‎Jul 23, 2021
12:55 AM
Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz, 3600 MHz NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER 8 GB GDDR6 64 GB DDR4
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‎Jul 20, 2021
10:34 AM
I did the same, this also "fixed" it for me.
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‎Jul 20, 2021
03:16 AM
AE has updated to 18.4 today and now I can't paste text from other applications like Notepad or MS Word. It's not working with shortcuts and under the edit menu the option is greyed out. But I can still copy/paste text from within AE. I also tried to paste other things like paths from illustrator which are no longer working.
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‎Apr 14, 2020
02:36 AM
I works for me now. I've tried it on 2 machines. Thanks a lot, it was realy pain in the ass to delete all these folder over and over again.
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‎Feb 26, 2020
01:46 AM
I have updated AE to 17.0.4 today but it unfortunately hasnt't fix this issue.
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‎Feb 20, 2020
05:25 AM
I have updated AE to 17.0.3 today and now when I open a project it creates 3 Folders CIDFont, CMap and Font each containing a .lst file. Do these have a purpose? When I open a project within AE these folders will not be created. Is there an option to not create these folders, like it was until today?
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‎Apr 03, 2019
02:56 AM
I found a fix, but I don't know if it is the correct way to code this. Instead of var inputLayer = effect("Box Controls")("Parent Layer"); I need to add name at the end var inputLayer = effect("Box Controls")("Parent Layer").name; So it still outputs an error and the old try/catch statement still works. But I'm still interested how it would work properly or what other methods i can use instead of name.
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‎Apr 03, 2019
01:18 AM
Hi, with the recent update 16.1 they added a new Expressions Editor which is great but it looks like the also updated some of the syntax again. With the Layer Control it used to give a error when there was nothing selected. So I added a try catch statement to get an output when nothing was selected. This no longer works. When you select nothing there will be no error. I use a text layer to ouput the content of the Layer Control. In the legacy engine it gave you [OBJECTLAYER] but now it gives you the name of the selected layer. But with none selected it gives you an empty text layer. I tried to get the output with 0, false and "" but nothing works. Does anybody know what the ouptut of a Layer Control set to None is now? Kind regards Christian
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‎Mar 15, 2019
12:56 AM
I've just created a desktop shortcut of the CR Logs folder, and deleting them by hand. But with the lastest update to CC 2019 it rarely creates does huge files anymore on my system.
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‎Nov 28, 2018
01:33 AM
Hi, is there a way to download the Keyboard Layout Presets for different languages directly? The only way I know is to completely reinstall AE in another language and than save the "After Effects Default.txt" file, and reinstall it again in the original language. I would be nice to have a way to just download these 30KB files directly for every new version. Kinde regards Christian
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‎Aug 02, 2018
12:00 AM
Thank you this works perfectly with point text.
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‎Aug 01, 2018
08:02 AM
Thanks for your help. I have tried it already with the sourceRectAtTime() but it hasn't given me the center of the text layer, because the anchor point doesn't unfortunately start in any of the corners. And with any change to the text the offset values change as well. Is there a way to get the center of the red bounding box? Or is there a way to fetch those additionally needed offset data to use in an expression? Christian
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‎Aug 01, 2018
02:43 AM
So how can I than callculate the center of a text layer is there a way to access the data of these boxes around all letters? I want to dynamically change the center of the text layer, without having to use a script to recenter the anchor point after every change. Is this possible?
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‎Aug 01, 2018
01:45 AM
Hi, I am just wondering how the anchor point of a text layer is calculated. I have reseted my character and paragraph panel and typing out a text "jewelry" (in Times New Roman because that is the Default) and no matter how I align the text with the paragraph tool the Anchor Point at [0,0] never touches the bounding box of the text layer. So is it known how these x and y coordinates are calculated or where the origin is based? Kind regards Christian
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‎Jan 31, 2018
08:24 AM
1 Upvote
I have the newest version (15.0.1) but After Effect keeps creating those huge files when it crahes and not deleting them afterwards.
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‎Oct 19, 2017
03:09 AM
1 Upvote
I found it, there is a folder called aeks and there are is a txt file located "Afer Effects Default.txt" which is essentialy the old "Adobe After Effects 14.2 Win en_US Shortcuts.txt" file. But if you have both version in this folder you can just switch it in the new Keyboard Shortcuts Window. I've just installed both languages and kept all the settings and now there are also a "After Effects-Standard.txt" file which I can slect in the top left corner of the new window. I have uploaded the german file here After Effects-Standard.txt - Google Drive
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‎Oct 19, 2017
03:01 AM
I have the exact same question. I hope there is an easier way with the new Keyboard Shortcuts Window, instead of no option at all...
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‎Aug 07, 2017
06:29 AM
I have a guide layer on top of all my compositions that I always want to see even when I'm soloing some layers. So I always need to scroll to the top and enable/dissable the solo switch for my guide layer. So I was wondering is there a way to always show a specific layer even though the solo switch is not enabled?
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‎Nov 25, 2016
12:55 AM
What details do you need? The project is the same, it only uses pictures and a lot of effects no actual video footage. I export it as a ProRes 422 1080i25 (Custom preset) with Adobe Media Encoder: With the CC 2015.3 version it takes 10 minutes and with CC 2017 it takes 16 minutes. Both times I use the Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration. I using a PC with Win7 64bit with a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti
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‎Nov 25, 2016
12:18 AM
I have opened the same project on the same computer, haven't changed anything and used the same preset in Media Encoder. But with CC 2017 it took 6 minutes longer to render.
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‎Nov 24, 2016
11:48 PM
Hi, I've just rendered the same composition with AE 2015.3 and 2017, and the render times have differentiated pretty significantly. I' ve rendered with Adobe Media Encoder and in CC2015 it took 10 minutes and in CC2017 it took 16 minutes. Has anyone else experienced a similiar decrease in speed?
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