yguyvygvgyvgv schrieb: Great idea- "check your fonts" super helpful I checked, they're all there Thanks so much, you should work in customer service Most of the people here (including me) do not work for Adobe. We are just users as you are and try to help in our spare time. So thank you for your kind comments which encourage us to keep helping here. So just for you: what's the meaning of "checking your fonts"? Fonts are software and since they get read a lot by the system and the application software. They might get corrupted. Some fonts are even corrupted from the beginning, because they have been developed by people who don't know much about fonts. So when someone tells you to check your fonts, you want to get hold of a tool that can check if your fonts are all working OK and not corrupted. Illustrator is very prissy about fonts and will display errors of any kind when confronted with a font that's not OK.
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