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Community Beginner
devops at app-project
Community Beginner
‎May 24, 2022
06:23 AM
So how would do you recommend tagging a manuscript that requires anhored frames? It appears that there is no way to do this short of getting into IDML. Or going back into Indesign and manually creating anchored text frames. The input parser on Amazon converts style-based ruled paragraphs from a Microsoft Word doc, to the required inline divs. However, Indesign, while offering both object and paragraph styles, does not seem to offer a way to tag input files. If you are averaging two anchored text frames per page, the workflow and the proofreading workflow are multiplied.
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‎May 23, 2022
11:39 AM
My "design" is to display two stacked rectangles with text set inside. This is pushing Kindle "advanced typesetting" to its' outer limits, but so far seems doable, I've even been able to get rounded rectangles. Monospace is an issue becuase Indesign is listing "serif" as the "fallback" in the font family for courier, and that's just wrong. I have to manipulate the CSS. Using an anchored text frame is pain but I've not been able to otherwise Indesign to output a DIV. So the bottom line is I need enough of a preview to check on things like text breaks and pagination.
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‎May 23, 2022
11:32 AM
For now i'm specifying adobe OTF fonts and seeing built-in kindle fonts in the output. Based on limited research the consensus seems to be that font embedding is not possible in the kindle environment outside of hiring a service bureau to help.
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‎May 21, 2022
07:25 AM
From Adobe Stock, I purchased the template Classic Book for Reflowable EPub Books I used this to create an indesign document set up for intent "Mobile" with resolution of 1125px 2436px, iPhone X. At 14 points, the font is rendering to the display as below. This is much to small for anyone to read on a 5" iPhone X. It appears that the font is rendering points as pixels, and on todays' devices pixels are smaller than 72 per inch. So how do I cause the fonts to ender at the correct PPI for display in InDesign? I realize as a reflowable ePub, this will change on the device, but I still need to be able to work with a reasonable facsmile of the design within the desktop application. If the answer is to change the font size, is there a way to do this globally across all styles?
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‎Aug 25, 2021
06:47 AM
That works .. thank you.
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‎Aug 25, 2021
06:42 AM
This is actoss all PDFs. I am using Acrobat 2021.005.20058 on MacOS 11.4. In the example, try to move iterator up one position, so that it remains on the same level as the toArray bookmark, and comes before the toArray bookmark. The only way to do it, seems to be to collapse the heading, and this is disruptive to a workflow -- I don't want to collapse the hierarchy. Thanks
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‎Aug 19, 2021
08:44 PM
How is this a "correct answer"? As per the many replies, this approach renders an unusable result, and is unacceptable. Is it possible to use some other Adobe product, such as dreamweaver, to produce content for kdp?
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‎Aug 14, 2021
08:56 AM
I am editing hundreds of documents I have to use bookmarks to navigate. The bookmarks "drag and drop" reorder feature is not working correctly, as it takes many mouse operations and clicks to simply move a book mark into the correct position. If I have an hierarhcy like this: 1 1A 3 2 And I want to drag 2 to follow 1A, the item moves and appears to align with 1 and 3, but when I let go of the mouse, it it puts on the same level as 1A: 1 1A 2 3 If click on 2, and hover above 3, the mouse cursor turns into an O with a slash through it: no operation allowed. So I am forced to drop it below 3, or above 2. The only way to get 2 into the proper position, is to drop it below 3, and then to drag 3 below 2.. So, to do the operation to correct an hieararchy: I end up with 3 operations, 1. drag 2 after 1A 2. drag 2 to after 3 3. drag 3 to above 2 This is is extremely challenging. Why is the interface denying me the abilty to move a bookmark to the top level, directly following a nested level? I want this fixed, or I want to be able to complete these operations using key borard operations, such as with control + up arrow, left arrow etc. to reposition booksmarks, promoting or demoting levels, or reordering them vertically or horizontally. Architecture: x86_64 Build: 21.5.20058.441104 AGM: 4.30.107 CoolType: 5.14.5 JP2K:
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‎Jun 04, 2020
03:45 PM
Nancy, thank you for that information. Unfortunately, your recipe did not work for me. Are you on a Mac or PC? What background processes have you stopped? What processor? How many cores? How much memory? Are you on an SSD drive or a standard hard drive?
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‎May 30, 2020
11:52 AM
1 Upvote
The mac fix worked as expected: - core sync not running on restart. hurray. - ccxprocess is running - another remaining cc processes noted, 'core sync helper' which seems benign helper type function. I found this article to disable core sync helper on mac using system preferences (it's a spanish language stack exchange type board, but the screenshot is helpful anyway) It turned off core sync helper right away. - coresync restarted after I loaded DreamWeaver - I restarted the system after DW loaded and Core Sync was again missing I'm not sure what will happen after an adobe update but as I keep the CC desktop app (and updates) turned off, it should not be a problem to run this shell command when needed. Here's a copy of that post in case it gets deleted: martink70402657 Jun 05, 2019 Copy link to clipboard Dissable adobe CC app from auto launching on mac: launch terminal copy and paste this: launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud.plist restart done
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‎May 30, 2020
11:25 AM
1 Upvote
It's kind of tragic that a low level development tool like git (with openly available source code) can do flawless cloud file synchronization with maybe 0.1% of the system resources that Adobe is using. I noticed that at pages 2 and 3 of this thread,, there are now two different posts, instructions for windows and mac, doing system level disablement of these processes. I think that these posts may have been added informally by some curiously knowledgable engineers in light of the ridiculousness of this. The mac fix is a single line shell command. I'll try this on mac and let you know if it blows anything up.
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‎Jun 02, 2017
04:50 PM
@israelisassi In your Site Manager you have several menu options including "Pages". My Site Manager is only showing two menu options: Web Forms and System E-Mails.
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