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Avatar upload problems

Explorer ,
Jul 21, 2012 Jul 21, 2012

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I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.  When I upload an image, it uploads, but then it wants me to crop it, but with no means to do so.

If I just hit the crop button, I get an error.

If I try to click on the image to select an area, I end up getting browser options.

Suppose I don't want to crop my photo?

I note I can upload 2 photos -- so I thought I could upload a 320x240 for the cropped size it seemed to want (well on user page avatar is that size, so ....)... down to a square 60x60...though I see that standard forum avatars are a woppin 30x30...(aeeeeiiii).....a splotch of color--- that must be ....soandso...!...


have tried multiple images (all were png, and ... if it isn't obvious, the small one was a huge 15KB (I sort don't think size is the issue!)....

Anyway...probably my browser (turned off noscript +adblock...and no sites listed with cross site refences in 'request policy'...(shows a red-flag when it blocks a cross-site request)....

So I don't know of anything else that would be blocking it -- I can log in and post things...

and I can embed images in posts -- but not upload avatars...

any advice?






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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 21, 2012 Jul 21, 2012

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What browser are you using?

I just tried to upload a new avatar file and had no problem. My file was already a square shape, so I didn't nee/want to crop it and it let me proceed without cropping it. I went back to add a second one and I did crop that one by dragging the image handles. Again, no issue. The files were PNG and around 150K.

15K isn't huge. Can you embed one of the images in a reply here so someone else can try it?




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Explorer ,
Jul 22, 2012 Jul 22, 2012

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an old FF version... (3.6.24)...

But it seems to require the ability to take over control of my mouse's right-click - which It think my security settings must be blocking for some reason...

I have an extension to specifically allow/disallow it, and it always defaults to off, (I have have other sites that do take control of the right-click, so I'm not sure why it doesn't work here... I'm not blocking it....I.e. set no script to "permit all sites, even!, no Adblock, nothing coming up blocked in request policy...(an inter-site control addon)...that shows red flags when it blocks something, but I already had this site's requirements working(permittted) ( I see adobetag, typekit and google)...




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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 23, 2012 Jul 23, 2012

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I don't see why your right mouse button would be needed. It isn't used in the process of uploading or cropping an avatar image.

Are you uploading an avatar directly? Or are you uploading a profile picture and then asking to also use that same image as your avatar? I tried both ways with a non-square image and still had no problem uploading and cropping. I'm using Chrome at the moment, but will try again in a few minutes with Firefox.




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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 23, 2012 Jul 23, 2012

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Just tried both a profile image and then cropped that image for my avatar, too, in Firefox (v 14.01) and had no problem. I'm not sure how to guide you on this. Can you try a different browser?





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Explorer ,
Jul 23, 2012 Jul 23, 2012

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I didn't understand how the crop image thing worked because the image didn't change. (the little squares didn't appear)...

My default security settings got restored again recently (that you windows!)....and that re-enabled dom.disable_image_src_set (set it to true) --if you are using

FF, try it (if you don't have 'browser.preferences.instantapply' set to true, you'll have to exit and re-enter FF before changes to settings (URL 'about:config' in the address bar) will apply, but if you have that (brsr.pref.insntaplly) set, you should be able to duplicate the problem immediately.....

I didn't have a profile picture to try to use -- because uploading a profile picture required I be able to get through the crop point. That, required selecting an area displayed by changing the image to one with the 4 'select-boundary' squares and the lines between them "overlaying" your image -- the overlay effect being accomplished by recreating by altering the original image and replace it with one that had the crop effect overlaying it and dynamically changing as you moved the left mouse button (sorry, right mouse button wasn't the issue... it was my javascript dom priviledges getting reset to my previous default settings (some java script permissions thing that disallows sites from accessing various features like removing scrollbars, removing toolbars, raising/lowering windows, resizing them and the such -- one of those options is the image_src_set -- and when the options were reset to "secure", it disabled them all including that one -- which I NORMALLY, have enabled (or alot of things on alot of sites don't work in similar ways).

I run win7 w/a profile, and it must have happened a week ago when I let my profile get synced with my server (I normally unplug my system from the network during login/logoff) so win7 won't autoupdate my profile -- because 2 "companies" don't follow windows guidelines and store HUGE amounts of file data in your roaming profile that in 1 case

(thunderbird using IMAP duplicates a remote IMAP store and copies it into a local database stored in the users roaming profile by starting in TB3, because, Moz claims, it's necessary for their indexing to wok, and didn't put in code to use IMAP's search features,  because most users used POP or web mail «or, for corp users, Exchange, which TB usually is configed to work in POP mode, because MS keeps breaking Outlook's IMAP compatibility, (they claim because of low use, but really because it's the only serious competitor to Exchange ; 1st broken in an Office 2k update, fixed in OfficeXP, but has been rebroken and refixed and rebroken a few times -- last I heard was another usability problem in O2010)  »

OR,, in the other case should be stored in a shared public directory

Adobe downloads 1.5-2GB of Help files for their suite products into the users local app dir.  Attempts to get them to change this to a share public directory have been ignored as they regard doing so as as tied to DRM for their product line -- which breaks on a regular basis on my machine w/their products)

Those cause my profile sync time to be inordinately long -- logout taking up to 45 minutes, and login taking 10-15, vs. ~ 5 + <1 (logout+login) w/o those two.  So I only sync w/ the server 'infrequently', and that doesn't always go reliably -- soemtimes resetting options to default states or causing extensions in TB to think they've "just been installed, thus reinitializing themselves)...

It got more complicated to explain the chain of "becauses" than most people want to read years ago, and as they continue to break things, other issues get built on top of the original reasons, creating more arcane issues like this one.

Sorry for the hassles -- but me re-going through the image download process and your telling me right click wasn't needed lead me to remember that security setting -- I was like "ahh... I wonder if it is that image security setting...if it's been turned back on... I just profile synced last week...and....   etc."...

People often lose patience w/me because I stupidly report breakages when software violates protocols and keep developing work-arounds, which also get subject to breakage (people ask "well why did you do it that way?"... and then going into the nested reasonings ... they just don't want to hear it and it's all my issue... *sigh*...

I hate it when there is so little competition in fields that vendors feel free to violate standards because "as they are the industry leader, they feel they have a right to be setting the standard"....*cough*...

I haven't finished uploading the images, but I think it should work now...

p.s. - Thanks again for the pompts that led me to get it fixed!




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Explorer ,
Jul 23, 2012 Jul 23, 2012

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Well, I can upload them, but I can't select them for avatar usage... they say 'pending'....





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Community Expert ,
Jul 23, 2012 Jul 23, 2012

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Pending means that the Forum nanny is scrutinizing them to determine whether the rest of us can survive looking at them.




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Jul 23, 2012 Jul 23, 2012

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...and the Forum Nanny has spotted a nipple . The avatar's OK as it's too small to see, but for the profile image some editing is required before we'll approve it.

Absolutely, positively no nudity allowed, partial or implied, cartoon or otherwise.




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Explorer ,
Jul 23, 2012 Jul 23, 2012

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At that resolution?  Um, Excuse me, but at full res it's bare visible, and as for implied.  If it is a mammal, then anyone can say it is implied -- just like Christians can hear 'praise satan' in various songs when played backwards....*ahem*...

Looks more like a pimple or a mole ... but I'll see about her visiting a dermatologist to clear up her complexion sides, we all know how sinful skin is ..  I know, I'll just put on chest hair, then there'd be no issue at all, right?




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Explorer ,
Jul 23, 2012 Jul 23, 2012

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This may take a while, I don't want it to look unnatural, so am going back to the full size and going to put try some options...

The original is about a 500 layer (or about 1000 counting effects), 361MB origninal (@4500x4500)...

Almost all of it is vectored except for texture areas..Otherwise -- well before I went back and converted things to vectors -- I'd hit 3.5GB...

That shrunk it down to 170MB, but that only gave me opportunity to add 2x more content... ;-)....




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Community Expert ,
Jul 23, 2012 Jul 23, 2012

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Just to elaborate on my post #10: as far as I know, however it looks, every single image uploaded will be pending for a while, namely the while it takes the Forum Nanny to get round to it.

So the question has been asked quite a few times.

This is the first time I have heard about any of the actual considerations.




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Jul 24, 2012 Jul 24, 2012

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Correct, all avatars and profile images go into a moderation queue, the moderators and staff work through them as quickly as possible. There are some absolute rules from the Adobe.com Terms of Use, and some general principles to avoid legal problems given Adobe becomes the 'publisher' of your images when they're uploaded.

  • No nudity or content likely to offend due to violent / sexual / racial / political / religious overtones (trying to post some categories of illegal image will result in an instant and permanent ban).
  • No images of minors (due to the complex legal situation governing publication of photographs of children).
  • No spamming via embedded URLs etc.
  • No copyright infringement (stock photos, third-party logos, frames from movies, album covers, etc.).
  • No use of Adobe product icons, box shots, screenshots or the Adobe 'red tab' logo except by staff and authorized licensees.

We can't guarantee to spot every case of copyright infringement and have no idea what you look like in person, but unless your email address matches I'm not about to believe a photo of Lady Gaga is really you.

To answer the "volleyball" question - you couldn't use that as a profile image as it'd be obvious copyright infringement, but everyone is wearing enough clothing to walk down a city street (albeit a warm one). Linking to an image like that on another website is OK for the purposes of a forum question, but uploading a copy to the Adobe servers using the 'embed image' button is not.

Jacob Bugge wrote:


Just to elaborate on my post #10: as far as I know, however it looks, every single image uploaded will be pending for a while, namely the while it takes the Forum Nanny to get round to it.

So the question has been asked quite a few times.

This is the first time I have heard about any of the actual considerations.




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Community Expert ,
Jul 24, 2012 Jul 24, 2012

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Thank you for sharing the thoughts of the Forum Nanny, Dave.

Everything seems quite obvious.




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Jul 23, 2012 Jul 23, 2012

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Dave Merchant wrote:

Absolutely, positively no nudity allowed, partial or implied, cartoon or otherwise.

What about scantily dressed women playing beach volleyball as in this picture:


Some images will be close up to display their true beauty for everybody's enjoyment!!

BBC is putting these pictures on its website so why why can't Adobe do the same?  It is all sports after all.  All I do is manipulate these pictures in PSE10 and post for further guidance from experts.




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Jul 23, 2012 Jul 23, 2012

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mytaxsite.co.uk wrote:

What about scantily dressed women playing beach volleyball as in this picture:

<http://www.london2012.com/mm/Photo/sport/General/01/23/64/28/1236428_M 01.jpg>

The image is full of advertisements...




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Jul 21, 2012 Jul 21, 2012

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Astara_ wrote:

If I just hit the crop button, I get an error.

And what is the error you are getting?  (Cropping is necessary if the image is not square.)




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Explorer ,
Jul 22, 2012 Jul 22, 2012

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Real undescriptive:


Dimensions of the above are 320x320.  it looks like it is putting it in a landscape sized box...which is why I tried

a 320x240 -- which didn't work either...

But as you can see I have no problems uploading an image here...




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Jul 22, 2012 Jul 22, 2012

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I suggest use these pictures for your profile:



You need both pictures - one for the profile and small one for the avatar.

Good luck.




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