Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Sep 28, 2019
02:49 AM
Just wanted to check if you managed to get the logs.
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‎Aug 12, 2019
11:07 AM
Hi Len, Wanted to check if you are still facing issues with AutoFill. Thanks, Smriti
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‎Aug 12, 2019
11:05 AM
Hi Bradley, Sorry to hear that you are facing issues. Can you share more details or a video so that we can see the problem. This may be specific to a workflow or machine configuration. Thanks, Smriti
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‎Aug 11, 2019
10:38 AM
Hi, Sorry to hear that you are facing issues with the Date created metadata field. Is it happening for any specific file types? -Smriti
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‎Jul 18, 2019
11:24 PM
Hi MDC, Please install the latest updated version of After Effects and let us know if you are still seeing this issue. Thanks, Smriti
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‎May 21, 2019
10:13 AM
Hi Jakub, Please help us with answers to few queries which would help us understand and narrow down issue: Are you using Bridge on a Windows or a MAC Machine Is the folder you are referring to network folder? Is it consistent and you see it each time or after a certain action like immediately after launch, or some other action in Bridge? Does the App stop responding on browsing/selecting the file or when you try to rename the files? Look forward to hearing from you.
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‎May 21, 2019
10:06 AM
Hi Jeff, Please help us with answers to few queries which would help us understand and narrow down issue: Does it happen for all files or some specific file format or size? Does it happen for files which are located on a network folder? Is it consistent and you see it each time or after a certain action like immediately after launch, or some other action in Bridge? Look forward to hearing from you.
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‎Jan 04, 2019
01:11 PM
Hi Crystal and Justin, Sorry to hear that you are facing issues with Bridge. Someone from our team will reach out to you over email and will work with you to narrow down and resolve this. Thanks!
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‎Jan 04, 2019
01:04 PM
Hi Andrew, It is unfortunate that you are seeing this issue. Response to below questions will enable us to help you better: 1. Have you observed if there is any particular collection which may be causing the issue? 2. When you mentioned that Files larger than 1000MB cannot be processed, are you seeing any error or crash in this case? Our team will be happy to work with you closely to narrow down the problem. We can do a remote session if required to find and resolve the problem. Thanks!
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‎Jan 04, 2019
12:55 PM
Hi Robert, Thanks for writing to us. We are reviewing all the feedback specific to UI changes done in CC 2019 and our designers are evaluating addressing some of the issues in the coming updates. We shall keep you posted and will also seek your feedback where needed. Happy New Year!
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