Community Expert
Daniel L
Photographer and Graphic Designer
Community Expert
Daniel L
Photographer and Graphic Designer
‎Aug 03, 2023
02:24 PM
Are you using Generative Fill or Generative Extend, which is new in the latest version of photoshop?
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‎Aug 03, 2023
01:33 PM
I'm not quite understand what you mean by your images being put back in review. Maybe under the "Pending" tab? Here are some other keywords you might consider using (not necessarily in the best order). Your title could be lengthier and include a good number of keywords that you decide should go first: bake, baked, baked goods, baker, bakery, bread, crust, delicious, dinner, eat, eating, flour, food, fresh, grain, healthy, loaf, loaf of bread, meal, nutrition, tasty, wheat
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‎Aug 02, 2023
09:53 PM
True enough. I often get the feeling that the people complaining most about Gen Fill have little or no prior experience with text to image AI. It's just something that's inherent in the majority of AI platforms.
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‎Aug 02, 2023
06:35 PM
Same thing happens on my desktop, so it's not the result of upgrading my MacBook Air's OS.
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‎Aug 02, 2023
05:46 PM
I should note that this also happens if I'm not signed in to my account for whatever reason (Sorry about my email address in there...we apparently can't delete or edit our posts).
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‎Aug 02, 2023
05:28 PM
After upgrading my MacBook are with the last release, I started getting this message when I attempt to view my Behance page. I click the link to correct the problem but there is nothing to indicate what I need to do next. Any suggestions?
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Community Expert
in Stock Contributors Discussions
‎Aug 01, 2023
02:12 PM
‎Aug 01, 2023
02:12 PM
A signed model release for fictional AI people or property is no longer required. One simply needs to check the boxes to certify that the people or property in the asset are fictional. I think this may be one reason why there has been a slight up tick in review times, since the moderators no longer have to double check if a model release was properly submitted.
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‎Aug 01, 2023
01:16 PM
They moderate thousands of images per day and do not have the time to provide any helpful information besides a copperplate response. If they did, it would take much longer than the two month average waiting time for images to be reviewed and accepted/rejected. Getting more detailed feedback is what this forum is for. 😉
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Community Expert
in Stock Contributors Discussions
‎Aug 01, 2023
12:59 PM
1 Upvote
‎Aug 01, 2023
12:59 PM
1 Upvote
Never mind the Quality Issues notice. There are millions of flower images in the database already and unless you are submitting images that are EXTREMELY unique and creative, few if any will make them past the moderators.
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‎Aug 01, 2023
11:19 AM
Despite what a few YouTubers may have cherry picked to show off Generative AI features, it's a ways off from creating people adequately, at least when it comes to photorealism.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Jul 31, 2023
10:55 PM
1 Upvote
‎Jul 31, 2023
10:55 PM
1 Upvote
I'm jumping in on this thread a bit late, but AI designers themselves should feel threatened by AI. After all, it's so "easy" that anyone can do it. But it's not. And they won't. Start ups can create their own web sites with the tools available online. But they don't want to bother with it. They still hire professionals to do it for them (and those same professionals probably use the tools available on line to get started). Yes, if you're creating robots or aneme or large chested women without concern if irises are perfectly around and pupils are centered in those irises and one eye is slightly higher than the other or one ear is larger than the other or misshapen, then AI is easy. But to fix those issues is extremely difficult, assuming they even get noticed to begin with. And don't get me started on what it takes to upscale results to the point of being useful commercially. In any case, it's happening and there's no stopping it. We'll have to wait out and see what happens as things move forward.
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‎Jul 31, 2023
06:40 PM
In your life? 🙂 OK, bye.
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Community Expert
in Stock Contributors Discussions
‎Jul 31, 2023
11:06 AM
1 Upvote
‎Jul 31, 2023
11:06 AM
1 Upvote
The Happy Dussehra one? It's there.
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‎Jul 31, 2023
11:00 AM
You'll just need two Adobe Cloud accounts with different usernames. Log out of one and log in with the other as needed.
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‎Jul 30, 2023
03:29 PM
1 Upvote
But you aren't renting anything. You are taking advantage of Adobe's Firefly (firefly.adobe.com) which is presently in beta and available for free to the public, whether they have an Adobe account or not.
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‎Jul 30, 2023
03:07 PM
Actually, they do, since the AI is being generated on THEIR servers, not your computer.
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‎Jul 30, 2023
02:52 PM
Exactly, since what they are paying for is the WORKING version of Photoshop, not the public beta. It's always there to fall back on if one's frustration level becomes unbearable. 🙂
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‎Jul 30, 2023
02:29 PM
It's a beata. If you go to stock.adobe.com and enter a search for boudoir, or whatever, I'll believe you'll discover that Adobe has no interest in banning such subject matter. Things will improve. [abuse removed by moderator]
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‎Jul 30, 2023
12:33 PM
1 Upvote
So...two months? Adobe's Neural Filter Background Blur has been in beta since around July of 2021. Beta testing can take a very time.
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‎Jul 30, 2023
10:58 AM
Very few AI programs can do hands and feet properly. There is at least one exception but even it can delivrer a six or seventh finger now and then. You'll be extremely lucky if you get a result that works or that at least doesn't require some additional hands-on editing (no pun intended).
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Community Expert
in Stock Contributors Discussions
‎Jul 29, 2023
05:50 PM
1 Upvote
‎Jul 29, 2023
05:50 PM
1 Upvote
Community Expert
in Stock Contributors Discussions
‎Jul 29, 2023
04:07 PM
1 Upvote
‎Jul 29, 2023
04:07 PM
1 Upvote
Understood. But I want to make it clear that while I've been fortunate to have a number of AI images accepted over the past few days (a trend that could just as well end at any time), the images that ARE being accepted were submitted well over two months ago, as are many of the ones still waiting to be reviewed. So we're all waiting. It's not just photographers as far as I can tell. Meanwhile, Adobe has finally updated their notice upon submission of images that the review process could take up to a month, rather than the 4 or 5 days as stated previously. So there's still some catch up to do and maybe this is why I've had a recent lucky streak.
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Community Expert
in Stock Contributors Discussions
‎Jul 29, 2023
02:29 PM
1 Upvote
‎Jul 29, 2023
02:29 PM
1 Upvote
That came out wrong. Adobe wants to assure that the creators whose work is used by AI designers are compensated accordingly.
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Community Expert
in Stock Contributors Discussions
‎Jul 29, 2023
02:23 PM
1 Upvote
‎Jul 29, 2023
02:23 PM
1 Upvote
I was a professional photographer for 45 years (weddings, portraiture, fashion, fine art, figure/nudes, still life). And I still take on a wedding now and then. I trained with some of the world's best known portrait and fashion photographers. I worked for 12 years each for two companies creating images and videos using Lightwave and Blender. I've paid my dues and now I'm involved in something new. You do you and I'll do me. 😉 As far as waiting time is concerned, EVERYONE is waiting, including photographers and AI designers. Adobe is 100% behind generative AI and is working to assure that designers using the work of others to create images are compensated accordingly.
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Community Expert
in Stock Contributors Discussions
‎Jul 29, 2023
12:22 PM
1 Upvote
‎Jul 29, 2023
12:22 PM
1 Upvote
I agree 100%. It would also help, after that initial first upload, to spend some time on this board reading therough other critiques. There is a wealth of knowledge here for first timers in that respect. By keeping in touch with this forum, I may not have learned a lot about what DOES work when it comes to having images accepted on Adobe Stock, but I've learned what doesn't, and that has been just as helpful when it comes to pruning my images...earlier work in partiular.
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Community Expert
in Stock Contributors Discussions
‎Jul 29, 2023
12:02 PM
1 Upvote
‎Jul 29, 2023
12:02 PM
1 Upvote
Yes, there's the rub. Being new and uploading daily before getting a feel for what works and doesn't work on Adobe Stock is an issue. Bottom line, getting started is going to take time whether one uploads daily or waits between uploads or until an initial review. Patience will always be key either way.
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‎Jul 29, 2023
11:22 AM
I see what there was a misunderstanging (I actually had a decent night's sleep for a change despite 100 degree temps in my location). My "theory" was not to say that by uploading daily I retain a SINGLE place in the queue, and that a few of those images are reviewed daily. I should have been clearer and stated that I retain MULTIPLE places in the queue as per the submission date to better assure that my images will be reviewed on a more or less regular basis.
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‎Jul 28, 2023
10:27 PM
As I said, this is based on my own experience. I upload daily from 3 to 12 images. I've had over 100 AI images accepted over the past 10 working days. This has never happened before. Normaly, I have a handful of images reviewed and accepted every 2 to 3 working days. Sometimes 4 if you take weekends and holidays into account. Yes, my streak could end at any time. I don't pretend to know how it really works. My main point is, people shouldn't wait until images are reviewed, as I get the impression (possibly incorrectly) that some people upload an image or two and then wait to see what happens until they upload again.
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‎Jul 28, 2023
12:24 PM
It's just a theory of mine based on my own experience, but if you are uploading a handful of images and then waiting a few days to uploard more or until one set of images has been reviewed, you are losing your place in the queue each time you do so. Upload a few images every day, even if it's just three or four, to maintain your place in line.
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Community Expert
in Stock Contributors Discussions
‎Jul 28, 2023
11:36 AM
1 Upvote
‎Jul 28, 2023
11:36 AM
1 Upvote
I'm with Jill on this. In my experience, even sharp rocks do not always look sharp and need a little extra sharpening boost. But that's not what I find out of place in this image. It's the very large shelf of a rock covering most of the bottom of the image. It's nature's equivalent of photo-bombing. 😉
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