Thank you so much Rajshree.I hope that tomorrow i'll have my account validated or i'll loose one client...and money obviously. What i don't understand is why none have replied to my threads exept Beverley Grey, and why the 30 days grace period doesn't work anymore. I think that there is another problem here. Sometimes my payment goes wrong, but i have the 30 day period, so no issues. The real problem is to remain an entire day unproductive,without any help from Adobe and incapable to do anything. This is terrible normally, but is painful if you are on a deadline. I'm only one person, but tomorrow i've to go to my client and probably, if the issue is not resolved, i've to look into his eyes and i have to say "Sorry...but Adobe softwares have stopped to work yesterday and i've been not able to do your changes in time". This is a problem that never will happen in a subscription program, it means that Adobe's client doesn't mean nothing. Sorry for the bad english and for my vent, but today i've loose two years of my life. Conference call with client, with my associate, and a lot of shouting.If the issue will be resolved tomorrow morning, i've to work like a mad to end the work. My suggestion is to rethink completely on how this CC works. I've read too many threads with people affected by this issue. And 1 or 3 or 10 or 100 or 200 people doesn't means nothing. This problem may be restricted to someone, but it will never happen. Thank you again for your effort, Roberto