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Original Testing and Feedback or was it Feedback & Testing forum.

Oct 06, 2019 Oct 06, 2019

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So before this site went live to the gneral public there was a preview of it that had a forum for testing and giving Feedback on this new layout and design. There were a LOT of post in that forum that pointed out the multiple flaws, miss steps, outright horrible design and the TOTAL Lack of Thought that went into this MESS you people at Adobe call a User to User Help forum.


So exactly what happened to the Feedback & testing forum?


I know no body listened to anything any of the participating ACP/MVP had to say because at the first day of Go Live of this forum NOTHING had changed.


So exactly what happened to the Feedback & testing forum?


So exactly what happened to the Feedback & testing forum?


So exactly what happened to the Feedback & testing forum?






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Sep 03, 2019 Sep 03, 2019

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Why has my post in testing feedback been marked as spam? As an ACP I was requested to test and give feedback which I did in my post Dave

Link to post: (Feedback on first look)
by davescm


<p>Hi</p><p>I've just being trying the new forum for the first time with the following observations/feedback:</p><p><br />1. I cannot see a way to jump to the "latest reply" - essential on very long threads</p><p>2. I cannot see a way to show all replies in a thread. At the moment any replies to a post other than the starting post are collapsed until you click to expand them from the interim post. A "view all replies" button would help, particularly on threads from the old forum.</p><p>Replies transferred from the old forum are sometimes out of order as they appear to be in a hierarchy set by who the poster&nbsp; replied to and some folk reply to the original post while others reply to the last post even when both are actually replying to the last post. This makes some older threads hard to follow.<br />3. The ACP/MVP badges are missing from ACP replies so you can't glance down a thread and see which have been by ACPs/MVPs</p><p>4. In my profile I cannot see a list of topics I created (I can get a list of those in which I participated but that is not the same thing)</p><p>5. My current status is viewer (I assume that is temporary during testing</p><p>6. All posts appear to be locked - again I assume that is just part of testing</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Thanks for the early view</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Dave</p>

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