"NVIDIA graphics card driver (1050Ti)"
I did not see this GPU lsied in the System Infor you posted. This may be causing the issue. LrC can use two GPUs, but it does not increase performance. What GPU do you have the two displays connected to? See the below article.
Lightroom Classic currently doesn't take advantage of more than one graphics processor. Using two video adapters does not enhance performance. To resolve issues arising because of conflicting graphics drivers, follow Step 5 and Step 6 in Solution 4: GPU and graphics driver troubleshooting steps.
Only the 'Main' Lightroom Classic window is accelerated. The 'Secondary' window isn't accelerated by the graphics processor.
Graphics processors running under virtual machines are not tested or supported.
When you launch Lightroom Classic, it runs a test on the graphics card. If the test fails, the graphics card is disabled even if it meets the minimum requirements. Walk through the troubleshooting steps to try to resolve the error. Some graphics cards, despite meeting the minimum requirements, may never be compatible with Lightroom Classic for graphics acceleration.
Two things to try.
1) Use only the AMD RX 6600 XT with both displays plugged into it and none into the Nvidia 1050 Ti.
2) If that works do a clean install of the latest Nvidia 1050 Ti Studio driver 511.65.
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