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10. Jul 10, 2009 12:01 PM in response to: Kenneth Benson
We hosts got word yesterday or the day before that after months of testing and tracking stuck files, Jive has rolled out a fix this week (yesterday, I think) that is supposed to cure the queue problem. We've heard that before, so we'll see.
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We've heard that before, so we'll see.Peter
Really? Really? I'm so shocked that Jive would ever release a completely broken fix, I just can't believe it!
Jive just goes to show you: "KISS". They sure didn't, did they? (Well, at least they did the "keep" and "stupid" parts.) It takes some serious effort to be the only web forum I've ever visted to have major problems on, in probably 15 years of Intarweb usage. That's just amazing.
But does Adobe even get this fix for the version of Jive they are on? Are they really on an old version like someone said before? I wouldn't get too excited yet.
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We did in fact deploy a fix on Thursday night, so if you guys happen to see any more queued files, please report them here. Thanks!
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Queing seems to be fine so far from what I can see.
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There is one here, Kath:
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There is one here, Kath:
There is one here, kanguyen, I think you meant I have no magic powers.
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There is one here, Kath:
There is one here, kanguyen, I think you meant
I have no magic powers.
No Kath, I meant Kathy, just missed the last letter.
Apart from that, I do not believe you. Of course you have.
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nope. that went through...
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Still took over 20 minutes though, looks like. Again - images should get a pass, where could a virus be hiding in those?
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Again, viruses can and have been spread by image files (exploiting bugs in the browser or OS file reading code).
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Chris Cox wrote:
Again, viruses can and have been spread by image files (exploiting bugs in the browser or OS file reading code).
Browsers should long ago put in security fixes for that years ago.
Vast majority of today's bug are transfered /triggered by Active-X
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True PJ but if it happened once, a similar event could probably happen again. It's probably best to virus scan images still if you want to be safe. Would be nice if it didn't take 20 minutes, though?
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Then why not disallow attaching of anything that can be handled by the camera icon? I assume that's somehow a safe method, since images appear immediately.
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Kath-H wrote:
Then why not disallow attaching of anything that can be handled by the camera icon? I assume that's somehow a safe method, since images appear immediately.
Dear Kath...
Everything you say, he says, she says and i say... are emminently logical and workable. Unfortunately, however, have you checked the name of the people who've created this load of garbage? It's Jive.... Yes, Jive. What would you, or anyone else for that matter, expect from a company with a name like that?
For further clarification, please do visit this link:
It kind of sums up what Jive is all about.
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Most likely They are uploaded to a special server assigned for the purpose or a partion on a server for the purpose. While the attchment is attached directly to the message.
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Correct even though such things are supposed be fixed, I guess it should be good measure, to check in case a new angle of attack has been used.
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And another queued file, Kathy:
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showing for me...
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dave milbut wrote:
showing for me...
It does for me, too, now. It seems that you could open it after 25 minutes.
In the thread linked to in post #4, the OP linked to an external site after 27 minutes of queueing, so it seems that there is an occasional queueing time of up to about half an hour or more.
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both times in this thread, i seem to have caught it at about 20 minutes...