Anthony LV
Anthony LV
Mar 03, 2024
04:58 PM
Thank you for the advice! It looks like my scratch disk is only taking up 34 GB of space, but my local drive itself only has 44 GB of free space left. If this is indeed the issue, it's strange that it's happening when my drive is almost full and not completely full. I'll free up some more space and see if that helps.
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Mar 03, 2024
02:49 PM
UPDATE 10-14-24:
MXF file frame substitution errors has been fixed in version 25 of Premiere Pro
I've seen a number of posts about this, and am now running into the problem myself. Although there are a few differences I'd like to share that I'm hoping may shed more light on what appears to be a longstanding issue.
Specs: M3 Max Macbook Pro (64GB RAM), Sonoma 14.3.1, Premiere Pro 24.1.0
The .MXF files were shot XAVC-I from the Sony FX6 shot on a V90 card. I copied the entire memory card structure to my internal drive, and imported the clips using the media browser. The clips are 59.94 fps and 23.976 fps on a 23.976 timeline.
As I perform regular editing tasks (slowing 59.94 clips to 40%, adding clips to timeline, scrolling through), I get these error messages.
BUT, here's the kicker: I'm not actually seeing dropped frames yet. For one of the clips I received the error on, I decided to go to the source window and scroll through frame by frame. I didn't see any black frames, but scrolling through did create 9 new error messages at different frames.
Aside from the error popups being annoying, this is a project that many people are depending on. If these dropped frames actually do end up showing, I'll be in a bad spot. It seems as though with every new project, I have to factor in at least a day to deal with errors or bugs in Premiere. I shouldn't have to be constantly fighting with the tools that allow me to do my job. Moreover, the C70 and FX6 both shoot in .MXF and are fixtures of video production. Frankly, I'm taken aback that there hasn't been more meaningful support from Adobe on this.
I'm currently creating ProRes Proxies to see if that may solve the issue, but I'm concerned that this will only solve the problem in editing, and the error (dropped frames) may show up once exported.
Does anyone have thoughts on why this may be happening? Is it time to switch to Resolve like everyone seems to be saying, or could this be a workflow issue on my end?
Many thanks!
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Mar 03, 2024
02:11 PM
Still having this issue in 2024. I am running an M3 Max MacBook Pro with XAVC-I .MXF files from the Sony FX6. Any word, Adobe? Resolve is looking really good right about now.
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Feb 14, 2024
02:22 PM
That was it, thank you! I'm coming from PC, and didn't realize I needed to allow hard disks to be visible in the Finder settings to find the overall Library folder.
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Feb 14, 2024
01:55 PM
1 Upvote
This morning I installed Sony’s Catalyst Prepare plugin for Premiere, and it's causing me huge issues on my MacBook M3 Max Sonoma 14.3.1. I didn’t realize that the plugin is for Premiere 22.4 - 23.2, and I’m running 24.1, so that's on me. I'm thinking that could be the issue. Premiere crashes after a few minutes, it regenerates Peak files all the time, and Slog3 footage is appearing as Rec709 automatically with no way to change color space options. I can see the Catalyst Prepare plugin in Premiere's effects controls window, but I can’t delete it. When I see the Premiere loading screen and the Plugin Cache is loading, I can see the Catalyst plugins as the last things that load. The Catalyst Prepare page says to delete the files in: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Plug-ins/7.0/MediaCore /catalyst_prepare_plugin/ But when I go to /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/, I don’t see a folder called Plug-ins. When I launch Premiere while holding option and disable third party plugins, I don't experience any of the problems, so I'm pretty confident it's Catalyst Prepare causing them. I even tried searching directly for the .plugin and .bundle files it says to delete, but no luck. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Premiere with no results. Any advice is much appreciated!
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Dec 21, 2023
01:17 PM
Still having this issue in 2023
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Jul 24, 2023
12:39 PM
Just downloaded 23.5 and now Premiere is designating my A7Siii Slog-3 S-Gaumut3.Cine footage as Rec 709 even though it isn't, so Auto Detect Log isn't working properly on my footage. Does anyone know why this might be happening?
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Jul 24, 2023
12:34 PM
I'm also experiencing this with the A7siii. I believe this started happening when I updated to Premiere version 23.5. Any insight from the Adobe team or other users?
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Feb 28, 2023
07:30 AM
Please implement this, Adobe! If After Effects Dependencies does this, the Project Manager should. Also needed is a Dependencies > Reduce Project function in Premiere. Project Manager can exclude unused clips when copying to a new location, but it can't reduce the current project. Thanks!
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Dec 23, 2022
09:06 AM
Thank you for doing some detailed investigation, it saved me a bunch of trouble!
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Dec 21, 2022
01:49 PM
Hi Rob, thanks for the reply. Green is the default color, but I'm trying to figure out why all of my previously color-coded multicam clips in my master sequence revert back to this default after opening up the multicam's contents using "open in timeline." Shouldn't the clips in the master sequence retain the labels I've assigned?
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Dec 21, 2022
01:23 PM
I have a master sequence made up of color-labeled clips from two different multicam sequences. I want to edit the contents of one of the multicam sequences, but when I click "open in timeline" all the color labeled clips in the master sequence that correspond to that multicam sequence revert to green. On the wrench icon in the timeline I have "Show Source Clip Name and Label" unchecked. I'm running PR version 23.1.0 on a Mac. Has anyone experienced this?
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Dec 13, 2022
01:46 PM
I noticed that anything over 100 speed in the time warp effect results in a frozen frame as playback is happening. It's odd because the slider only lets you go up to 100, but you can manually type in higher numbers. I don't know the ins and outs of this effect, so curious to hear if anyone else has experienced this.
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Dec 13, 2022
05:30 AM
1 Upvote
Hi Nathan, Thanks for the insight. I'm a little confused because the end of this Adobe help article says: "If you are working on a Team Project in Premiere Pro, you can use the same relink workflow (Link Media) in Team Projects as you do in Premiere Pro project. This workflow is a local-only change and is not treated as an edit to the project, thus eliminating the need to share it with other collaborators. In the background, it works similarly to the Media Management dialog as Team Projects generate the necessary media mapping, but without impacting media paths in the machines of other collaborators. And since the relink is local only, it prevents one collaborator from accidentally changing the media mappings for the other collaborators." Isn't this the reverse of what you said about link media changing file locations for all users and media managment making changes for one user? I would greatly appreciate it if you could clarify this for me. Thanks!
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Nov 23, 2022
10:39 AM
Thank you for that history, it's good to know how this all came about. I switched my option and command keys, and it's nice to have a similar key order as PC. Do you happen to know if there's anything about Illustrator in particular that keeps it from making use of CTRL shortcuts? I thought it was odd that other Adobe applications like AE would allow it.
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Nov 23, 2022
09:29 AM
I'm using a Microsoft keyboard on a Mac, and I'm having trouble changing shortcuts using ⌘ to CTRL in Illustrator. Because my keyboard settings are ⌥=Windows Key and ⌘=Alt to more closely match my PC at home, pressing shortcuts like ⇧+Alt+V for Paste in Place can be difficult. When I attempt switching Alt with CTRL, I get "The key pressed cannot be used as a shortcut" message. If this is because Mac keyboards use the ⌘ key like the CTRL button on PC, I'm confused about why Mac keyboards still have a Control button separate from ⌘, except for very limited and specific functions. Maybe these functions are what's keeping Illustrator from assigning shortcuts to CTRL, but I don't know what they are. Normally I would attribute this CTRL issue to Apple wanting a different experience than PCs. But interestingly, once I deactivated the "CTRL+ →" shortcut under Mission Control, I was able to use it as a custom shortcut in After Effects. Is there something about Illustrator in particular that doesn't like CTRL? I realize this is more of a question about the Illustrator user experience than a bug or problem, but any insight is greatly appreciated!
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Nov 23, 2022
08:34 AM
Update: I found your answer to this user's question and determined it was my mission control keyboard shortcuts. Move left/right a space was using CTRL + Arrow. Once I unchecked, AE let me use this combo for the shortcut. Thanks!
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Nov 22, 2022
01:55 PM
Thanks for the reply. I've been using a switched setup between my command and option keys to more closely match the windows layout. In my current setup, the windows key is option and the alt key is command (mac normally assigns those oppositely), but the CTRL key hasn't been changed.
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Nov 22, 2022
11:39 AM
I'm using a windows keyboard with a Mac, and would like my AE shortcuts to match windows, specifically for nudging the playhead and keyframes by one frame. On my keyboard Alt=CMD, Windows Key = Option (and Ctrl is Ctrl). I want to change: Go Back/Forward 1 Frame from CMD + Arrow to CTRL + Arrow Shift Selected Keyframes 1 Frame from Option + Arrow to CMD + Arrow I can change the Shift Selected Keyframes to CMD + Arrow without issue. The problem is with Go Back/Forward 1 Frame. When I delete the current shortcut and create a new box, AE does not let me type in a CTRL + Arrow combo. Nothing appears in the box. I can create shortcuts with Option+Arrow and CMD+Arrow. But for some reason AE doesn't allow me to create keyboard shortcut combos with CTRL and arrow keys. Any ideas on why this could be? Thanks!
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Nov 01, 2022
09:21 AM
Please disregard the attachment in my previous reply. That was the original test clip. Attached is the edited screen recording.
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Nov 01, 2022
09:12 AM
Hi Kevin, Both of my mics are mono tracks (4800 Hz, 32-bit float) the video’s audio track is stereo (4800 Hz, 16-bit). When creating the multicam sequence, the Track Channel drop down only shows "1" regardless of if the Audio Channels Preset is Mono, Stereo, or Automatic. I’ve attached a video of tests which I’ve summarized below: When I create a mono multicam sequence, it only plays from both ears when creating my own custom sequence (channel format: stereo). Why would it not play from both ears when selecting “Open in Timeline” or “New Sequence from Clip”? Is it because under Sequence Settings, the Channel Format is "Multichannel" and can't be changed? When I create a stereo multicam sequence, it plays out of one ear in each different sequence. I cannot add a “fill left with right” effect, presumably because the tracks are mono. This is the only test that played consistently across different sequence types. When I modify the tracks to be stereo, create a multicam sequence and Open in Timeline, nothing plays in the lav track. It only plays from both ears when creating my own sequence (channel format: stereo). This seems to be the same behavior as the mono multicam, i.e. only getting both ears with custom sequences. Thanks, and hopefully this background info helps.
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Oct 28, 2022
01:36 PM
Hello, I created a multicam sequence using a video clip that includes audio and two additional audio sources. When I select the multicam sequence and choose “new sequence from clip,” the audio from each track plays in both ears. So far so good. But when I click the multicam sequence in the project panel and select “open in timeline” to edit its contents, the audio only plays out one ear in this sequence. The boom mic track plays out the right, the lav mic track plays out the left. The mic attached to my camera plays out both, but that’s because of a “safety track” option where it records the righthand channel quieter than the lefthand. When I jump out of this timeline into the editing sequence, it only plays the louder left channel in both ears. Even stranger, when inside the one-ear multicam timeline, I can’t add audio effects like “Fill Right with Left” to the boom and lav tracks, only to the audio track that’s attached to the video. I recorded using a Zoom F6. Is it normal to get audio in one ear when opening a multicam sequence in timeline? If anyone has insight into why Premiere is behaving this way, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
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Oct 28, 2022
12:21 PM
Thanks, Steve. It's good to know that it's Premiere reading levels in an inconsistent way compared to Audition, and not a bug.
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Sep 01, 2022
07:09 AM
When I bring a .wav edited in Audition into Premiere, the levels peak at just above -6db when I'm previewing in the Premiere source window, but when I add it to the timeline it peaks just between -6db and -12db (I know this is actually a better range, but I'm more concerned with the inconsistency). I read on this post that it's the Pan Law, and to change the panning mode in the multitrack settings to Lograithmic. I edited this file in the waveform editor, not multitrack, but I tried anyway with no results. I don't know much about audio, so any insight is greatly appreciated. I recorded this audio on the Zoom F6 in 32-bit float with a Sennheiser ew G4 lav. In Audition I added Amplification, Noise Reduction, Single Band Compressor, and Parametric Equalizer. Here's some more info:
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Aug 29, 2022
12:00 PM
1 Upvote
Thank you, @Roland Kahlenberg. Your response along with Rick's pointed me in the right direction!
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Aug 29, 2022
11:59 AM
@Rick Gerard, thank you very much for the detailed explanation. The sourceRectAtTime(left) and sourceRectAtTime(top), along with pick whipping the position to size did the trick! I still have to try out those other expressions you shared, like adding curved edges along with the time-saving (index-1) with presets method. I'm still scratching the surface with expressions and sourceRectAtTime seems like a very powerful tool.
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Aug 29, 2022
11:54 AM
1 Upvote
@Kasandra, thank you! My coworkers and I were having the same exact problem and this was the solution.
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Aug 25, 2022
03:02 PM
My goal is to create a motion graphics template for a title reveal with a solid underneath, like the kind used on many social media videos. I have been referncing this ECAbrams tutorial: I used his expression to make the rectangle fit whatever text is typed. The difference is, I would like to reveal the text and have the solid go from left to right instead of from the center. When I try using the rectangle contents' scale property, I have to adjust the corner anchor point each time, or else the rectangle reveal doesn't start from the very left. I tried using the linear wipe effect, but the 0-100% controls don't correspond to the length of my rectangle. Also, I haven't been able to make the rectangle's transition completion dictate the rectangle alpha matte's completion. This way, I would have to include the linear wipe properties for both rectangles in the essential graphics pannel and constantly re-keyframe, which defeats the time-saving purpose of a template. Am I missing a simpler solution? Thanks for your help!
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