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Option to edit or remove posts missing

Participant ,
Nov 18, 2020 Nov 18, 2020

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I hope this is the correct place to post this. There seems to be a bug in using this very online forum.


After posting on the Adobe Support Community, there are options at the bottom of every post, such as "Like", "Translate", "Report", and so on. The rightmost option is "... More".


However, whenever I press the "... More" option, I get what appears to be a blank drop down, like this:

Screenshot_2020-11-18 Re Timelapse shows no progress.png

I have tested this on my Miscrosoft Surface Pro, using Firefox, Chrome, and Edge, and they all have the same issue, so it would appear it's not browser specific.


I am hoping that under the "... More" option are the ability to edit and remove posts. But at the very least, there should be something to choose to do.





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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Nov 18, 2020 Nov 18, 2020

Hi Dave, you're correct in saying this is an issue. We have the bug logged with the team. The option ...More should not be available to users that have no additional options.

The option to delete posts has never been available in this community, only admins can do so and for moderation reasons.

The option to edit your own post is only available after you've achieved a certain rank. For example, your current rank is "Community Beginner". By keep posting and interacting in this community, you will



Adobe Employee ,
Nov 18, 2020 Nov 18, 2020

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Hi Dave, you're correct in saying this is an issue. We have the bug logged with the team. The option ...More should not be available to users that have no additional options.

The option to delete posts has never been available in this community, only admins can do so and for moderation reasons.

The option to edit your own post is only available after you've achieved a certain rank. For example, your current rank is "Community Beginner". By keep posting and interacting in this community, you will move up the ranks and have this option available to you. If at this time you need to make an addition to a post, you can reply below it and add the information you missed. If you added private information or similar and would like to remove that from your post, please use the Report button and an admin will do so for you.

Hope this helps!




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Nov 18, 2020 Nov 18, 2020

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Or if you do inadvertently add something of a personal nature and need it removed reply to that same conversation requesting that to happen or make a new post in this forum, Using the Community, asking for it to be edited out. Also include a link to the Post/Reply/Conversation that needs to be edited.




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Participant ,
Nov 18, 2020 Nov 18, 2020

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Thank you for responding, and I understand your explanation.


However, I'm unclear why your answer was marked as a "correct answer" before I had even seen it. In this community, do other people get to determine what is the correct answer for my questions?




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Nov 19, 2020 Nov 19, 2020

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I as a Moderator marked Silvia's answer as correct because It Is, was.


I personally see no reason not to do that. When something is Right it is Right.

With this forum system you can mark multiple answers as Correct. So you as the OP could actually mark every answer to your original question as correct, even your own replies.




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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 19, 2020 Nov 19, 2020

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@Dave_Draws as an admin I can see that a fellow community moderator marked my answer as correct. Only the original poster (yourself in this case) and moderators and admins can mark answers as correct. 

Note for moderators reading this: A best practice I use myself is to let the OP mark it themselves. If a few days (2-3) have passed and they have not engaged with the post, you can then mark it as correct if you believe it to be 🙂




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Participant ,
Nov 19, 2020 Nov 19, 2020

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I don't think a moderator or anyone other than the original poster should mark an answer as correct.

Having someone else decide for me that an answer was correct makes me feel like my concerns are being ignored in favor of accepting conclusions as a way of dismissing potential problems.




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Community Expert ,
Nov 19, 2020 Nov 19, 2020

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I agree to a certain extent.  Many users never post back or mark the correct answer correct, even after acknowledging in a post what solved their problem.  In those cases, I consider it proper for a moderator to do so.




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Nov 19, 2020 Nov 19, 2020

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Yes, I can agree to that.


I think in such cases, a moderator should mark with a note on a reply why they marked it correct in absence of the OP doing so.




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Nov 19, 2020 Nov 19, 2020

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I think in such cases, a moderator should mark with a note on a reply why they marked it correct in absence of the OP doing so.


Why? as I said before If an Reply is the Correct Answer why shouldn't it be marked as Correct.


Almost all posts made to this forum system on any of different forum landing pages only stay on the first page for about 3-10 hours. Sometimes a lot short time period, like an Hour.

To go through all the pages and posts to find posts that have had a reply that correctly answers the OP question would take an ARMY of people.

So why not mark a reply as correct ASAP when that reply is Totally Correct.


In the case of your original post Silvia's reply completely answered your query.

Am I wrong in that statement?




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Participant ,
Nov 19, 2020 Nov 19, 2020

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I can't see any reason why you should be adverse to prividing any simple note on why you have marked an answer as correct At best, no one will disagree, at worst it provides options for dialog. What might be an obvious answer to you may not satisfy others.


The act of assuming ownership over other people's queries very much feels like you care less about having communication with them, and that you are more concerned with closing, and therefor dismissing, issues. It does not fill me with any confidence that you are truly listening.


I guess it depends on what your goals are. One goal is having a resource of information, but another is the kind of community you want to foster. Having other people presume to approve of answers to my questons does not make me feel like I'm a part of of a helpful community, it makes me feel like I'm in the presence of heavy handed moderators who want to exert power.


I any case, I would appreciate it if you did not unilaterally act on any of my queries going forward.




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Nov 20, 2020 Nov 20, 2020

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I do not see any reason to add a Note.

A correct reply is a correct reply.


Ok Which reply would you of marked as the correct one?

You Still Have Not done that, Why? But you have ( or Silvia has to appease you)  removed the Marked as correct answer.

Is Silvia's answer correct? Does it answer your question about the ...More link being empty? Yes it does. So why haven't you bothered to mark it as Correct.


It seems all you want to do is argue about someone else marking a post of yours correct when Clearly the one that was marked as correct WAS and IS the correct reply.


I will act, reply or mark as correct, on any post I feel I have info that may help that users or reading the correct answer to a question mark that reply as correct. Including whatever other posts you may make in the future.


But more than likely you and I will never interact again.


Have a great weekend.






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Community Expert ,
Nov 20, 2020 Nov 20, 2020

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I agree with Just Shoot Me.  A correct answer is either a correct answer or it isn't.  It may not be THE answer you were hoping for but it is nevertheless correct in context to this particular forum platform.  And Silvia correctly responded to the OP's initial question.  Deleting is not possible.  Editing one's posts after publish is not possible until you have been an active participant for a while longer.  I hope that ends any further controversy.


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator




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Participant ,
Nov 20, 2020 Nov 20, 2020

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I don't agree with Just Shoot Me's assessment. At the very least, Silvia's suggestion that moderators should wait a few days to let an OP see and evaluate a post themselves before stepping in seems reasonable. If there is no agreement that moderators should only be marking posts as correct as a last resort when it seems an OP has abandoned an issue, then moderators are over reaching and precluding dialog.


I may or may not have agreed with the original answer, but now I'm being told I have to by moderator policy, and that is alienating and unwelcoming.





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Nov 19, 2020 Nov 19, 2020

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99.99999% of the time the OP never comes back to mark an answer as correct. And even if they do come back 98% of the time they mark one of their own replies as Correct.


Someone else with the same question as your, whether they comes here today, tomorrow, next week, whenever, and uses the search feature might find the your question and see that it is marked as Answered, solved, and get the info they needed.




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