‎Mar 17, 2025
07:28 AM
Issue has not been resolved. I am back on my old pc and things are fine. My company has purchased another new pc for me. In a few days I should have it and will give Illustrator another attempt.
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‎Mar 12, 2025
07:47 AM
1 Upvote
It works! Thank you so much! I know it seems like such a little thing, but having documents full screen like this is so handy! We build parts and service books for huge industrial machines and have hundereds of documents in these books. Having them all open like this will be amazing! This community is great!
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‎Mar 12, 2025
07:41 AM
Oh my god... forgive my stupidity for not catching that! Thank you!
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‎Mar 12, 2025
07:34 AM
I pasted the text into notepad, saved as a .jsx file, and went to the system folder you told me to. There wasn't a startup folder, so I created one. I named it startup and my windows username (startup bce75), correct? I then pasted the .jsx file into this folder.
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‎Mar 11, 2025
12:07 PM
I changed the zoom settings in both maker.ini files and neither one changed anything when the document opens. It sill opens at 100% unless I save the document at 120%.
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‎Mar 11, 2025
09:59 AM
1 Upvote
It looks like there is! I'm currently editing a few documents and switching between Fm and Illustrator. I'm going to look into it after I'm done.
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‎Mar 11, 2025
09:44 AM
I was curious so I just copied it and opened it. I guess I answered my own question! Thanks!
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‎Mar 11, 2025
09:41 AM
Hmm, is the maker.ini like a settings or preferences file?
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‎Mar 11, 2025
09:37 AM
Thanks, Barb! I had a feeling it wasn't possible, but I never thought about keyboard shortcuts! I'm going to try working with those, unless one of the memebers you mentioned may have another alternative. Thanks again!
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‎Mar 11, 2025
09:06 AM
I'm using the latest Framemaker ( ) and just installed bigger 32' dual monitors. Its amazing to see things bigger on screen, but I was wondering if there was a way to set the page view size or page zoom when FM opens a document? I'd much rather a single page take up the entire viewable area than to see multiple pages or only a section of another page. Currently, when FM opens a document it opens at 100%. That was fine on my older 24" monitors. 100% on my new monitors displays either 2 pages next to each other or 1/4 of the following page. If there was a way to set the default page view to 120% or to Fit Page In Window, that would be great. I just haven't been able to find a way to set it.
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‎Mar 06, 2025
07:30 AM
Doing more work this morning. I finished the parts pages I was working on. I was able to work on one page at a time without having to close Illustrator. I then tried opening a new file (not a template) using File>New and tried opening a basic 8.5 x 11 new document. It opened enough to show the artboard then Illustrator froze. It has done it three times in a row. Illustrator is basically unusable at this point and my work is taking a huge hit in productivity. Photoshop, Framemaker, Acrobat, Bridge... all these programs work perfectly as does all the other non Adobe programs on my computer. Of course, most of my work is done in Illustrator and it's the one causing huge issues.
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‎Mar 05, 2025
02:20 PM
I've been working with Illustrator all day, and I've found that I have more issues when working with emf files than anything. I've been able to work on a few .ai files that I had previously made, save them, and open another file without Illustrator locking up, but when I tried to copy from an emf and paste into a new template, Illustrator froze. I have been able to copy from an emf and place into a template, save the file then create another file without locking up, but more often than not Illustrator is going to lock up. My current work around has been to work on one file, save, close out illustrator, then re launch illustrator and work on the next file, and so on. This has definitely slowed down my productivity.
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‎Mar 05, 2025
08:49 AM
Since I posted, I have been working on a parts page that I already created. I did my edits that I normally would (change line weights and colors, added callouts, etc) and saved the file. I then went to open the next page and Illustrator locked up again. Apparently it isn't just .emf files as I was working on an .ai file.
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‎Mar 05, 2025
08:18 AM
I've been messing with this for the last hour and here is what I've done- I'll start off by telling you that I am a technical illustrator. I build parts books for heavy industrial machines. I've been doing this same job for 13 years. We have always used Illustrator to create our parts pages. We have gone from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and now Windows 11. We have been using the same programs this entire time. Yes, programs have updated over the years, but we have never had issues like this. Our process is we export cad drawing views as line art from Seimens NX cad software. We export it as an .emf file. We open the emf in illustrator, ungroup and release the clipping mask and copy the drawing view to an illustrator template. Here is what I have noticed- When I first open Illustrator, I open my emf file, then I open my custom template file, copy my view from the emf file and paste it to the illustrator template. I resize the view then save the illustrator file. When I go to open the template file again to make a new parts page, Illustrator then locks up. The template file opens as a tab in Illustrator, but the screen remains blank (it should normally load with my grid and art board). I get the spinning cursor, and if I click on the "X" in the upper right corner to close Illustrator, I will get the message that Illustrator is not responding. If I choose to close the program through the windows error window, I find that I don't lose my loaded custom actions, and that my other preferences don't seem to rest. I only have to reselect my custom workspace. If i force close Illustrator with Task Manager, it seems like I lose all my saved preferences and I have to reload my custom actions. I opened Illustrator in safe mode as you requested, and it worked normally. I was able to make 7 parts pages without issue. I then tried the same thing after restarting from safe mode, and the problems returned. It seems to be an issue with .emf files. I copied a graphic from another parts page I created and Illustrator had no problems copying and pasting and then opening a new template. This drawing page I copied from was saved as an .ai file. I can also open as many emf files, templates files or regular new files as I want and they will all open fine. It's only after I copy and paste a view from the emf file, then try to open a new template that the issues arises. I did roll back to Illustrator 29.3 and I experienced the same issues. I was previously using 29.3 on my old computer running Windows 10 and it was fine. I just upgraded computers and operating systems a few days ago. So far, Illustrator has been the only program to cause me issues. I hope this helps and if you need any more information, hopefully I can provide it.
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‎Mar 04, 2025
01:16 PM
I had a fresh install of Illustrator 29.3.1 on a fresh install of Windows 11 on a new PC. Almost immediately I began having issues when opening files. It doesn't matter where the files are saved- I have issues opening files form a network drive, issues opening local files, and issues when opening an Illustrator Template file. When this happens, Illustrator will freeze, I will get a spinning cursor, and only task manager will kill it. So, I rolled back to the previous version 29.3. I'm still having the same issues. When I reopen Illustrator from the crash, I find that it will not open to my saved workspace and my custom Actions are deleted. I can save files just fine, and once things are open, Illustrator works normally. My PC specs are- HP Z4 Workstation with a Xeon 3.6GHz processor Windows 11 Pro for Workstations 128GB RAM 1TB SSD and a 3TB SSD Nvidia Quadro P2000
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‎Mar 04, 2025
09:51 AM
1 Upvote
I am having the same issues with 29.3.1. It is infuriating! This is a fresh install on a new computer with a fresh install of Windows 11. my system specs are... HP Z4 Workstation with Intel Xeon 3.60GHz CPU Windows 11 Pro for Workstations 128GB RAM 2 SSD- 1 TB and 3TB I get random spinning cursor when opening files and illustrator never responds. Sometimes it will crash, and seems to wipe my preferences in the process. Other times I have to use task manager to kill the program. It's happening with maybe every other file I try to open. It happens with files from a network drive, it happens with files on my local drive, it also happens when opening template files. It's happened when trying to edit graphics from a Framemaker document too. I just switched from a system that was running Illustrator 29.3 and it was fine. I guess I'm going to play the rollback game as I've done in the past. I'm way too busy to keep doing this.
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‎Jan 16, 2025
12:37 PM
Like the title says, how can I get the webp file type association in Bridge? I know about changing the opener preferences.xml file, but that isn't working. When I try to open a webp file from Bridge, it still has the file type associated with Photoshop 2023 for some reason. Of course, I don't have that installed as we are on 2025. I can't even get webp to show in the list of file types in Bridge so that I can change the association. It's in the xml file, in alphabetical order too. What is my next step? It is absolutely ridiculous that this hasn't been added officially yet.
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‎Sep 18, 2024
08:39 AM
I had upgraded to the previous update, had issues, and went back to one I knew was working. I figured that I'm paying for updates and that surely they had things figured out by now... wrong! So far though, this is the only problem I've ran into.
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‎Sep 18, 2024
08:31 AM
Yeah, that works too, but the right click has been ingrained in my workflow for the last 12 years. It's frustrating when they take things away like that.
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‎Sep 16, 2024
11:00 AM
I deal with line art drawings exported from Seimens NX cad software on a daily basis. In order to select the various views on the page, I need to release a clipping mask that is added upon export. I have always done a select all, right click, select ungroup from the popup options, then right click and select release clipping mask from popup options. After updating to illustrator 28.7.1 last week, the option to release clipping masks is gone. Where did it go and how can I get it back? There have been no changes to the cad software as they are major updates and the entire company is made aware of changes and updates to the software. HP Z4 Workstation Intel Xeon processor 4.0GB Windows 10 for Workstations ( up to date) 64 GB RAM
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‎May 13, 2024
12:29 PM
1 Upvote
I lost all of my preferences as well. I think it was still faster to restore all of my preferences than to deal with how slow the latest update was. But, I bet we got some cool new Generative AI features instead!
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‎May 10, 2024
12:23 PM
I updated my Illustrator to 28.5 at the beginning of the week, but today I had to roll back to 28.4.1. I was having terrible issues with long wait times for copy and paste, I was getting so many "not responding" alerts, but most frustrating of all were the issues with dragging objects and panning with the hand tool. I layout pages for parts manuals and I am constantly arranging views on pages. I struggled with not being able to move any objects around on the page. I would select the object, illustrator would brielfy stop responding and I'd get the spinning cursor. Once the object was selected, trying to move it was a problem. More often than not, I just couldn't move it unless I waited for 10 to 20 seconds. I'd have the object highlighted, click on it to drag it, and I would have to keep the mouse button pressed and slowly drag the mouse. After waiting the 10 to 20 seconds, and another "not responding" message, I could move it. It was taking FOREVER to get my job done! Placing text was also another ordeal. I place my text tool where I wanted it, and it might or might not place the text cursor. If it did, then wahtever I typed would take several seconds to appear. Hopefully these issues are addressed quickly. I'm back to 28.4.1 and it instantly fixed my issues. Windows 10 for workstations HP Z4 Workstation with Intel Xeon CPU @ 4.0 GHz 64GB RAM
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‎Jan 08, 2024
08:25 AM
Oh, I belive you about the network! They can be fickle for sure. I wasn't aware of the printer thing. We have a big BizHub copier that we use in the department and it's working fine. Thanks!
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‎Jan 08, 2024
07:59 AM
I've actually had really good results with saving to our network drives over the years. It's just recently that I've encountered issues. I copy and paste vector line art from engineering drawings onto my new illustrator document. Those drawings are saved on the network, but I've been doing it this way for the last 11 years without issues. Fonts are working fine. I'm using Adobe Fonts. Printer? We have a print server that we print through and it's working fine. I'm using the CADTools plugin by Hotdoor but it happens without it too.
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‎Jan 08, 2024
07:31 AM
As soon as I click "Save". It doesn't matter where I save. I usually save to the same network drive I've been saving to for the last 11 years, but I can save locally and it will do the same thing.
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‎Jan 08, 2024
07:12 AM
I'm having basically the same issue. Mine crashes when doing any kind of saving. Well, I guess crash isn't correct. It stops responding and I have to use task manager to end it. I let it go all night once and it was still not responding the next morning. I've tried the same steps you have and am still having issues. HP Z4 Workstation Intel Xeon W-2125 4.0 GHz processor 32 GB RAM Invidia Quadro P2000 video card Windows 10 Pro for Workstations fully up to date Adobe Illustrator 28.1
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‎Oct 12, 2023
06:52 AM
1 Upvote
D Fosse, thanks for posting the link to the main bug report. I added my vote.
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‎Oct 12, 2023
06:18 AM
I've been putting off using photoshop as long as I can, but I had to use it yesterday and I just wanted to scream. How can an issue like this persist for so long?! This thread was started back in freaking March! This has been going on for 7 months! Does no one from Adobe ready anything posted in these forums?
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‎Sep 14, 2023
12:05 PM
Thanks! I felt kind of stupid once I figured it out! I still don't like the contextual tool bar though.
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‎Sep 14, 2023
11:53 AM
So... I found it. I had some work I had to finish before I attempted resetting preferences, but afterwards I did a restart. I opened Illustrator and there was still nothing. I toggled Control Panel on and off several times to no avail. I was just getting ready to reset my preferences, but I decided to restart again. Still nothing. Then, I'm not sure what made me look, but I found it while making sure my actions were backed up. I have two monitors. My right monitor is my work monitor for Photoshop, Illustrator, Framemaker, NX, Acrobat, etc. My left monitor is where i keep all of my panels. For Illustrator, I have my panels across the entire top of the screen. My control panel was BEHIND all these. It would never come to the front when toggling it for some reason, but I moved my actions panel out of the way and was able to drag my control panel back into place! Ugh!!!!! Thanks for the help and ideas! I guess you can never tell what some programs are going to do.
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