‎Oct 17, 2023
11:52 AM
1 Upvote
Neither. Human error. I take all responsiblity! So, in summary, use the regular OBJ importer (not legacy version) in Blender to import Adobe Stock models!
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‎Oct 17, 2023
08:28 AM
The issue is resolved. I believe I was using a legacy OBJ importer into Blender. When trying the updated OBJ, it works fine.
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‎Oct 11, 2023
11:13 AM
Seems that Premiere Pro won't link the motion graphic templates consistently, even if the motion graphic template folder is just two levels from the Premiere project file location, and is also true obviously if that MGTM (motion graphics template media) folder is of its own making. And even if it does link to the motion graphic template (MGT) file, it might appear to be corrupt to the software (?), which clearly isn't the case. What I have found to work is uninstalling Premiere and reinstalling a previous version of Premiere (which really is inconvenient). Or a better solution that worked for me: Copy an MGT file to the same level as the project folder (where the Premiere project file is written and stored) without a sub folder. Then you can browse to new MGT location when ready to link it. This process seemed to clear up other, though not all, MGT files that were previously supposedly corrupt.
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‎Oct 11, 2023
09:31 AM
Seems that Premiere Pro won't link the motion graphic templates consistently, even if the motion graphic template folder is just two levels from the Premiere project file location, and is also true obviously if that MGTM (motion graphics template media) folder is of its own making. And even if it does link to the motion graphic template (MGT) file, it might appear to be corrupt to the software (? wow, I'm smarter than the software!), which clearly isn't the case. What I have found to work is uninstalling Premiere and reinstalling a previous version of Premiere (which really is inconvenient). Or a better solution that worked for me: Copy an MGT file to the same level as the project folder (where the Premiere project file is written and stored) without a sub folder. Then you can browse to new MGT location when ready to link it. This process seemed to clear up other, though not all, MGT files that were previously supposedly corrupt. When linking to others after doing this, they seemed to link fine, even if still in the MGTF.
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‎Oct 11, 2023
05:42 AM
Browser security issues. Sometimes you can open Safari preferences and selecting "disable local file restrictions". IF that doesn't work, You might try testing your content on a web server instead of testing locally.
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‎Aug 23, 2023
11:59 AM
Not concerned about a refund since an enterprise agreement. More curious as if anyone else was experiencing the same thing or just me?
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‎Aug 23, 2023
07:18 AM
Yes they all opened fine in Dimension. tool chest File #: 326741199 wood knob File #: 259197922 tool chest File #: 280629665
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‎Aug 23, 2023
05:25 AM
I have to license them to open and test the OBJ and accommodating files and folders, only to find I can't use them. Is there a way to "unlicense" them if I change my mind? Sure I can open these in Dimension. But I can't modify the model in Dimension, nor can I do a complex animation.
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‎Aug 22, 2023
09:49 AM
I believe there's a bug with the 3d models offered by Adobe Stock. When I try to open them in Blender, they look like the normals are reversed. But when trying to reverse them or recalculate them, it won't help. Is this a clear message that these models are not welcome to be opened in Blender? Or is there a trick to this? Thanks in advance!
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‎Aug 22, 2023
09:34 AM
I'm having the same issue when opening the Adobe Stock 3d models in Blender. The normals seem to be the wrong direction and recalculating and reversing doesn't seem to fix the issue of the inaccurate normals direction, making all surfaces seem to read wrong. This is true with a very simple object like a knob.
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‎Feb 01, 2023
01:47 PM
When I set up my publish settings to publish to a folder I created and specified in publish settings, I then published it and it worked fine with Chrome or Edge. If you are setting up your publish settings, and then manually browsing to that published folder location and opening that folder and double-clicking the html file, then I'm not sure. If you are using this software within your employers network, you might need to manually open the publish folder and double-click on the html file. Or your employer prohibits any link clicking. Period.
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‎Feb 01, 2023
12:54 PM
i'm sorry. I meant I will need the orignating animate file and linked assets.
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‎Feb 01, 2023
12:17 PM
If you post an example of a published folder that won't open using a modern browser, I will look at it on my end and see if I have the same issue. That will narrow it down quite a bit.
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‎Feb 01, 2023
11:33 AM
What operating system? Have you tried using assets instead of spritesheets? Also, there is local browser security anymore and you gotta turn on "developer mode". Even then it may not work so browse locally to your folder and double-click the html document.
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‎Jan 05, 2023
08:48 AM
1 Upvote
Goodness. I'm so sorry. I was in the Illustrator forum, and searched and searched within it. Finally found "inch and marks", but didn't realize I was in a different forum at that point.
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‎Jan 05, 2023
08:45 AM
Dan, I just tried that. I remember way back when this worked, but, and forgive me if I'm wrong, but I think they replaced it with Glyphs, but i noticed this special character doesn't exist in any font I'm looking at. Wow. But as easy as it is to create it manually with the pen tool and outline it, I feel like it is kinda silly harping about it.
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‎Jan 05, 2023
08:43 AM
‎Jan 05, 2023
08:30 AM
I tried using your keyboard combination, but no luck. Just an FYI. But since Illustrator and so easy to manually add this "special character" of the elusive single or double uncharactertistic vertical line known as the "foot mark" and "inch mark".
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‎Jan 05, 2023
08:28 AM
Oops. Now we're back to the drawing board and no straight quotes (single or double), and running latest version 27.1.1.
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‎Mar 25, 2022
01:26 PM
Okay, my work-around worked! So if you want to reuse a sound file, that ain't happening so duplicate it and name it differently. Also, you gotta create a unique button each time, or it still won't work. So, duplicate naming for sounds, and unique buttons, and no reusing buttons. But keep your instance name (even though there will be no more of them).
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‎Mar 25, 2022
11:27 AM
I pasted shots from the integrated development environment I believe, thus the screen shots above. Or am I mistaken?
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‎Mar 25, 2022
10:04 AM
If I duplicate the mp3 sound file and name it differently, it works once too when called. Do I need add duplicates of the sound file in my library for every button press?
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‎Mar 25, 2022
09:45 AM
I reuse a button several times. Each instance I use the button, I have it named uniquely so I can access it through the code. I have an mouse down event to play the mouse click sound in my library, an mp3. The first time it works fine. But never works again. Here are my settings when editing the button: Any ideas as to how to make the button sound click every time it is clicked upon?
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‎Mar 24, 2022
05:53 AM
I just don't think I can rationally invest any more time doing this type of project in Captivate. I will use this fine product in another way on another day. Thanks.
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‎Mar 23, 2022
05:17 AM
Well, it tested fine for a bit. Now it continues testing inconsistently in it's synchronization with the buttons in browsers on mac/pc. So I split up the video into 3 parts, each part on one slide, but showing no improvement. Anything else you can think of is sure appreciated.
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‎Mar 21, 2022
04:20 PM
Great news! It was the video file itself being too large. I cut it down by 100MB and it works great now! I knew it could do it since i had a bigger one last time. If it weren't for your information, I wouldn't have reached that conclusion near as quickly. Thanks again!!!
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‎Mar 21, 2022
02:24 PM
I would do make multi slides, but it causes a distracting blank white page to come on screen briefly while the segmented video loads throughout. But thank you for trying.
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‎Mar 21, 2022
01:02 PM
Using a slide overlay blurs the background video. Can we avoid this? Are you saying that using the pause buttons on a slide video will move by themselves around without being manipulated? Because I've noticed inconsistent testing environments, even when tested on a separate mac or pc.
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‎Mar 21, 2022
11:16 AM
In the previous version we didn't notice the difference between mac or pc. Being a community member here I've noticed several instances where a slide video is recommended. Does using slide overlays require more slides? And therefore a video in as many segments?
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