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I am perfectly aware that the forums have not been functioning at their best these last days. And I sincerely hope that coming in and finding that one is not logged has been a temporary glitch associated with the ... shall we call them unstabilities? Nearly a full year logging in after half an hour of inactivity and after any closing of my browser was more than enough for me.
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Hi Claudio
I think Adobe was doing something on their main site yesterday. And it appeared to affect the forums. I know I was unable to log in as was one of my buddies in England.
The good news is that it appears to be fine today. So we shall keep our fingers crossed!
Cheers... Rick
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Well, seems that I was not the ONLY one.
During the "outage" that I encountered (MST - Western US), I did notice that some users in the UK, Europe, and even one in the US, but in the Central TMZ, were able to log-in and post, and that worried me greatly. Not that many, but enouh posts to familiar product forums, that I noticed they were posting, when I could not????
Things seem OK, here in the MST - USA today, but like Rick, my fingers are well X'ed.
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I am guarantee I will be jinxed by saying this. But I have not had a sign issue since a year or two ago when I had to log out of forums log out adobe. Then remove Cookies. Then log into then to the Forums. At the time "everyone" was having an issue. seems adobe screwed up the sign-in server when they switched to Jive.
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Do I remember correctly, that you are on the US East Coast?
Only reason that I ask, is because at least one poster in the Central US, seemed to be able to post, when I was experiencing the log-in errors. Also, at least two UK users, and a few in Europe, were posting at the same time, that I could not log-in.
Thanks, and hope that you have NOT jinxed yourself.
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Yes In the mid-Alantic section of the East Coast. In Southern Virginia.
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Hi all
As for seeing other posts I think the issue was this. If you were logged in and had not logged out you were okay. But if you logged out and later tried to get in, you were hosed. So those folks posting during this period had likely logged in prior to the problem and had not logged out.
Now I'm sure some of you will come back to this and say something along the lines of "But I never ever log out!". And if that's the case, I really have no explanation. Only Adobe and Jive can truly say what is what. The rest is just speculation.
Cheers... Rick
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Only Adobe and Jive can truly say what is what. The rest is just speculation.
Keep your fingers x'ed to get any official explanation for this outage. The only explanation I can think of is that the Anonymous hacker group sabotaged Adobe portal to prove their point that closing down of Megaupload will not be tolerated and that more sabotage will take place. They did sabotage other portals as you must have heard or seen in the news.
Now before FBI tries to locate me, I have no connection with any hackers group nor have I any inside info about their activities.
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Captiv8r wrote:
Now I'm sure some of you will come back to this and say something along the lines of "But I never ever log out!". And if that's the case, I really have no explanation. Only Adobe and Jive can truly say what is what. The rest is just speculation.Cheers... Rick
But, after being for the first year of the new forums the only one that was logged out every half hour and after each browser shutdown, I have never ever logged out or had to log in again until now! And I certainly wouldn't like to repeat that experience, that's why I opened this thread.
I was hoping for a couple of lines saying "The forums were down for xxx hours because of zzz. Sorry for the inconveninence.", and I find it most disturbing that we haven't received anything of the sort, just all kind of speculations. We may be mere users, but we do deserve some respect. After all, it's from people like us that Adobe gets profits.
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And its people like us that are giving support to adobe Products. They are not doing anything. Makes you wonder if they would just as soon chuck support whether by them or Users alike.
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From time-to-time, I have harbored similar feelings/questions, but then, have gotten a thank you from an Adobe employee, for the work done - and that does make me feel a bit better.
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Bill, Rick's comment was just speculation, as he himself says. I have yet to see a two line official explanation of what really happened.
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I was aware that Rick was speculating, and I had developed a similar scenario, based on my correspondence with some users elsewhere. Those, who never logged-out, stayed logged-in, during that situation (seems that each Friday brings some issue! ). One user, in particular, was posting during that outage, UNTIL they re-booted, and then were faced with the same problem, that many of us encountered.
The problem seems to have been with just the log-in screen/page, and not with the forums, per se.
I had re-booted to hook up some FW-800 external HDD's, and when I went to log back in, was when I hit the problem, which presisted for many hours.
At least two users (with whom I have corresponded), never logged-out, and were able to continue posting, during the time of the issue.
While but speculation, Rick's suggestion makes sense, based on the data, that I have been able to gather. Not proved, beyond a shadow of doubt, but consistant - once logged-in, those users stayed logged-in, during the outage.
Originally, I was thinking nodes and geography, but that was shot down pretty early in my quest for an answer - Phillip stayed logged-in, while in the US, as did another user in MN, USA. One UK user was logged-in, well into the outage, but when he attempted to log-out and log-in, could not. One European user stayed logged-in with no notice of an issue. No, geography had nothing to do with it, and the common element seems to be having stayed logged-in, during the outage.
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Seems a waste to have to repeat the same things in two different threads.
Since my account magically recovered some two years ago the power to remain logged, I have never ever logged out again. I did not record the dates and times, but as far as I can tell, on Friday evening I found in my Mac/Firefox that I had been logged out of the forums without my intervention. When I tried to log in, I received the Site Area Temporarily Unavailable message that you posted in the other thread. The same thing happened when I tried to get into the forums using Win 7/Safari, and the situation did not change until a few minutes before I opened this thread.
Messages 11 and 12 in this thread show that Jacob and I did not log out, but were logged out and could not log in.
And I am still waiting for an official one to two lines message saying "The Forums were down for some hours because xxx. Sorry for the inconveniences". Although, from your comments, perhaps Adobe never knew of this problem. Or of this thread and your parallel one...
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Messages 11 and 12 in this thread show that Jacob and I did not log out, but were logged out and could not log in.
For a few, that was not the case, as they were never logged-out, and continued to post, during the outage.
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Bill Hunt wrote:
Messages 11 and 12 in this thread show that Jacob and I did not log out, but were logged out and could not log in.
For a few, that was not the case, as they were never logged-out, and continued to post, during the outage.
And what does that prove regarding the cause of the outage? From my point of view, it's not for us plain users -or even for moderators- to keep on speculating on what happened and why. I am extremely disappointed for the lack of any official explanation; a two line message would have been enough. And I am surprised by the insistence of some users in trying to guess some possible causes of the problem, which is pure and mere guesswork leading us nowhere.
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I am but offering observations.
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Thanks for that. I was considering the same thing, but could not verify, as I had logged-out, and could not log-in again.
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Some twelve hours ago I was unable to log in (Site unavailable) for a few hours; others over here were able to post about an hour before I was. After that everything was normal.
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The login portal was down for about 12 hours in London, UK.
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Yes, I would try to log in on the 20th but would only get "Page not Available" in multiple languages.
Works OK today.
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Now I'm sure some of you will come back to this and say something along the lines of "But I never ever log out!".
But I never ever log out!
Just as during the recent big outage(s), I had been logged in every time I opened the browser previously, then found myself logged (or locked) out, only this time others were obviously logged in and posting; others round me over here that was, I am unsure whether I saw anyone over there logged in.
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Rick actually said:
Now I'm sure some of you will come back to this and say something along the lines of "But I never ever log out!". And if that's the case, I really have no explanation. Only Adobe and Jive can truly say what is what. The rest is just speculation.
And that was the case, as you can see from posts #11 & 12.
Maybe (part of) the key to what actually happens, or not, is the following:
It is funny how you can enter the forums and look round, look at threads and everything, as logged out, and then suddenly you are logged in normally.
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I would be one of those people that never log out for any reason. I just go on and read other mail or to another Web site as needed. (I use SeaMonkey so I can istantly switch email to web Browsing).