Thank you. I love how the people all answer "Bleh, bla bla, you aren't using precomps because you don't know AE." But clearly they've not come up with a request that would create a precomp loop. Linking things together gets very annoying, and more time consuming, when you need to link things together between comps, because if you had things parented, if you precomp, you just broke that. So precomp, then go through and fix all of those things. Oh, but you can't just replace a parent by linking position to position with an expression either, because that doesn't keep the offset. So now write a more complicated expression that subracts the difference. Oh, and you had to precomp 50 layers to make the adjustment? So you have to create the expression 50 times. So sorry that it's unnecessarily time consuming, but that's just the way AE works, and you're not using it right...right? I so hate this answer. I always want to use set matte to replace track matte, but it doesn't. Track mattes work completely independently of position and scale. So if you want to replace it, then you have to be sure you are working with objects that all have the same scale, and now you're going around precomping everything to fix one problem, while creating a bunch more. So, put it on an adjustment layer. Oh shoot, you have a background layer that shouldn't have that? Back to precomp again. Oh, but that broke all your expressions? Well that's just how AE works, adding several days of fixing garbagage because they don't want to admit that adding an effect or button for not being effected by an adjustment layer would often save a ton of time. Sometimes you have 3 months for a project. Awesome, plan away. But sometimes you have a few hours. A button that gets you what you want, even though you didn't plan for it, is extremely useful.
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