with AE...
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‎Mar 16, 2009
04:42 AM
*woohoo* Glad you could figure it out. Contrary to what you may have thought, I'm not programming in C++, i only thought you were looking for a specific plug-in's internal name. :-)
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‎Mar 14, 2009
07:36 AM
You mean the match name? Check for that and make good use of the list provided there as well as the rd_GimmeProps script.
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‎Mar 12, 2009
10:28 AM
No, not at all. How would you hack it, not knowing the hex/binary offsets it ties into? For your specific needs: Why not use animation presets? Is that too obvious to be missed?
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‎Mar 01, 2009
01:15 AM
Well, with a conditional statement that separates the time for the ease from the rest:
driftDirection = degreesToRadians(effect("Drift Over Time")("Direction") - 90);
x_offset = Math.cos(driftDirection);
y_offset = Math.sin(driftDirection);
driftSpeed = effect("Drift Over Time")("Speed (pixels/second)");
if (time-inPoint <= easeTime)
{[x_offset,y_offset] * linear(time,0,easeTime,0,driftSpeed) * (time-inPoint)}
{[x_offset,y_offset] * driftSpeed * (time-inPoint)};
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‎Feb 10, 2009
09:57 PM
Brandon, please understand that nobody will be able to help you on that. W7 may look and feel like Vista, but it isn't. Hence nobody can give you any guarantees that a software not officially developed with it in mind will run on it. If you don't know which buttons to push, you're on your own, mostly. As a minor, try to launch the Adobe Licensing Service manually and unblock it in your firewall. This may help. Also check, whether your Users\All Users\AppData and similar directories are fully accessible.
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‎Feb 02, 2009
12:16 AM
Well, but are you a student in the sense of being entitled based on Adobe's terms and conditions? If so, the question should answer itself. In that case it wouldn't even matter, if you own a previous version...
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‎Dec 03, 2008
02:10 AM
No, but probably you are using OpenGL which as of CS4 will also be applied to nested pre-comps, hence there is considerable slowdown, if the number of items exceeds a certain number and they cannot be buffered.
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‎Dec 03, 2008
12:58 AM
>only have CS3: i can convert to a shape, but can I break this shape
You could duplicate the layer as often as needed and delete the unwanted paths...
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‎Nov 27, 2008
10:23 AM
Depending on what font you use, you may wish to follow procedures and purchase a different font weight. Most professional fonts come as entire families and provide options from light to heavy... Since you will only need one weight, I'm sure you could afford spending those 20 or 40 bucks... Likewise, you can almost always find a font similar to your current one as a replacement.
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‎Nov 17, 2008
09:53 AM
Ctrl+Alt+F - Fit All
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+G - Fit Vertical
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+H - Fit Horizontal
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‎Nov 10, 2008
09:56 AM
1 Upvote
As Toby said - time to do some serious checking or you may find yourself with a completely defunct system tomorrow. I wouldn't go as far as attributing this to a hardware error, but it's quite possible that a system DLL used by the loaders is missing/ damaged. Also, since GIFs and PNGs are web image file formats, for the life of it make sure you create proper rules for your virus scanner and firewall to exclude locally created files. Some tools will make files "inert" (to prevent piggyback malware attacks) by chopping off/ changing a few bytes instead of correctly containing them in a safe vault or they may damage the file structure when deep-scanning...
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‎Nov 06, 2008
10:52 PM
>Is there a way to measure the total width (and height) of a text
>layer, to automatically update the length (and height) of a shape
Nope. You need to apply a sampleImage() to your text layer and probe for its min/ max dimensions. Check Dan Ebberts' collision detection example on his site ( ) for reference.
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‎Oct 28, 2008
04:15 AM
OWL is the interface library that draws all those nice buttons and panels. If it complains, then the skin (OWL) looses the connection to the actual function (code) of a button or panel. I could imagine that this would happen if you had a given tool used the last time you ran Photoshop and on startup, without an image being opened, this tool and its associated panel loose their context. It's still a bug, though, so maybe you can provide more detailed info to the devs via the feature request/ bug report form:
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‎Oct 19, 2008
02:03 AM
Check any security tools you may have running and disable them. Also make sure to run a Windows Update to bring the Windows Installer up to the latest. Specific to your case: Get rid of _anything_Adobe on your system, including Flash, Adobe Media Player/ AIR, Acrobat Reader etc. You may need to manually clean out data found in Program Files\Common Files\Adobe, in particular TypeSpt, Updater 5/6, PDFL.
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‎Oct 16, 2008
07:34 AM
>Either way, Maria will probably have a difficult time finding any
>advice on circumventing copy control in a forum full of media
Valid point. Though, and that's a possible explanation, she may simply have been handed one of those "another agency did this design for us 20 years ago and now we need to change it, but cannot find the original source files" tasks... Anyway, she needs to provide more details on what she actually plans on doing.
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‎Oct 15, 2008
08:09 AM
>Mylenium, same thing, as marked bold in my OP, I need to resize the
>canvas, not crop the image.
Umm, but that's what you do?! I really don't follow your logic. Technically it doesn't matter which method you employ, as long as the layers retain their pixel data, which is what you seem to require. You can even use the Crop tool to expand the canvas size, btw.
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‎Oct 15, 2008
07:51 AM
You could simply use guides, have them snap to the selection borders (which they do) then use the crop tool with the "Hide cropped regions" option. Gives the same result, just involves a few more steps.
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‎Oct 15, 2008
07:00 AM
>That's annoying - does it do it to custom brushes too?
Yes. It's an issue with how the brush "texture" overlay does not work within a given memory tile. You can also see white fringes on the cursors on systems that show this behavior, as obviously it also affects transparency blending. Maybe some day a patch will give us back the option to do this properly on all cards... *sigh*
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‎Oct 12, 2008
09:50 PM
You don't need to install PS7, you only need the psicon.dll, which needs to be placed in the proper directory. And no, this function has not been revived for CS4 for very rational reasons.
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‎Sep 19, 2008
12:59 AM
Some chapter markers may not have ended up on the beginning of a GOP, so Encore moves them by a few frames or you need to do so yourself. Depending on what source footage you use, this can happen after transcodes, but is nothing to get anxious about.
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‎Sep 11, 2008
10:21 AM
Well, the list is not complete, just covering a few options. Perhaps in your case you created the comp at a different framerate, then adjusted it later after you already had moved keyframes. In that case, they too might have ended up "somewhere inbetween", not being movable. I agree, it's damn inconvenient, no matter what the reason and excuse.
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‎Sep 10, 2008
10:19 PM
It's a bug in the timebase calculations that happens under a number of circumstances including
- time-stretched items
- time-remapped items
- mixing compositions with different framerates, in particular mixing non-integer (e.g. 23,96fps) with full integer (24fps) ones
To cut a long story short: nothing you can do but delete the keyframes and create them again (and wait for CS4 to arrive in the hope it is finally fixed)
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‎Aug 06, 2008
11:22 AM
>...much the rest of the time telling us that we're uncouth and/or
>unprofessional for using an underline in the first place. ... My only
>question to those telling us that it's unprofessional to use underlines
>is "What if the Customer wants an underline?"
Well, not to put too fine a point on it, but even static underlines don't really have a place in motion typography, if only for the reason that thin lines below a certain value always flicker if they are rendered "sharp" (even on progresive displays). I will only concede to the one argument at the core of your complaint: True, the client pays your bills, so he's always right. Still, part of your/ our job is sometimes to convince the client that he's wrong and share at least a part of our aesthetical skill and knowledge, so I still recommend you try that - next time. ;-)
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