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Hi Mods

Enthusiast ,
Mar 14, 2016 Mar 14, 2016

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Just a polite question to ask why the mod here keep requesting my posts be approved - I am here to help others.

You can see that? What have I done wrong?






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Mar 14, 2016 Mar 14, 2016

Farrellart wrote:

Just a polite question to ask why the mod here keep requesting my posts be approved - I am here to help others.

You can see that? What have I done wrong?

Good question.  The forum is coded with Jive, which seems to make up its own mind about what is and isn't acceptable.  There sometimes appear to be no reason why a particular person falls foul of the software.  At a guess, I would say that you were flagged from your involvement of the thread that was deleted an hour or so a




Community Expert ,
Mar 14, 2016 Mar 14, 2016

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Farrellart wrote:

Just a polite question to ask why the mod here keep requesting my posts be approved - I am here to help others.

You can see that? What have I done wrong?

Good question.  The forum is coded with Jive, which seems to make up its own mind about what is and isn't acceptable.  There sometimes appear to be no reason why a particular person falls foul of the software.  At a guess, I would say that you were flagged from your involvement of the thread that was deleted an hour or so ago.  I know you didn't originate that thread and the offensive word it contained, but you couldn't help but quote it.  Gene and myself tried to clean it up, but it was not possible to delete all occurrences so the thread had to go.

As a guide, you can reckon on any post that contains two or more links will go into the mod queue.  There are several mods for each forum, and any of them can action anything in the mod queue, so you'll rarely have to wait long, and your position in the thread will be kept.  Mods can also see your post in the relevant thread, and will always head straight to the mod queue to approve it.

I think all MVPs and ACPs are allowed to bypass the two links criteria, but other issues will trap our posts.  Unfortunately, no one can tell us what those issues might be.  We lost one of our best regular posters a year or so back, because he was that fed up with forum software glitches.  We have a major update scheduled for next month.  Maybe that will help, but don't count on it.





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Mar 14, 2016 Mar 14, 2016

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Excellent reply, Trevor. One small correction: there are what I would call just plaint MVPs, who have no special powers whatsoever: they are not mods, they cannot see the mods queue, they cannot move messages or threads, they cannot... They cannot do anything that a "normal" user can do, except participating in this forum. I know, because I am one of them.





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Mar 14, 2016 Mar 14, 2016

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‌Yes, the MVP tag simply means "most valuable participant" and doesn't come with any special forum related privileges besides access to the back room for MVPs and being exempt from the mod queue...unless the post contains flagged content.





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Community Expert ,
Mar 14, 2016 Mar 14, 2016

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The root of this whole mess was link spammers taking out multiple accounts and flooding the forums. They could fill up several pages for online gambling, diploma mills and other assorted sordid scams. They had a "try and stop me attitude" which caused the Jive admins to tighten down things catching many legit posters in the net.

We're working on it, but trust us, you are not on any "bad actors" lists.

That said, Keep up the good work.






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