See my post at #14.
This remains confusing because, according to our best understanding (session vs permanent cookies), no one should NOT have to log in every time their browser is closed - including the computer being shut down. The primary exception would be a computer and/or browser that is set up with the id/password configured to auto-login.
> On my PC ..., I must still log on every time I start browsing anew
Is this what is actually happening? No one ever has to log in to browse; only to post. Perhaps you are referring to accessing features such as reading subscriptions; I hadn't thought of that.
> If remembering userid has still not been enabled since last weekend, will it be re-enabled before activation of the new forums?
Bottom line is we don't know for sure.
> But I agree, we need someone to figure it out, then write up a FAQ to help everyone get it sorted properly.
The problem is, if it weren't for those few (or many?) who seem to still (or again?) to have persistent cookies, it could be made clear. With them in the mix (and I am not one!), this remains confusing.
I get digests by email, open a browser window to get up to the minute posts and to write any responses, and leave that window open indefinitely. (IE 7, and new posts I open are a new tab.) I hibernate instead of shutting down, so my browser is not closed. It may be days before I am required to login again. So for this transition, I'm not unhappy. I think Adobe's gotten the feedback that continuing session cookies would be a VERY unpopular change. So I'm not going to worry about it.
> I think the task should be given to the cookie writing engineer.
Ha, ha! Perhaps, in this instance, we should refer to this person as the Cookie Monster!