‎May 24, 2024
10:11 AM
I am curious as well. I am also having issues with things not staying linked up in my files between my phone and desktop since they decided to kill the cloud storage. I tried to use Rush on my phone just now and it just got stuck trying to fetch my projects. Wouldn't let me start a new project. I love Rush for the simplicity and fast editing to get out a post quickly.
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‎Sep 27, 2023
06:18 AM
1 Upvote
1. Having to "uncheck" the Always on to activate the Hover function is not intuitive. 2. Having done so it only shows the first dimension of my large file. 24.00x _____ 2nd dimension is missing. 3. Please put it back. The reason I turned on the "Always Show Document Page Size" so many years ago was that I didn't want to have to move my mouse over to hover the size on. Like so many others, I just want the size to be there ALL THE TIME! Thank you.
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‎Jan 07, 2022
06:22 AM
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‎Jan 07, 2022
06:22 AM
Hi. Eps is a vector format. However it also is a format that saves PMS color information for 1 and 2 color spot jobs. This is essential for the printing industry. Removing the ability to save out eps as well as greyscale jpg and tif files makes being a pre-press print designer's life a nightmare. Without eps format there is no way to save monotone, duotone or multichanel files to place in InDesign. Without greyscale jpgs you cannot recolor them using PMS colors in InDesign. All of this makes simple 1 and 2 color print job way more complicated than they used to be. Contrary to popular belief, print is not dead. 🙂
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‎Sep 17, 2021
01:37 PM
Thank you for this. I must have accidentally hit a keyboard command to uncheck this. It has been driving me crazy!
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‎May 06, 2021
08:43 AM
Same! I have even tried uninstalling and reinstalling, various versions, and it doesn't matter. I have to fresh reboot before starting photoshop, once open it will run fine, until it crashes or you have to quit. In order to open the app again I have to restart my system. This is very inconvienient as I need to work in InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop and can only have 2 of the 3 open at once or InDesign crashes! Mac OS X 10.15.7 Anyone had issues on Big Sur??
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‎Apr 29, 2021
11:54 AM
And after using it for a few hours, I closed it to use Illustrator (because if I have more than 2 Adobe apps open at once InDesign will quit). Just tried to start Photoshop (after quitting Illustrator) and it won't start up again. I am downloading the update to see if it helps. 😞
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‎Apr 29, 2021
07:04 AM
Got 22.2 to open!
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‎Apr 29, 2021
06:51 AM
1 Upvote
Same as bigbobbyd. Photoshop worked after the update (running Catalina). My Mac automatically updated Catalina while I was away. Came back and Photoshop just crashes. Have tried uninstalling and re-installing 22.3.1 and 22.3, going to keep regressing until hopefully one works?! I NEED to be able to use Photoshop to continue my work. No Photoshop = mad boss = mad clients.
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‎Apr 13, 2021
10:46 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks for your answer as well. I was searching for why the new version of Acrobat didn't have the same options. So, does that mean that you cannot have both calculated fields and a signature in the same form? Thanks
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