‎Oct 29, 2024
04:02 PM
1 Upvote
8 pages on this post and finally, thank God, they put the option for scroll bars back as of 25.0.0 because panning with the hand tool still consistently does not work.
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‎Aug 16, 2024
02:11 PM
1 Upvote
Version 24.5.0 on M1 Mac OS Sonoma 14.3.1 update: Since updating, I've been using the hand tool instead of scroll bars to pan around the program monitor, but now the hand tool regularly stops working as well. I currently have no way to pan around a shot while it's zoomed in, or zoomed out, or fit to the window for that matter. The hand tool does absolutely nothing. Exiting and restarting Premiere seems to fix the hand tool temporarily, until the hand tool stops working again and I have to restart Premiere again, and again, and again. This is a waste of my valuable time and money having to wait for larger projects to quit and reload every few hours.
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‎Jun 25, 2024
02:15 PM
1 Upvote
Please mark this as the actual correct answer, using the H tool or middle mouse button seems to be the only way to achieve the requested result.
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‎Jun 25, 2024
02:14 PM
Trying to find anything about scrolling in the program monitor at this link and I don't see anything about it... Is this link still up to date? A screenshot or direct link to this specific feature update would be helpful.
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‎Apr 15, 2024
11:18 AM
The project has about 5-6 hours of interviews and various other video, photos, graphics, and audio content. Not the smallest project but not very large either. It's stored on an external SSD. I updated to 24.3 and this problem seems to be somewhat improved, although sometimes it still takes 3-4 minutes to load content in the import window. The problem now is that I've run into new bugs in version 24.3 for things that worked perfectly in 24.0.3, specifically this speed/duration bug https://community.adobe.com/t5/premiere-pro-bugs/clip-speed-duration-unlinking-not-working/idi-p/14545411 So I guess I have to decide which bugs I prefer. I think I'll revert back to an older version until these new bugs get ironed out.
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‎Apr 05, 2024
07:37 AM
1 Upvote
Premiere 24.0.3 (Build 2) as well as previous versions of 24 and 23.
Mac OS Sonoma 14.3.1 and previous versions
M1 Macbook Pro 2021
When working in an existing project, if you try to import a different Premiere project of the exact same version of Premiere, the import window will either never load or will take longer than 15 minutes to load (I've never waited longer than 15 minutes to find out if it ever loads.)
With a project file open, select File > Import, navigate to a different project file than the one you currently have open and click "Import". A window "Import Premiere Pro Sequence" opens and says it is loading the selected project. This window should load the contents of the project you are importing from but only shows a blank screen that says "Loading [project name]" (see screenshot).
This blank loading screen persists for at least 15 minutes, but likely longer. For all practical purposes the project content never loads and there is no progress bar to indicate any loading is taking place. The only current workaround is to cancel the import and retry a second or third time which eventually resolves the issue.
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‎Mar 25, 2024
11:26 AM
1 Upvote
Having the same issue and this definitely helped. I had an old project that used to work with no issues but when I opened it in a newer version of Premiere (24.0.3 build 2) several months later, the exported audio was distorted throughout the video. I checked the sequence settings, and found that my main sequence was set to 48 KHz but a nested sequence was set to 44.1KHz. Either Premiere used to be ok with different audio sample rates in the same sequence, and no longer is, or the nested sequence somehow defaulted to 44.1 KHz when I imported the old project into a newer version of Premiere. Setting both my main sequence and the nested sequence to 44.1 KHz mostly fixed the problem, although I still get occasional glitches in the audio that line up with the cuts in this nested sequence, but usually rendering in to out before exporting fixes this. Weirdly, these glitches do not appear in the same exact audio when it is un-nested. Bottom line: Premiere hates nested audio for some reason. Avoid at all costs.
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‎Mar 13, 2024
06:42 AM
Same issue for me, Premiere v24.0.3 (Build 2) on a 2021 M1 Macbook Pro. It happens both when I use the built in trackpad and an external Bluetooth mouse. Extremely annoying and frankly very risky. It can cause you to unintentionally select and overwrite files in the timeline just from moving your mouse around, because it's stuck as if you're holding down left click, even when you're not. What's the fix??
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‎Oct 05, 2023
02:45 PM
Attempted a similar export once again in the beta apps, using File > Export > Send to AME (instead of using the export panel). The results are the same. Similar videos will sometimes export with no errors, but the majority of videos exported in the queue in AME will export with no video, only audio, or displaying multicam angle 1 when in my Premiere sequence I'm using angle 2. The only solution I can see is exporting one video at a time directly from Premiere since this is the only way I've been able to avoid these errors. Media Encoder is currently completely out of order for me, both in the release version and the beta version of the app. I've tried with multiple different videos multiple times which produces different variations of errors each time, even with the same videos.
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‎Oct 05, 2023
11:58 AM
Exported 9 video files with the latest Premiere and ME release versions (not beta) and 6 of the 9 exported with only black video and audio. I used File > Export > Send to AME for all of these. I will attempt this again in the Beta apps with the remaining videos that did not export correctly.
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‎Oct 05, 2023
11:05 AM
1 Upvote
Case in point: ME beta is now exporting the incorrect multicam track. I have it set to camera 2 for almost the entire video and it's only exporting with camera 1. I will try exporting with File > Export > Send to AME and see how it goes...
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‎Oct 05, 2023
09:57 AM
1 Upvote
Macbook pro Max M1 macOS Monterey v12.6.7 32GB memory 10 core CPU 24 core GPU Adobe Premiere v23.6 (latest version) Currrently attempting a batch export with Premiere beta v24.1.0 (build 42) and Media Encoder beta v24.1 (build 40). We'll see how it goes but I've run into many more bugs with the beta versions so this seems like a very incomplete solution to a very persistent problem.
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‎Oct 05, 2023
08:20 AM
1 Upvote
I am still having a similar issue even after updating Premiere. I'm exporting a series of 5-10 videos from Premiere, queued in Media Encoder, and the first video exports fine, but all of the remaining videos will export with no video, only audio and a black screen. If I interrupt this batch export and re-queue every video in ME, the videos will then take around 30 minutes just to export the first 2-3 seconds of the video. At this point I have to stop and re-queue all the remaining videos and repeat the process with only the first video exporting in a normal amount of time and correctly rendering both video and audio. The batch export feature in ME is essentially useless at this point because only the first video exports correctly.
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‎Jul 05, 2023
04:04 PM
1 Upvote
It seems to be the worst with nested clips in particular, regular un-nested clips seem to be working normally, aside from the occasional crash.
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‎Jul 05, 2023
04:00 PM
I've had the same problem for the last several months on the 3-4 most recent versions of premiere. Took 30+ minutes to analyze a 19 second clip, and caused premiere to crash. On my old 2013 macbook with the same footage something like this used to take 3-5 minutes at most. So far no solution in sight... Current specs: MacOS Monterey 12.6 M1 Max 32 gb memory
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‎Apr 18, 2023
08:26 PM
I've run into a similar problem and unfortunately not surprised to find it's been a known issue for years with no apparent fix in sight. Please correct me if I'm wrong but I've been unable to fix this issue across multiple versions of premiere, resetting my preferences, clearing my cache, using different computers. I have a ~1 hour multicam clip with 3 camera angles. I've gone through the entire hour and cut between each of the three angles hundreds of times throughout the clip, as is a standard practice when editing with multicam. At this point, I would like to make color adjustments to the original uncut clips, inside the multicam sequence, so that these changes are also reflected in my fully edited main sequence, without having to color each and every cut up clip in my fully edited sequence. However, within any multicam sequence, every time I make a single change in the Lumetri color panel, the entire panel is deselected and greyed out, even though the clip is still selected in the timeline. If I want to make another change to any color setting, I have to deselect and select the clip in the timeline, then make the change in the Lumetri panel, then it gets greyed out again, so I have to deselect and reselect the clip in the timeline to make another change and on and on it goes. The same thing happens every time I make a change to any Lumetri setting in the Effect Controls panel. Again, this has been a persistent issue across at least the last 2 major releases of premiere (22 and 23) on at least 3 different (apple) laptops and desktops running different OS versions and with different specs (intel-based i9 and i7, as well as an M1 Max laptop). Anybody know of an actual fix for this or whether Adobe may be working on one?
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‎Apr 18, 2023
10:58 AM
I was having this problem with extremely slow exports in Media Encoder 2023 v 23.3 so I tried exporting a single ~1 minute video directly from Premiere, and it exported in about 20 seconds. I checked my project settings in Premiere to make sure the renderer was set to Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration, which it was. So I tried exporting the same exact video from MEl. After 5 minutes, it was looking like it would take another 30-60 minutes to export this simple 1 minute video. THE FIX: In ME preferences > general, make sure under "video rendering" that "renderer" is also set to Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration otherwise it will take an obscenely long amount of time to export videos. I have no idea why this setting would have changed since it even says in both Premiere and ME that GPU Acceleration is the "recommended" setting, and yet after I updated to v23 this setting had apparently changed by itself to "software only", costing me several days of wasted time waiting for exports, until I found this setting. Thanks to the hints in this thread that pointed me in that direction but why, Adobe, why?
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‎Apr 04, 2023
11:11 AM
This is true in 2023 as well as 2022 versions I believe.
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‎Apr 04, 2023
11:09 AM
Coming here to update because I couldn't find this answer anywhere else: the "Ligatures" checkbox in Preferences > Graphics has NO EFFECT on captions in Premiere. In order to turn off ligatures in caption tracks, you have to right click on the caption track in the timeline and select "Track Settings". This will bring up a window where you can turn off ligatures for that caption track. Hope this helps others as frustrated as I have been trying to find this setting...
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‎Sep 06, 2021
04:41 PM
The problem no longer happens when using the Premiere Beta. I haven't updated the release version of Premiere on my system yet but I'm hoping the problem will no longer happen in the most recent update.
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‎Aug 05, 2021
02:54 PM
Thank you for the reply. Do you have any new updates or suggestions for this problem?
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‎Jul 21, 2021
10:11 AM
Attached crash log from the latest crash.
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‎Jul 21, 2021
10:06 AM
Recently on certain projects, Premiere crashes whenever I try to reopen a project. I originally had a short project that was mostly edited that crashed while I was doing some basic color correcting. I reimported that sequence into a new project which allows me to continue working on the project while it's open. However, every time I close and then reopen the new project, it crashes again, I have to make a new project and import the old sequence into the new project. When importing into a new project it works just fine, however as soon as I close a project and try to reopen it, the project crashes again and the cycle starts again. See attached screenshot.
Originally this was only happening with one project, so I tried installing the latest premiere update from several weeks ago. Now I'm having the same problem with a second project as well, with completely different footage.
I've tried removing potentially problematic clips or effects from the projects, resetting preferences, rolling back to previous versions of Premiere, uninstalling and reinstalling the current version multiple times, I even used the Adobe CC Cleaner tool to wipe all trace of Adobe products from my system and still the same problem.
Luckily I can still edit projects by importing individual sequences into new projects, however every time I close and try to reopen this new project, it crashes within a few seconds. Even when I try to import the entire project into a new project, the new project crashes. Please help... Specs:
Premiere Pro 15.4.0 Build 47 MacOS Big Sur 11.4
2019 iMac Retina 4k
3.2 GHz 6-Core Intel i7 processor
32 GB ram
Radeon Pro 560X 4GB GPU
1 TB internal SSD with about 200 gb free space
Footage is on Samsung external SSD with about 800 GB of free space
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‎May 12, 2020
11:58 AM
Premiere version is 14.1.0 (Build 116)
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‎May 12, 2020
11:55 AM
1 Upvote
I am working with PNG and JPG image files in premiere as well as color mattes and text created in Premiere. I am trying to match the colors of the solids and text with colors on the PNG and JPG files. When creating a new color matte, I tried using the eyedropper selection tool to match the color matte to the image file, but the color matte always turns out darker than the color in the image file. I've also tried matching one color matte with another one using the eyedropper tool, but for some reason the selected color is always darker than the original reference color. See images. The rectangles are color mattes that have been colored with the dropper tool to match the circle. The end result is always darker than the original reference color. These shapes should all be the same color, but the color dropper tool seems to be picking an incorrect color. This used to work correctly but is now causing problems. Please help.
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‎Apr 18, 2018
05:39 PM
Using AE CC 2018 on 2017 iMac: iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, 2017) 3.6 GHz Intel Core i7 32 GB 2400 MHz DDR4 Radeon Pro 560 4096 MB I am using .R3D files and keyframing position and scale. When I use the graph editor to edit the keyframes, using the "Speed Graph," AE crashes every time I try to drag the handle of a particular keyframe. I've tried restarting AE and rebooting, clearing cache, and enabling/disabling "preserve RGB" in color management settings. So far none of these has worked and AE shuts down immediately when I start dragging the handles attached to the keyframe.
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