Pierre Louis B.
Pierre Louis B.
‎Mar 04, 2025
05:09 PM
I'll have to give Davinci another look. What's keeping me on Pr more than anything else is Excalibur (a plugin that allows you to assign keyboard shortcuts to just about anything, including multi-step macros). With Excalibur, I can add transitions, effects, keyframes, move/rotate/resize a selection of clips at the same time, etc, all with keyboard shortcuts. Do you know if there's anything like that for Davinci?
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‎Jan 20, 2025
04:47 AM
I feel the same as you Jake. What's keeping me with Premiere is Excalibur. I talked about the creator, Ivan, to someone on the Adobe team (don't remember who), but was told that Adobe won't go anywhere near him just because he's Russian. I don't know if I was given correct information or not, or if that information still stands, but if it is indeed the case, I find it ridiculous. Ivan has done more to benefit Pr users over the past few years than the entire Pr team has! I was Ivan's #1 beta tester worldwide when Excalibur came out, so I know the tool inside out. If something like that became available for Davinci Resolve, I'd probably be able to finally make the move over.
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‎Jan 20, 2025
04:40 AM
"The product team is very aware of the issue." That only makes the team's disrespect for Pr's users all the worse. They KNOW what we need and want and yet DO NOT CARE. Rather than work on sensible improvements that would help everyone, they give us rounded corners in the timeline that no one asked for and no one wants! Could their callousness be any clearer? The only reason I haven't jumped ship to Davinci Resolve yet is because of Excalibur. If a plugin like that were available for Resolve, I'd finally take the leap. With the looming economic war that's brewing between Canada and the US, I might make the jump regardless, sometime over the next four years, as I look to boycott all American companies.
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‎Oct 28, 2024
08:57 AM
It seems the Pr team doesn't have time to address the real issues, such as this one, because they're too busy screwing around with complete non-issues and things that absolutely no one is asking for, such as rounded corners in Timeline clips (currently in Beta). Sure, the team does improve Pr over time, but their priorities are almost always so out of whack, it's sad. The Pr managers who set the schedule of problems to fix and new features to add should be ashamed of themselves, since every time they introduce something no one was asking for, while ignoring very real problems such as this one, they reveal themselves to be the ego-centrical, self-centered, self-serving, out of touch with reality people they are.
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‎Oct 21, 2024
01:11 PM
My first reaction was to think there's an unwanted 1 frame gap between 2 clips on V1 and V2. The round corners are distracting! These kinds of changes don't actually help and in fact are insulting since there's so many other little things that need fixing, dozens of which I requested all the way back in 2010 and have never been addressed! PLEASE get your priorities in order and PLEASE make these distracting rounded corners OPTIONAL so that serious users can turn off this unserious nonsense. Thank you!
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‎Jun 26, 2024
10:26 AM
Hi Kevin, In my latest use of Pr, the issue happened once but seemingly less than in the past. What I'd really like to see addressed is the complete lack of respect that the Pr team seems to have for established workflows that most if not all other software companies use, and even Adobe itself uses in its other programs, such as: Alt-stretching a shape's side to stretch the opposite side at the same time (the lack of this makes Essential Graphics worse than the Titler was) Shift-selecting to select a range of items and Ctrl-selecting to select individual items, in every part of Pr, not just certain parts of the program while arbitrarily ignoring this convention in other parts I could add a lot more examples, but I'll keep it at 2. For the Pr team to disrespect established conventions isn't just confusing and frustrating for users, but it comes across as out of sync, crass and disrespectful to users and their time. Hopefully the Pr team can promptly fix these issues that never should have been programmed into Pr in the first place. Whenever an established convention is changed, it should only be done if there's an actual, concrete advantage for the end user.
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‎Apr 26, 2024
04:23 PM
1 Upvote
About time!!!! Thanks for adding this, even though it's years late. Now please take a look at the chart in this post that I did years ago, and finish the job already. 🙂 Even though the chart is based on Pr 15.1, a lot of the feedback there is still relevant.
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‎Apr 26, 2024
12:33 PM
Hi Kevin, Yes, the issue still happens. The only steps for reproducing this issue is to add keyframes to the Lumetri Hue Saturation Curves. It doesn't happen every time. Maybe once out of every 20 clicks. Haven't you or others on the Adobe team noticed this quirk? This issue is currently happening on my M3 16" MacBook Pro, Premiere 24.1.0. Thanks
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‎Feb 03, 2024
06:15 AM
In the Timeline panel of the Preferences window, the checkbox "At playback end, return to beginning when restarting playback" doesn't just affect playback in the Timeline, but also in the Source Monitor. Why is this a problem? Because users have very good reason to NOT WANT to return to the beginning of their Timeline when restarting playback, while also ALWAYS WANTING to do so in the Source Monitor. Unfortunately, the all-or-nothing approach of this checkbox affects playback in both the Timeline AND Source Monitor. This design is illogical, and frustrating. Playback in the Source Monitor should ALWAYS return to the beginning of a clip when restarting playback from the clip's end since there is simply ZERO reason the ever not want this to happen. Whether this is indeed a bug or by (very poorly thought out) design, I am not sure, but either way, this needs to be fixed. It should be a relatively simple fix. Simply set the Source Monitor to always return to the beginning, regardless of the status of this checkbox in the Timeline panel! Thank you!
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‎Aug 10, 2023
11:08 AM
I just tested it and thumbnails are rendering much faster. It's nice to see critical workflow issue is finally being worked on. Thank you! Hopefully this solves the issue with stuttering/choppy playback when Pr renders thumbnails during playback as new clips coming into view in the Timeline. As others have mentioned, thumbnail caching would be the ideal solution. I noticed that the thumbnails on/off setting in the Project window's list view is now sticky, so it it's set to on or off, it will keep the same setting when reopening the project. Thank you for this! As for the rendering of thumbnails in the Project window and Timeline, why doesn't Pr render all thumbnails in the background, rathern than only once clips are brought into view?
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‎Apr 28, 2023
02:47 PM
There's no denying it... the Export Frame window SUCKS! Here are 4 EASY ways to make it suck less (which would go a long way towards Adobe showing its users they care. BTW, spending resources on accelerating cheesy effects from the 80's that no one uses anymore (i.e. Split and Center Split transitions) as was done lately does NOT show they care about us... it only goes to show how out of tune they are. Here's an easy opportunity for them to get back on track [/end rant]: 1. NAMING The Name input field should automatically display the LAST USED NAME during an editing session! If I want to export a bunch of still frames to give to a client, and name the first one ‘Ceita Corê Still Image 001’, it's 99.9% more likely that I'm going to want my next exported frame to be called ‘Ceita Corê Still Image 002’ rather than the generic 'Sequence Name.00_03_10_05.Still002'. So why does Pr completely disrespect our time as editors by defaulting to names most editors don't want? Being forced to retype the desired frame name every time from scratch is a huge PITA! To make naming even smarter, if a user names an exported frame ‘XYZ 001’, the next time the Export Frame window is called up, the name that appears should be ‘XYZ 002’! In case a user wants to use the default naming scheme, a 'Use default naming scheme' checkbox could appear next to the naming field. BTW, this intelligent naming scheme should apply everywhere it makes sense, not just in Pr but in EVERY Adobe program! Why is Adobe working on fancy AI tools when it can't even provide something as basic as help with file naming?! The time to fix this is way overdue! 2. WIDER WINDOW Why is the Export Frame window so narrow that it can't properly display the File Path? On a Mac, the Path that gets displayed in the example above is /Volume...Folder Name/Folder Name/Folder Name. I can't even see at a glance which one of my Volumes (i.e. connected hard drives) the path refers to! Of course, users can mouse over the path name to get a tool tip that shows the full, unabbreviate path, but why not just make the Export Frame window 50-100% wider so that the vast majority of file paths can be fully displayed by default?! 3. YOUTUBE THUMBNAIL FRIENDLY YouTube accepts thumbnails up to 2MB in size. Wouldn't it be handy to have a 'Max 2MB filesize' checkbox so that a frame exported from a 4K timeline, for example, is capped at 2MB?! This would save users the extra step of having to resize an exported thumbnail down to 2MB! 4. DESKTOP SHORTCUT Users often want to send exported frames to their desktop, a location that makes it easier to locate, review, share and delete temporary frames. While it's very easy to navigate to the desktop as an export location, navigating back to a project's 'Exports' folder, for example, can easily take 5 or more clicks, which is time consuming and annoying. Why not add a 'Desktop' button next to the 'Cancel' or 'OK' button to instantly export a frame there rather than to the entered export path? This would make it incredibly easy to choose where to export a frame, without losing the entered file path! See guys, it doesn't take fancy AI tools to make us happy. Just simple, INTELLIGENT, time-saving features can do the trick! And please, for the love of God, give us USEFUL updates like these before adding GPU acceleration to any more cheesy 80's transitions that no half decent editor has ever used since then! Give us what we want and need... And maybe we won't jump ship to DaVinci Resolve just yet.
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‎Mar 26, 2023
07:43 PM
I second the sentiment that Jim Simon has nothing of value to contribute to these forums. I've seen him post his drivel on many threads, and not once was it anything of value. Trolls like him should be banned, but since he loves to play devid's advocate at the expense of other users, rather than ban him, Adobe gave him the label of 'Legend'. Go figure!
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‎Feb 26, 2023
03:03 AM
1 Upvote
Me neither. I only tested them out for the sake of making sure that they don't already offer something I was requesting in my FR. 😅
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‎Feb 25, 2023
05:50 PM
Would this idea help with regards to what you're looking for Jarle? https://community.adobe.com/t5/premiere-pro-ideas/visual-cues-in-timeline-to-avoid-overwriting-out-of-visual-bounds-media-by-mistake/idi-p/13605886 I think it would make it infinitely easier to drag & drop or move media around the Timeline with full confidence that nothing will ever get overwriten by mistake!
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‎Feb 25, 2023
05:47 PM
The left pane options don't work the way you seem to think they do morphinapg, since each export location allows the video to be exported in a different format/resolution/bit rate/etc. So it isn't just about copy/pasting the exported file to different locations, but rather about actually exporting the video multiple times in different formats. Export settings don't syncronize between the different export locations in that left pane. In my FR, they would. That's why I pointed out that the left export pane is not an adequate substitute for the tools I'm requesting. I guess you missed that part of my post. "it would make perfect sense to have presets you'd use for many projects". I agree with you. It sounded like you wanted this to happen automatically, but a common export location should only sync across projects if the user specifies that that's what they want.
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‎Feb 25, 2023
09:08 AM
Export locations would be project-specific, unless explicitly set to 'global' through a right-click menu option. Having all export locations automatically appear for all projects makes zero sense. Splitting the multi-location export option into a separate part of the UI would probably end up polluting it even more. To avoid the UI layout I suggest from getting too polluted, maybe a limit of 5 export locations could be imposed. I imagine most users would be happy with 2-3. I can't imagine a workflow requiring more than 5, but should it be needed, the user could simply change one of their 5 export locations to a new one as required.
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‎Feb 25, 2023
06:21 AM
15 different export destinations?! Yikes, I can't imagine a workflow that would ever require that. Maybe 3-5 at the most. Keep in mind that any destination that isn't regularly used could be updated at any time, just like what can be done with the current, single export destination. My use case for exporting to more than one location at once would be to send my video to my project's 'Exports' folder as well as to my 'Clients' folder on One Drive. This way, by the time I confirm that my exported video is good to go, it would already be uploaded to OneDrive, at which point I can instantly share it with my client. I imagine others will have other use cases. The ability to export to multiple locations is secondary in importance, however, to the ability to save my 2-3 most often used export locations so that I can quickly choose between them without ever losing my current path by having to overwrite it with a new one. This alone would be a huge time saver! As for the blue highlight around the export path that's currently selected for export, how would that not be a good UI? Wouldn't it be as obvious as can be that that's the path that's selected for export? I can see the simplicity of your suggested approach, but it would unfortunately come at the expense of increased functionality (i.e. ability to export to multiple locations at once), that Adobe could add at the same time or at a later time.
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‎Feb 25, 2023
01:11 AM
The need for relative paths is a given. However, a drop down would make it impractical to select more than 1 export location at a time, and it would require 2 clicks to select an option rather than 1. How would a drop down be any better?
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‎Feb 24, 2023
02:33 PM
Thanks kesa98555221!
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‎Feb 24, 2023
02:31 PM
As you can see Neil, using popularity (i.e. # of votes) to determine the validity of a FR is a very poor metric. 😉 As much as this idea would help a ton of users on a regular basis, it still only has 1 vote. I think it's because most users on this forum only vote for the issues that most annoy them. They seldom vote for ideas they haven't thought of themselves that could improve their workflow. I just hope Adobe takes into account the fact that their voting system is pretty much useless when deciding which new features to add. Here's another similar FR I just added that's similar to the one above: https://community.adobe.com/t5/premiere-pro-ideas/ability-to-add-multiple-export-locations-to-the-export-interface/idi-p/13606122 What do you think?
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‎Feb 24, 2023
02:23 PM
1 Upvote
Editors often need to export a video to different locations, sometimes at the same time. A simple way to greatly improve the Export interface (and possibly the Quick Export window as well), would be to allow users to add multiple export paths from which they can quickly pick and choose every time they export a new video. Please see illustration for all of the details Note: using the Media File destination column on the left side is NOT an adequate replacement for the new features being requested since: a) Media File destinations don't sync video and audio settings between themselves, leading to more work and a much higher likelyhood of mistakes whenever the user wants to keeps exports settings the same between export locations. b) It can't be universally applied across projects. c) Selecting one Media File destination doesn't automatically deselect another one that's already selected, leading to more clicks if the user wants to toggle between two or more export locations. The new Export interface has been getting a ton of heat for making the export experience generally worse than it used to be. Here's a simple way for the Pr team to improve it!
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‎Feb 24, 2023
01:55 PM
The universal convention for selecting items works as follows (in MS Windows’ Explorer, MacOS and all convention-respecting software, including most Adobe programs):
Ctrl (Cmd)-select = selects or deselects individual items, one by one.
Shift-select = selects the range of items between a selected item and the Shift-selected one
Ctrl (Cmd)-A = selects all items
Unfortunately, Premiere Pro has major consistency issues when it comes to how items are selected. This results in user frustration/confusion and a much less than ideal workflow. Here are the issues and proposed solutions:
Project Window: Shift & Ctrl-selecting/deselecting works as expected in all views: Icon, List and Freeform. With a current selection of clips, Ctrl-selecting another clip and then Shift-Ctrl-selecting yet another clips allows a second range of clips to be selected. This works in Icon and List view but not in Freeform view. Solution: allow Shift-Ctrl-selecting additional ranges of clips to work in Freeform view as well.
Timeline: Ctrl-selecting does not work. Shift-selecting clips works the way Ctrl-selecting does: it selects clips 1 by 1. This is unexpected and unhelpful. Solution: Enable Ctrl-selection/deselection of individual clips. Allow Shift-select to select all clips within a range. If the first selected clip is on V1 and the user Shift-selects another clip on V1, then all clips in between on V1 should be selected. If the user Shift-selects a second clip on V3, then all clips in between on V1, V2 and V3 should be selected, and so forth.
Essential Graphics and Legacy Titler: Ctrl-select doesn’t work while Shift-select performs the function of Ctrl-select: titles are selected 1 by 1. Solution: Respect selection conventions… Ctrl-select selects titles 1 by 1, Shift-select selects all titles between the first and last selected title. NOTE: oddly, selecting titles directly in the Essential Graphics panel does follow selection convention: Ctrl and Shift-selecting works as expected (with the exception that a user cannot Ctrl-deselect an individual title. Trying to do so deselects all selected titles). This means that not only are there selection inconsistencies between tools in Premiere, but there’s even inconsistencies within some tools themselves!
Effect Controls: Ctrl-select selects individual effects, but Shift-select doesn’t work. With regards to keyframes, both Shift and Ctrl-select selects keyframes individually. With regards to Text layers (under Vector Motion) everything works as expected. Solution: Allow Shift-select to select a range of effects/keyframes as expected by software convention.
Effects: Ctrl-select works as expected. Shift-select does not work. Solution: Enable Shift-select to select a range of effects. Why would a user ever want to do this? To easily select a group of effects to drag into a custom bin for organizational purposes.
Fixing 'boring' issues like this could have a bigger overall positive impact on editors than introducing flashy new features!
Mod note; Edited your post. For legibility purposes, please do not type in all caps.
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‎Feb 24, 2023
01:47 PM
Hi Jessica, While you're focussing on the Timeline... PLEASE change the color of the Toggle Sync Lock off icon to something that's actually easy to see (such as red): The current Toggle Sync Lock off icon is ridiculously hard to spot, making it all too easy to screw things up when a user fails to spot it. This is a fix that should take someone on your team about 1 hour or less to fix, so please fix this bad design choice that should have never gotten past QC in the first place. Thank you! A HUGE improvement that could be added to the Timeline is an indicator to let users know if they're about to overwrite media in the unseen portion(s) of the Timeline by mistake: https://community.adobe.com/t5/premiere-pro-ideas/visual-cues-in-timeline-to-avoid-overwriting-out-of-visual-bounds-media-by-mistake/idi-p/13605886 This is a much bigger project, but it would be so incredibly helpful (and would be an NLE first as far as I know) that it should be looked into asap. It sure would be a lot more helpful than having a lot of the things that are currently being worked on in the Beta, such as CornerPin Effect & Center Split Transition GPU acceleration. 😉
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‎Feb 24, 2023
01:08 PM
PROBLEM: A clip has Motion keyframes set at its first and last frame. The clip also has an outgoing cross dissolve applied to it. The user wants to adjust the position, scale and/or rotation keyframes at the end of the clip, but cannot see the clip in the Program Monitor because of the cross dissolve which gives the clip an opacity of 0% on its last frame. WORKAROUNDS: a) Drag keyframes to be adjusted outside the range of the transition, adjust them, and then drag them back to the clip's last frame. A side effect of this workaround is the user won't see the clip’s correct frame in the Program Monitor while adjusting keyframes, nor will they be adjusting those keyframes in the correct context with regards to other clips/elements in the Timeline. b) Cut or move the transition, modify the keyframes, and then paste or move the transition back. When users are modifying a clip in the Effect Controls Panel (ECP), they want to see the results of their modifications, ALWAYS! Therefore, a better solution is needed than these frustrating, time wasting workarounds. SOLUTION: Give users a transition visibility toggle in the ECP (see attached illustrations, created years ago in Premiere Pro CS4!). With the toggle enabled (transition icon crossed out), transitions in the Timeline would be ignored while the ECP is the active window. This would allow editors to properly see their clip in the Program Monitor, no matter what transitions are applied to it. As soon as any window other than the ECP is active, the Program Monitor would automatically display transitions once again. In order to be most useful, the Transition Visibility toggle should be 'sticky', meaning that if it's toggled on, it remains toggled on when switching to another clip in the ECP, or vice versa. This approach would be far more preferable to the current workarounds since it would allow editors to always edit Motion settings and effects in context of the correct clip and Timeline frame, without the need to delete transitions just so they can see the result of their adjustments in the Program Monitor!
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‎Feb 24, 2023
01:01 PM
Most of the time keyframes are set relative to a clip's in/out/middle point(s) and/or other edit points in the Timeline. Keyframes are seldom set relative to the content of a clip alone. For this reason, users need a simple way to decide if keyframes should slip along with a clip or not. The solution is SIMPLE! Slip = keyframes DO NOT move when slipping a clip (new default behavior since this is what most users want most of the time) Ctrl(Cmd)+Slip = keyframes move as they currently do when slipping a clip (when using this keyboard modifier, the slipping icon could show a keyframe icon to visually inform users that keyframes are being slipped as well. See illustration). Note: for users that prefer the current behavior, a new option in the Preferences window could allow users to reverse this functionality, i.e.: Slip = keyframes move together with clip, Ctrl(Cmd)+Slip = keyframes don't more. This solution would work for ALL editors, since it would give everyone the option to easily choose on the fly if they want their keyframes to slip in tandem with their clip or not. This is one of those quality of life improvements that would make a huge improvement in Pr's editing workflow! Please add this much needed functionality!
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‎Feb 24, 2023
12:49 PM
It would be great to have a 'Contiguous selection' checkbox added to one or all of Pr's colour key effects. Photoshop allows users to choose between contiguous or non-contiguous color selections, which is extremely helpful. Why not Pr?
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‎Feb 24, 2023
12:27 PM
It would be a HUGE timesaver to be able to drag and drop or move media in the Timeline with the confidence that NO media outside of the Timeline's visible bounds will ever be overwritten by mistake. An overwrite warning is the simple solution. It would help editors avoid having to constantly zoom out to paste safely and zooming back in to resume editing, or undoing/redoing to confirm nothing was deleted by mistake. Please watch this video for the full explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5yjiwsWrZE&feature=youtu.be
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‎Feb 24, 2023
12:22 PM
1 Upvote
This illustration says it all:
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‎Feb 24, 2023
12:17 PM
Overlapping icons are bad design. Here's the solution:
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‎Feb 24, 2023
12:13 PM
Using Ctrl-C + Ctrl-V to copy and paste does not work. Users have to copy the clip the speed keyframes are on, and then use the 'Paste Attributes...' option from the destination clip's context menu, deselect all attributes minus 'Time Remapping' to avoid mistakes, and then click 'OK'. This is a terrible workflow because it is: 1. Inconsistent, since it breaks the basic copy/paste function that works on all other effects 2. Tedious, since it can require up to 6 steps vs 2 3. Completely illogical. A workflow that requires users to consult Google or the user manual just to figure out how a supposedly simple thing works is NEVER a good workflow! Why does the speed effect break all conventions? (Including the inability to edit Speed keyframes in the ECP?)
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