Daniel Presedo
Adobe Employee
Daniel Presedo
Adobe Employee
‎Mar 21, 2018
08:27 AM
Did you try my suggestion that Pete posted? Sometimes it can be a little thing... The Extrusion depth is negative = -1.89 cm I noticed it was rendering oddly, almost inverted or the backfaces were being rendered. In any cases, perhaps using a positive value might help. It's a longshot but worth the effort and you should still get the result you are looking for. If you try this: Does the render look ok? Does it crash?
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‎Jan 12, 2018
01:34 PM
Yes, I have seen the changes to rendering technologies and I am not disagreeing with what you're saying rayek.elfin ​I will certainly be having a look at what is new from Blender when it is released. It is a good time to be (or fall) in love with 3D.
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Jan 10, 2018
02:27 PM
1 Upvote
‎Jan 10, 2018
02:27 PM
1 Upvote
Sorry that you're having issues with rendering in 3D. The primary reason it is taking a long time to render is that there seems to be transparency on top of it being an anaglyphic 3d letter. But even if it was one or the other by itself it would take more time than just a solid simple color. And yes, that's just not as cool... I see Pete Green, is on this thread is collecting more information so that we can look more closely at the problem. And as far as playing Devil's Advocate... sure Photoshop 3D is not perfect but it is a great way to learn from a familiar setting. I would agree that if you want to more into 3D designing then finding an application like, Adobe Dimension or even Cinema 4D would be better in the long term. In fact, if you have subscription Adobe Dmension is a free download. You can export your Photoshop 3D letters as OBJ files and render them in Adobe Dimension. However, even using those applications you're subject to what your computer hardware can provide. You might seems some speed ups here and there but as a 3D scene gets more complex (e.g. Materials, Lights) render times can slow to a crawl. Also keep in mind that when rendering you don't have to wait for it to "finish." I find more often than not that I will cancel the render before it's done because it's good enough. And of course document size can have an effect as well, what is the maximum size you need? Tips: And to parrot Davescm > Most of the render time will have been taken up rendering empty space when all you needed was the individual letters. Also if you don't need an IBL (Image Based Light) turn it off. I can't tell if you have one or not or are using one. It will add all the soft shadows that take extra time to render. And then selecting only the letter becomes a super time saving trick. Hope this helps!
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Dec 07, 2017
01:53 PM
‎Dec 07, 2017
01:53 PM
As a general rule you cannot mix using different Graphic cards, meaning plug one monitor into one brand X and a second monitor to another brand Y. They are just not built to do that. The remedy is to have them plugged into a single card. This (AMD Radeon(TM) R5 240) card looks to have both a DVI and HDMI. I would try using only this card. And yes GPU features do not work in the virtualized environments, this is usually because the emulation software does not support various GPU drivers.
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Dec 07, 2017
01:43 PM
1 Upvote
‎Dec 07, 2017
01:43 PM
1 Upvote
What kind of Smart Object? (What is in the Smart Object) Is there a specific edit you are applying to the Smart object? Or are you trying to edit/open the Smart Object directly?
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Dec 07, 2017
01:39 PM
‎Dec 07, 2017
01:39 PM
Yes, for the latest version 2018 released on OCT 18 2017 there is an update to the 360 panorama workflow. You may Edit and Export 360 panoramas. Photoshop will maintain important metadata to work with third-party viewers. You would import/open the Theta image in Photoshop. Works as you normally would > add a layer or text etc to this image. Save your work (as a PSD.) Make a duplicate of your work and flatten the layers Then in the menu 3D > New Panorama from selected layer. Then menu 3D > Export Panorama The difference now is when you have finished Photoshop will maintain important metadata to work with third-party viewers. Hope this helps!
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‎Dec 06, 2017
11:39 AM
Here is a helpful link for Windows updates: Windows 10 release information - current branch, build history
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Nov 30, 2017
12:02 PM
1 Upvote
‎Nov 30, 2017
12:02 PM
1 Upvote
This seems fairly straight forward, you may be able to extrude the shape you want easily. I would also agree that if you want to learn more 3D then eventually you will want to find the 3D program that suits your taste. I don't particularly care for Blender, even with it being free. I really like Maxon's Cinema 4D and would suggest it if you plan on making 3D a part of your work.
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‎Nov 17, 2017
08:27 AM
Good point, since this thread has a mix of issues... Please be specific which Tool > Healing Brush and/or Regular Brush (drawing.)
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Nov 16, 2017
08:27 PM
1 Upvote
‎Nov 16, 2017
08:27 PM
1 Upvote
Yes, there are many sites that sell PSD's, Actions, Patterns, etc. The files (psd, atn, pat, etc file types) do not have Digital Rights Management like iTunes videos/music meaning someone could just copy or give it to someone. But yes, you can sell your own creations.
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‎Nov 16, 2017
08:17 PM
Did you try using and installing their current driver? Parblo A610 Win
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‎Nov 16, 2017
08:08 PM
You are talking directly to us via this forum. "The newer version requires you to reinstall brush sets since they have changed how they are managed in 2018." This is actually not correct. You do not have to reload anything, you can organize the brushes in the Brush Panel. When you load brushes into Photoshop you will find them in the Brush Panel > in a Folder.
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‎Nov 16, 2017
10:11 AM
Thank you, this is super helpful. One thing I forgot to add on that list is if you are working on 1 or 2 monitors (e.g. Cinitiq + Monitor = 2) Getting a screenshot of your workspace WHEN this happens can show us things you may not have thought to mention. BONUS points for a Screen Recording!
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Nov 16, 2017
09:46 AM
1 Upvote
‎Nov 16, 2017
09:46 AM
1 Upvote
I would like to try and get more information on those that are seeing this: - Screenshots or relevant information: OS and Video card. Photoshop Menu > Help > System info Document Size settings (e.g. 8bit, 8x11 300ppi etc) What Brush? What size of the brush? What type of tablet? Screenshot of your Painting Workspace (e.g. what panels or are open/visible) or What Workspace? Are you running Full Screen ( "F" key) Do you have Rulers on? If we can swarm on this information the more likely we can reproduce and fix the issue.
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‎Nov 16, 2017
09:35 AM
Yes, we are listening and looking into it.
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‎Nov 14, 2017
01:09 PM
Sorry for the confusion here, The intended fix for adding the video timeline - Render to PNG file format is not in for this dot release.
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Nov 06, 2017
09:33 AM
‎Nov 06, 2017
09:33 AM
The easiest way to get this fixed would be to re-link the image back to that Balloon object. Do you have the original image? If so then select the ballon and re-apply the texture. Otherwise we would need to understand your workflow and figure out what happened. For example: This was an OBJ file that was imported into Photoshop. Then is this exported as a PDF? When did the file lose it's texture? Was it on Import or export?
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‎Nov 06, 2017
09:27 AM
In Photoshop yes, Filter > Pixelate > Mosaic
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‎Nov 06, 2017
09:24 AM
This might be a good place to start for these errors. There are some tech references to what exactly the error codes mean along with next steps. Bug Check 0x133 DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION | Microsoft Docs How to fix Whea Uncorrectable Error! - Microsoft Community And maybe a potential solution [Solved] DPC WATCHDOG VIOLATION Blue Screen Window I hope this helps!
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Nov 03, 2017
02:27 PM
1 Upvote
‎Nov 03, 2017
02:27 PM
1 Upvote
Instagram, my understanding, has only allowed users to create new posts using the official Instagram app on your mobile device. There are some options for posting images from a desktop using third-party apps, but none are officially supported. Using them runs the risk of being "shadow banned" which stops your posts from showing up in hashtag or location searches for a period of time.
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Nov 02, 2017
02:07 PM
1 Upvote
‎Nov 02, 2017
02:07 PM
1 Upvote
For 3D no, but the closest analogy might be Layer Comps: Photoshop layer comps
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Nov 02, 2017
01:57 PM
‎Nov 02, 2017
01:57 PM
Well that was fun
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Oct 24, 2017
12:46 PM
‎Oct 24, 2017
12:46 PM
May I suggest my YouTube channel if you would like to venture into Photoshop 3D tools. The Photoshop 3D Menu - Guide - YouTube​ This video demonstrates creating an object: The Photoshop 3D Menu - Guide - YouTube To make a ball: 1. Open your image. 2. Go to the Photoshop Menu > 3D Once you select the sphere > it will "wrap" the image around the sphere. There are many videos that go thru all the elements of the 3D interface for Photoshop. I hope that helps, Daniel
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‎Oct 24, 2017
09:20 AM
Thank you for reporting this, I have made note of it for the team.
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‎Nov 05, 2016
04:12 PM
When rendering a 3D object it is only rendering the 3D bits/pixels on that layer. If you want to have a background create a new layer behind/under the 3D object and choose your color (eg Gray) then Save as > or Save for Web. Hope this helps!
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‎Jan 12, 2016
01:43 PM
Yes Chris Cox replied on this thread.
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‎Sep 01, 2015
02:28 PM
Companies are not allowed to specify what will be available or time frames, sorry. But I have been having a lot of conversations on this subject.
1 > Please feel free to contact me with an example of a rude employee/response. So that I may slap a wrist :)
2 > But we do know it all with regards to this product and all that entails :)
3 > I dont recall ever giving you or anyone an excuse on this matter (or others) I try to tell you straight when possible.
I have replied to your emails.
I have never discouraged others form trying other products, I still believe in Photoshop as my favorite tool despite the others on the market. And I have used them all.
Oh we listen, plenty of examples of listening and doing. We converse *continually* with a variety of creatives that provide valuable feedback on this subject and many things.
Have a nice day
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‎Sep 01, 2015
09:14 AM
Actually we do care. Don't listen to, dav3 he just likes to grumble. 🙂 Dustin shoot me an email [email address removed as per forum guidelines] I would like to get more info from you if you want to discuss further.
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‎Apr 30, 2015
01:23 PM
I understand what you';re saying and I take these request very seriously. As entrust I want these things as badly as you. Would you consider a conversation over email so that I may get your top concerns and requests? [email address removed as per forum guidelines] And this offer is open to anyone that wants to share that last > just use in the Subject Line something like "Ps Wishlist"
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‎Apr 30, 2015
01:09 PM
I hope to change your mind one day.
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