‎Feb 23, 2025
07:04 AM
Hi @jamieclarke Okay that's good to know that's its a know bug. That's the exact workaround I have been using .Hopefully it gets sorted out though because I often have a bunch of Social videos to export at a time with different subtitle requirements, some burned-in, some SRT etc. Anyhow thnkas for the help.
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‎Feb 21, 2025
02:42 AM
Hi @jamieclarke Thanks for the reply, sorry onyly getting back now but was in trhe middle of an edit. Yes indeed there is a Mogrt at the beginning.
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‎Feb 19, 2025
11:23 PM
1 Upvote
Premiere Pro 25.1 Windows 11 Whern I try and export a video with subtitiles as a sidecar the subs are always burned in. If I toggle the export subtitles option to off it still show subtitles. I have to go into the timeline and turn off the subtitle trrack and export the video and then export just an srt file seperatly. Yesterday an Adobe agent used the remote tool to help sort out another issue with fonts not syncing. He completely removed all adobe apps, settings etc. and used adobe cleaner before a fresh install, so it's not an old install. Any fixes for this?
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‎Jan 24, 2023
08:34 AM
Is this ever getting improved let alone fixed? I'll take any improvement at the moment, I'm actually yelling at my computer everyday.. that bad, all thumbnails in project panel and timeline which is really causing me some serious stress.. Trying to Grade a series of short mini Doccies I've been working on and it's driving me insane. PLEASE PLEASE FIX THIS !!!
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‎Jan 24, 2023
08:00 AM
Oh my gosh, this is doing my head in! Handed over a production with 38TB of footage , proxy files generated outside of adobe with 2 channel stereo audio vs the Full-Size version which have 5 channel mono and now can't connect the Full-SIze media short of Offline/Unlink the whole sequence and then link manually. If I use auto-connect other media it only re-links the one file and the rest connected back to the low res versions. I'm sure there is a work around but a what a mission... Please give us the option to choose whether or not we want the audio..
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‎Oct 11, 2022
03:21 AM
Hi @jasonk94029011 I totally agree! OMG it's driving me crazy..Iv'e been working on a series of mini documentaries and trying to grade them at the moment and it's just so damn annoying and slowing things down so much. Every time I scroll further/earlier to copy a setting etc. I have to wait until the damn thumbnails regenerate, it's causing me serious frustration. I've tried removing the audio, have fattened everything to it's simplest form, render and replaced as much as possible to try and help but noting works.. Really really frustrating especially when clients are on your back.. Please , Please can thin get fixed or improved at least..
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‎Dec 06, 2021
06:13 AM
Thanks @Joost van der Hoeven I will post it on uservoice when I get a gap.. Have a tight work schedule to get through. Best, Marcel
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‎Dec 06, 2021
06:11 AM
I found a temporary fix for me, might not work for your situation. It seemed like there was a section of about 10 min that kept causing the issue, so I just cut that section from the timeline, made a temporary sequence and pasted it there, did some edits and then pasted back into the main sequence and the issues of non response are fixed for now.. At least I can move past this section. Definitely still an issue though.
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‎Dec 06, 2021
04:15 AM
Same here, preview monitor glitches and stops responding sometimes followed by the video /audio on timeline just keep playing and can't stop or do anything just keeps playing for random time, form 45 sec to 5 min.. It's really an issue, trying to work a on 2 hour documentary and it seems to happen in this one section that need to work on. Un-installed premiere, re-installed premiere, deleted cache files, database, preview etc. no difference. laptop with RTX 2070 latest studio drivers, windows 10 See screen grabs, two different times
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‎Nov 29, 2021
09:27 AM
1 Upvote
Okay good to have confirmation on that, I'll definitely go upvote as that would have been a big help. I'll figure this conundrum out eventually, I think leaving it until the end and then making an offline copy/relink is going to be the best bet as I need to get stuck into the edit. Marcel
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‎Nov 29, 2021
08:43 AM
Hi Neil, Thanks again, this is really a bit of a nightmare, I have tested a few things out but I will get to those. Firstly I will reply to your comments. Yes the names seem to be identical. When I Unlink/offline the current sequence I get a huge list of media (see screengrabs) There is other media that is missing subtitle pngs, images etc. Some of it doesn't matter as I am waiting for the missing images and I am redoing the subtitles with Premieres sub title tools. But then when I get to the actual media (marked in orange) If I choose the full-size file for one ( which is in another folder /sub folder) it will only replace that one, if I select the auto find other media it will only replace the initial one with full-size and then replaces the rest with the low-res version so it' so obviously remembering the path to the low-res ones. I might have to move/rename the low- res folder and then just point at the the full-size directory, if that works then I need to just replace the other media/images/etc and look for them again afterwards? I also can't link to proxy files as they don't seem to work. It seem whoever made the proxy files used 2 channel stereo audio and the full-size media is 5 channel mono which in my testing won't relink, so that would be something else to work out. Gosh this driving me crazy and i'm sure it's sounds way to complicated to you.. Anyhow really appreciate the help you have given.. Best, Marcel
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‎Nov 29, 2021
04:23 AM
Thanks again Neil apprecite the help! I'm trying to relink the full resolution media but basically nothing happens after I choose "reconnect full resolution media" I did some testing on a separate test project and it seems like the audio is different on these, the Proxy 442Lt has 2 channel stereo audio and the full res media has 5 channel mono audio, although not all channels are being used it seems. The only work around I've found is to choose "replace media" and then choose the full res media, but obviously then don't have proxies so would have to make new one's from inside premiere and auto attach or work as is until the end and then replace all the media with the full res versions when ready for final export but I'd rather sort this out now so that don't have to deal wit this when the presseure of dealine approaches. Is there any other work around that you are aware of? Marcel
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‎Nov 29, 2021
04:17 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks so much for this, very good to uderstand what's happening on this level, I'm also a small one person shop and i'm dedfiently going to be usind the production workflow going forwards!
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‎Nov 28, 2021
12:19 AM
Hi Neil, Thanks for the reply, I will send more detailed information and screen grabs but for now after doing some digging it seems like the whole project is using the lower res, Prores 442Lt versions of the footage and there are no proxies or high res media attached. The proxy folder is on the drive and has the has the same Prores 442Lt versions in it. The high res Prores 4444xq versions are all on the drive as well but don't seem to be attached or used at all. How would I create a version with all the high res footage with proxies attached?
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‎Nov 28, 2021
12:10 AM
1 Upvote
Hi Neil, Thanks for that, I'll take that advice on. I'm usually not one to over-think but don't want to mess up their production as have to send it back to them, but will just do what I need to. Thanks again.
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‎Nov 26, 2021
06:08 AM
Hi there I am currentyl working on a project that has been sent to us from another company , they have been using the production workflow which has its benefits but some things I just haven't wokred out yet and we have tight deadline, one of the simple things would be best practices for applying effects, doe sone just simply apply effects or time/speed changes to the clip in the main project or does one have to find the footage that is being referenced an dthen apply there? Seems lie a long way round but just wanting to know what the best practices are? Marcel
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‎Nov 26, 2021
06:01 AM
Hi there, I am currently wokring on a long form documentary, the project was handed over to use from another company and they have been using the Productions workflow which has some obvious benefits, however how do I know if the proxies are working or not in this production workflow? It dosn't seem like they are and I can't find any info on this, it's quite urgent as it's a 2 hour long film with lot's 4K Prores 4444XQ footage, there is a proxie folder on th edrive but I just can't fiqure this out with this new production workflow.. Thanks so much Marcel
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