‎Feb 20, 2025
11:00 AM
Nope, any media interpretation applied to the footage should remain in tact.
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‎Feb 20, 2025
09:43 AM
It would reload the footage, just like in AE. In other words, it would do a "Replace Footage..." and choose the exact same file as previously loaded, but in one command, ensuring that if the footage/PNG/WAV/etc had changed in any way, PPro would be working with the latest version.
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‎Jan 31, 2025
04:26 AM
I've tried all those solutions, but none work for me. In fact just today, things have become a whole lot worse in that previews are not working AT ALL! I press spacebar/numpad 0/click the play icon in the Preview panel and....absolutely nothing happens. Nothing plays/renders/previews...no blue progress bar across the bottom of the comp viewer....absolutely nothing at all hapopens. Ooh! I take that back - while I've been typing this, waiting for something to happen in AE, I now notice the green bar has filled my timeline...but nothing actually plays. I'll set PreviewPlaybackOptimization back to True, restart AE and see if that helps. I'm working on a linked AE comp with PPro open in the background. Once AE gets into this state, even if I open a new, unrelated project, playback is still broken. Update: I opened the debug console thing, changed that setting (I set PreviewPlaybackOptimization to True), and playback immediately (even before closing the debug panel) started! So I'll keep that set to True from now on.
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‎Jan 28, 2025
03:58 AM
1 Upvote
If I click on the Description field of a folder, a box temptingly appears, but it's impossible to type anything into it. I'm sure I'm not alone in wanting to add a description to folders/bins in the Project Panel (exactly as I can add a description to anything else in PPro's Project panel). It's been impossible to add a description to a folder for many (all?) versions of PPro. Maybe it's "as designed", but it's not logical or useful. It's exactly the same if I show the "Comment" column: I cannot add a comment to a folder/bin. Let's have describable* bins, please! *To be pronounced in the style of "capable": https://youtu.be/3MWpHQQ-wQg?si=QtdESkhgp7faqjT1&t=28
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‎Jan 22, 2025
09:44 AM
1 Upvote
If I click on the Description field of a folder, a box temptingly appears, but it's impossible to type anything into it. I'm sure I'm not alone in wanting to add a description to folders/bins in the Project Panel (exactly as I can add a description to anything else in PPro's Project panel). It's been impossible to add a description to a folder for many (all?) versions of PPro. Maybe it's "as designed", but it's not logical or useful. It's exactly the same if I show the "Comment" column. Let's have describable bins, please!
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‎Jan 22, 2025
09:38 AM
This is not solved - we need a way to add text into the Description field of a folder, exactly as I can add a description to anything else in PPro's Project panel.
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‎Jan 22, 2025
07:12 AM
Regardless of the setting of the 'loop options' button in the Preview panel, playback of a RAM preview ALWAYS loops. I'm on AE Beta 25.2.2x85 I was using AE in "dangerous mode" - that is I was working on a project with linked comps with PPro also open. I quit both AE and PPro, relaunched AE (but not PPro), opened the same project, and the issue has gone away. Looks like it might be related to the dreaded, longstanding CTI not moving issue: https://community.adobe.com/t5/after-effects-discussions/pti-and-cti-not-moving-on-preview/m-p/15100265#M260508
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‎Jan 17, 2025
06:15 AM
1 Upvote
Ugh. Suddenly today, even without doing any updates, PPro refuses to believe that AE is installed; whether I use the release version of PPro and AE or the beta version of PPro and AE. I tried the whole security permissions thing (even though on my Windoze 10 system it does not have an "everyone" in the users etc, so I set "users" to have full permission to do everything, but this made no difference. I uninstalled and reinstalled the beta versions (PPro 25.2.0x83), and that also did not help. I am furious. And it's now 2025.
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‎Jan 14, 2025
08:39 AM
Nope, that doesn't make any difference for me (any version of AE for the past few years, Windows 10). As long as PPro is open with some linked comps, the CTI will not move after a while. Page up/down/home/end/zoom in/zoom out/middle-scroll-wheel-zoom also do not do anything - the ONLY way to update the comp viewer is to drag the CTI. (Well, page up/down/home/end DO move the CTI, but the viewer does not update).
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‎Jan 14, 2025
05:09 AM
I'm on PPro beta 25.2.0x76. Interestingly, if I open that exact same project and export the same sequence in the release version of PPro (25.1.0 Build 73), I can turn the captions on and off in the Export tab and it works as expected. Here's a screenshot from the beta version showing an export of a sequence (with no nested shots) with subtitles: ...and if I turn off Catpions, it's exactly the same: The ONLY way I can export a "no subtitles" version is to turn off the Subtitle track: (And why can't Adobe make up its mind whether it's "captions" or "subtitles"? It's SUBTITLES. Captions are not the same thing).
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‎Jan 13, 2025
09:38 AM
I have several sequences with subtitles (captions). If I have the captions track visible in my timeline, PPro ALWAYS exports the video with burnt-in captions, regardless of the "CAPTIONS" setting in the Export tab. The only way to export my sequence without captions is to disable th visibility of the captions track in my sequence (in the timeline).
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‎Jan 10, 2025
08:44 AM
This bug is still there in version 25.2.0x76. Surely it's not that hard to fix?!
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‎Jan 10, 2025
06:56 AM
When using Track Effects, it's hard to see, on a 4K screen, whether the effect is on or off. The icon is just a small grey thing, and a silly little faint grey line appears through it when it's off. Effect on: Effect off, apparently: Could this please be changed to something more obvious; green for on and red for off would be the clearest. I know it might not fit in with the "design aesthetic" or whatever, but absolutely nobody cares. Making the software more efficient to use should be the number one priority, rather than making us have to press our noses to the screen to make out these unfriendly UI features. This is how tiny that icon is in the "grand scheme of things". Is that effect off or on?? ...but if it had a colour-code, it'd be possible to see its state even from miles away:
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‎Jan 09, 2025
09:36 AM
Nope - sadly that fix didn't work for me. I'm on the latest Beta (25.2.0 x72) on Windoze.
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‎Jan 07, 2025
10:29 AM
I'm (always) on the latest beta...no sign of background rendering - unless there's an unlock code I need to do??
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‎Jan 07, 2025
09:55 AM
I came here to also suggest this (while I'm waiting for something to render just so it can play back properly); it's now 2025, and if AE can do camera tracking in the background, and PPro can render morph cuts in the background, why can't it render a video sequence (I'm not talking about exporting via AME) in the background? After all, PPro tragically never uses more than a few % of available CPU/GPU power to do its rendering so there's plenty left for other stuff like playback.
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‎Dec 16, 2024
07:53 AM
I'm not sure that this has been asked in a while, so here goes: Why is Premiere so reluctant to use my available CPU/GPU power? I am currently waiting while a 1920x1080 25fps 2m 30s sequence exports. It has a few effects - nothing complex (a track matte and a colour grade) but PPro is being pathetically slow, taking something like 15 minutes to do the export (to H.264). Premiere is using only ~15% of my CPU and just ~10% of my GPU. Why?! Is the app just really inefficiently coded? Has Adobe done absolutely nothing to take advantage of those newfangled multi-core processors that were introduced a couple of weeks decades ago? Are there any plans to radically overhaul whatever is causing this frustrating reluctance to use the available power?
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‎Dec 12, 2024
01:21 PM
I'm not sure if it's "as designed" or a bug, but if I try to replace some footage I've imported into PPro with an AE comp, PPro just says the importer enountered a generic error or something similar. Is it not possible to replace footage with an AE comp like that? (I'm not talking about right-clicking a clip in PPro's timeline and doing "Replace with AE comp"). Here's the situation: I have a 14 minute shot (one single mxf file of someone in front of a greenscreen) in my PPro project which I have edited into several sequences. I then want to do the keying in AE, so I import that mxf file into AE, drag it on the 'new comp' icon and do some keying. The next step would be in PPro to replace the source file (the mxf) in the Project Panel with the AE comp. But that doesn't seem possible. The only workaround seems to be to render the AE comp, and replace the mxf file with the resulting AE export movie file. Which is annoying, because the shot, being 14 minutes long and 4K is taking forever to render in AE. If I could dynamically link the comp into PPro, then PPro would only have to render the sections that are actually used in the edit. Is there supposed to be a way to do this?
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‎Dec 06, 2024
06:40 AM
This indeed fixed in 25.2.0 Build 43! Nice.
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‎Nov 21, 2024
09:36 AM
Whenever I change the settings for a sequence, PPro gives me the message that changing things will "Delete all previews for this sequence". I'm really not bothered about the previews being binned, and I'd love it if there's a "don't show this message again" checkbox.
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‎Nov 21, 2024
06:44 AM
If I have a complex effect with a lot of keyframed properties, it can be tricky to find its keyframes in the timeline (coloured labels for keyframes are a big help). To make life easier, it would be lovely to be able to click a property in the effects control panel, and have it appear highlighted in the timeline. I know I can use "u" to reveal all the layer's keyframes, but if I've animated a lot of the layer's properties, it can still be hard to search through and find the specific property, and being able to reveal it by clicking the property in the ECP would alleviate this. Right-clicking a prooerty in the ECP and doing "reveal in timeline" kind of works, but tends to reveal a whole load of properties, not just the selected one.
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‎Nov 15, 2024
02:07 AM
1 Upvote
OMG yes! I almost never reduce my track height to the mimimum - hence why I didn't notice this disappearing-cut-points tragedy. Min. track height...that's just one long clip, isn't it? Bit odd that there are many words in there... ..and 1 single mouse-scroll-wheel-click bigger...oh I see now! It has many cuts! (This is in 25.2.0 Beta build 17 - today's latest update).
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‎Nov 15, 2024
01:41 AM
It does seem, that with each release of the beta version, the rounded corners get progressively smaller, so on this latest release, the "rounded corner problem" has almost gone away completely! It also looks like those massive "1 frame of misleading nothingness" gaps between clips that in reality have no gaps between them at all has been removed (see this monstrosity from Adobe's first version of this rounded corners version): ...so now we have this neat, almost-squared-corners, no-silly-gaps version (very similar to how it looked years before The Cornergate Debacle raised its ugly, rounded head!): At last, some good news in this lunatic world!
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‎Nov 08, 2024
09:45 AM
Today I updated PPro to 25.2.0 beta (Build 10) and now whenever I open a project I created a couple of weeks ago (using the latest beta at the time) I get an error saying that the generative extend and colour correctoin features are not supported. Even though they are (I can open the project, and generatively extend a clip). Weird. By the way, generative extend still adds colour changes to solid coloured backgrounds.
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‎Oct 21, 2024
05:59 AM
Even using the (dusts off ASCII charts from 1986) ludicrously outdated, comically awful Windoze "hold alt and type 0160"* for a non-breaking space, PPro still breaks the space if it wants to. *When switching from Mac to Windoze, when I read that this is how you create special characters, I honestly had to check it wasn't April Fools' Day.
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‎Oct 21, 2024
02:28 AM
1 Upvote
Is it possible to create a non-breaking space in PPro? If so, I cannot find it. I've tried hunting online for the answer, but just keep getting answers on how to do it in InDesign and AE. I've even tried pasting in non-breaking spaces, but PPro just treats them like regular spaces and breaks them at the end of a line if it wants to. Now we have a lot more options for creating text in PPro, shouldn't we also have a "no break" option like in most other Adobe apps? (Or do we have this hidden somewhere already?)
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‎Oct 18, 2024
07:09 AM
1 Upvote
Yes - I had a clip - a person doing a piece to camera with a static backdrop, and I wanted to extend it by half a second or so. PPro did a good job, but the background got noticeably brighter.
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‎Oct 18, 2024
03:26 AM
1 Upvote
Take a look at a couple of things in a Bin: ...one is selected and one is not. If you look veerrry carefully, you can just about make out which is which. I've tried all settings of UI darkness and the "accessible colour contrast", but it's nigh on impossible to tell the difference. The difference between 18% brightness (selected) and 11% brightness (unselected) is pathetic, and should be drastically increased, or an outline added around the selected item. This is the exact same issue that AME previously had (I reported that bug and it has been improved recently - thanks!). Let's hope we can get a similar change in the UI of PPro too.
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‎Oct 17, 2024
04:17 AM
Is there a way to set (somewhere in a prefs file I'd guess) the default timecode size/position of burnt-in timecode for exports? I always find the default settings too big and obtrusive, so every time I export soemthing with timecode, I set it to a smaller size and move it down a bit. Is there a line in a prefs file somewhere that I could edit to make this permanent? I konw I could save an "export setting" with these in them, but I usually set me own settings on each export, so I'd have to set up a whole load of export settings.
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‎Oct 16, 2024
03:52 AM
Steps to reproduce: 1. Turn off video keyframes in the timeline (under the spanner icon) 2. Drop a clip into the timeline 3. Go to drag it to another position - you need to aim your mouse pointer for the top ~third of the clip (where the 100% opacity line would be if it were turned on) Result: The "100" appears, and if you drag downwards, the opacity reduces to 0. Expected: The clip should move. And obviously it should be impossible to change the clip's opacity this way if clip keyframes are not shown! This is a REALLY annoying bug - I NEVER EVER want to change a clip's opacity in the timeline, which is why I have video keyframes turned off. System info Application: Premiere Pro (Beta) v25.1.0.48 OS: Windows v10.0.19045, RAM: 127.91 GB GB, CPUs (logical): 32
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