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First, JayJhabrix got banned from posting...
Now it's Jhabrix that's banned... and not a by your leave nor explanation! In neither case was a message sent giving a warning of any kind nor a reason for the inability to post.
Someone is getting very personal and, for some reason, 'Jhabrix' seems to be like a red flag to a bull!
I wonder how long:
1/ This post / thread will last
2/ How long it will be before this avatar of Jhabrix is banned!!
And, if any moderator chooses to read between the lines, you'll realise this post very much is a comment on the Forums and on this Forum.
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dec9 wrote:
Must be the result of folding of space that went too far past the mid point and ending up in the future. What results is a post the day before it happens. Just a theory. I am working on the proof. Need beta testors.
There was a post or thread by Jhabrix on Jive and the whole time-space continuum thing... can't remember the context though... maybe something to do with the speed of the site and the fact that actually, it seemed so slow but wa really so fast that it was already in the future when we were still in the past?
Maybe something like arriving at a station to catch a train... the train's already left... you don't know... and you keep thinking the train's so slow, it's so late...
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How can you get banned?
What is the cause?
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Getting on the bad side of the moderator.
Getting the moderator teed off at you for some reason.
If the Moderator disklikes you for some reason.
Using inappropriate language too often
there are many reasons
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PjonesCET wrote:
Getting on the bad side of the moderator.
Getting the moderator teed off at you for some reason.
If the Moderator disklikes you for some reason.
Using inappropriate language too often
there are many reasons
Add to that:
Calling a spade a spade
Calling a spade a shovel
(Calling a shovel a spade?)
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Hi Phillip
Moderators have no ability to ban anyone. Only Adobe personnel have that capability.
Moderators do have an ability to suggest to Adobe that someone be banned, but to be honest, the person being banned has to have exhibited some pretty severe behavior in order to warrant banning. Adobe seems to have a high tolerance threshold for bad behavior.
So no, you cannot be banned simply because a moderator were to dislike or disagree with you. Banning only comes as a last step after Adobe personnel have reviewed the situation and deemed the infractions severe enough that banning is the only resort.
Cheers... Rick
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Captiv8r wrote:
Moderators do have an ability to suggest to Adobe that someone be banned, but to be honest, the person being banned has to have exhibited some pretty severe behavior in order to warrant banning. Adobe seems to have a high tolerance threshold for bad behavior.
So no, you cannot be banned simply because a moderator were to dislike or disagree with you. Banning only comes as a last step after Adobe personnel have reviewed the situation and deemed the infractions severe enough that banning is the only resort.
So would it be possible to get explanations and/or retractions for the following bannings then?
Jay Jhabrix
Ramon (can't spell last name) (not that he cares, already moved on to greener pastures)
AND email warnings sent out?
Because in all of these cases the "only resort" of banning for severe infractions doesn't seem to apply, at least based on what goes on here. It seems arbitrary and almost random.
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Maybe it was JJ posting 10 antagonistic threads in a span of 2 days
which got him banned? Dunno...
It's a shame, because until he went on a rampage, JJ was one of the
more level-headed posters (at least on this forum -- I don't know what
goes on on the Photoshop forum)...
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Harbs. wrote:
Maybe it was JJ posting 10 antagonistic threads in a span of 2 days
which got him banned? Dunno...
It's a shame, because until he went on a rampage, JJ was one of the
more level-headed posters (at least on this forum -- I don't know what
goes on on the Photoshop forum)...
Erm, excuse me, I AM THE REAL JJ !!
I do not do rampages. This other interloper is just getting the initials a bad reputation.
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John Joslin wrote:
Erm, excuse me, I AM THE REAL JJ !!
I do not do rampages. This other interloper is just getting the initials a bad reputation.
Now, now calm down.... He was talking about JayJhabrix aka JJ... actually, a member here much longer than you... since 2003. Trouble was JJ usually came in thru the NNTP side... using the web interface only since 2005 or '06 for just the Illustrator forums... so his post count, etc. is very low.
And yes, this arbitrary blocking and deleting and locking probably got him worked up enough to speak up on behalf of everyone else...
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So you were sorta streatching the truth when you introduced yourself as Jhabrix a while back by implying you were new and looking forward to being part of the forums?
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dec9 wrote:
So you were sorta streatching the truth when you introduced yourself as Jhabrix a while back by implying you were new and looking forward to being part of the forums?
Did i say that? I never said anything. In fact, i haven't even introduced myself to the forums!!
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Sorry, just confused.
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Ansury wrote:
So would it be possible to get explanations and/or retractions for the following bannings then?
I think it is highly unlikely that Adobe would enter a public discussion of why certain individuals have been banned. The Adobe Community Guidelines are pretty clear. They state in part:
Adobe reserves the right to immediately remove any posts that it deems inaccurate, inappropriate, offensive, or prohibited under these guidelines. In addition, Adobe reserves the right to eject or permanently ban a user who behaves in any manner it deems inappropriate, offensive, or prohibited under these guidelines. Adobe may change the site content, the license terms for text or sample code, or these guidelines at any time.
As has already been pointed out, moderators do not have the power to ban anyone. Only Adobe does. It's Adobe's party, and it can decide who's invited and who's not.
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David_Powers wrote:
As has already been pointed out, moderators do not have the power to ban anyone. Only Adobe does. It's Adobe's party, and it can decide who's invited and who's not.
But on the recommendation of the moderators no doubt... as it is quite clear that 'Adobe' doesn't hang around here...
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While Adobe folk don't make a habit of posting in this forum, they do see the posts that fly around in here. That's why you see John Cornicello occasionally post.
Just some observations...
I noticed the last post from Jay Jhabrix occurred on 9/1 (according to the messages in my In-Box)
Then on 9/2 Jhabrix emerges and is tolerated until 9/14.
Then on 9/16 Jhabrix Jay emerges and cites:
"Now it's Jhabrix that's banned... and not a by your leave nor explanation! Someone is getting very personal and, for some reason, 'Jhabrix' seems to be like a red flag to a bull!"
Tell me these three names don't belong to the same individual.
What baffles me is the bit about the claim "it's personal". Just because someone changes identities doesn't change the circumstances that got them banned to begin with. By doing so it's a continuation of the practice of goading moderation or banning. Likely only so that they can point out how unfair things have seemingly become.
Happy Monday all... Rick
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David_Powers wrote:
I think it is highly unlikely that Adobe would enter a public discussion of why certain individuals have been banned. The Adobe Community Guidelines are pretty clear. They state in part:
That's true, and as I've said before this is Adobe's private property where technically they're dictator but I'm not challenging that. I'm just challenging this claim:
Moderators do have an ability to suggest to Adobe that someone be banned, but to be honest, the person being banned has to have exhibited some pretty severe behavior in order to warrant banning. Adobe seems to have a high tolerance threshold for bad behavior.
So no, you cannot be banned simply because a moderator were to dislike or disagree with you. Banning only comes as a last step after Adobe personnel have reviewed the situation and deemed the infractions severe enough that banning is the only resort.
I don't think "Maybe it was JJ posting 10 antagonistic threads in a span of 2 days " (and ban afterwards) as Harbs put it really demonstrates "high tolerance". Seems like pretty low tolerance to me.
But whatever, at the end of the day, I don't really care, so why continue?
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The way people act here is just as disruptive to people trying to use
this forum as it is in product forums to people trying to use those forums.
I suspect that it is only disrutive to a certain little tin-pot Dictator who call himself a "Moderator".
Try going back to the original concept and being a Forum HOST and see how much better both this Forum and the Product forums might become again — in spite of the dismal performance of the Jive Software.
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Try going back to the original concept and being a Forum HOST
Speaking of that, the delightful Mr. van Dieten remarked, I recall, about how all the good forum hosts have been driven away, so we were stuck with him (or words to that effect). Do you know if any of the old forum hosts are still around? If you ever should happen to run into Ozpeter, please give him my regards & tell him he is greatly missed.
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The InDesign forums have not changed that much. The only new moderator
there is Peter Spier, but he deserves to have that position more than
anyone else either way. He might have been a moderator/host before the
change -- not sure. There's some old names gone, some new ones took
their place, and Dave Saunders is around less than he used to be --
but I'm not sure that that's a direct result of the new forums.
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Fr. Watson wrote:
Do you know if any of the old forum hosts are still around?
Bob Levine is still around occasionally in the PS Win forum but he is no longer hosting.
Neil seems to have abandoned the PS Mac forum.
Ian Lyons is still in the ACR forum.
The biggest loss is the absence of nearly all the professionals at the top of their fields.
The "adobe community" is turning into a backwater, divorced from the main stream.
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Bob Levine is still around occasionally in the PS Win forum but he
is no longer hosting.
His capacity on the InDesign forums is the same as it always was.
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Do you know if any of the old forum hosts are still around? If you ever should happen to run into Ozpeter, please give him my regards & tell him he is greatly missed.
I saw a post from him the other day...but I can't remember what forum I saw it in. He still had the same user name, I guess you could always track him down and send him a PM.
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If you ever should happen to run into Ozpeter, please give him my regards & tell him he is greatly missed.
He has been posting on occasion in the Premiere Elements forum. Seems that he's getting into video and sharing his expertise. I'd not call him a "regular," but pops in from time to time.
I'll be sure to let him know that he's missed.
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He has been posting on occasion in the Premiere Elements forum. Seems that he's getting into video and sharing his expertise. I'd not call him a "regular," but pops in from time to time.
I'll be sure to let him know that he's missed.
Thank you for that.
(A wonderful man, or at least he comes across as such on-line. Gentle, respectful, courteous, patient, good-natured.... I haven't enough nice things to say about him. He is my (and many others') ideal forum host in most, if not all respects. If anything, maybe a little TOO nice at times, but I can deal with that.
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I do agree. I encountered him on the Audition forum (think he might have been a MOD there?), and grew to respect his opinions and knowledge, which he freely shared. Since I came from the cine and video side of Audio, he made me feel welcome, when I had some very rudimentary questions. Some there were not so welcoming, as I was not a pro-sound-guy. He impressed me.
When he showed up in the PrE and maybe the PrPro fora, I extended the same welcome, that he had afforded me.
Unfortunately, I was unable to really address some of his questions and problems, but others jumped in and helped him. He returned the favor by posting a great workaround for a video format issue and it was immediately adopted as a Tips & Tricks article.
Nah, he's a real contributor, even when out of his native element.
I'll pass on your comments, when he shows up again.