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Red Bars for Points

Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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Adobe has made a big deal of the points, red bars to distinguish user, participant, contributor, and so forth.  It seems odd that the system can not keep the tallies correct.   A roll over of my name gives me 2 bars, yet the red bars for the contributor is still on 1.  Others have a similar pattern.

Here is the Photoshop forum:


Here is the Bridge forum:  Capture2.GIF




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Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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I had never noticed that before. I thought someone said on here that it had to do with the total number of points one receives.

Maybe there is a total in someone's profile, then it divides that number up for each forum you are a top participant in(?)

Picture 1.png

FYI this is from the Feedback Forum.




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Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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I think this was brought up before, it's just another one of the millions of JiveBugs© that you have to live with if you stay here.  The concept of consistency has not yet been invented on the planet Jive.  Yeah put it on the list at bug #5223. +1 Jive bug

Honestly though I think that's the last thing to look at on Adobe's todo list, rightfully so (assuming Adobe even has a todo list of bugs to fix, not one fixed yet).




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Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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Hi there

Ansury wrote:

I think this was brought up before, it's just another one of the millions of JiveBugs© that you have to live with if you stay here.  The concept of consistency has not yet been invented on the planet Jive.  Yeah put it on the list at bug #5223. +1 Jive bug

Honestly though I think that's the last thing to look at on Adobe's todo list, rightfully so (assuming Adobe even has a todo list of bugs to fix, not one fixed yet).

I'm not sure what Adobe could do about forum software bugs. The way I see it, Adobe is a Jive customer much the same as we are all Adobe customers.

So if we find an irritating bug in Photoshop, InDesign or another Adobe application, there is likely nothing we are able to do but report it to Adobe and hope they issue a Service Release or hope that the bug is addressed in the next upgrade of the software. I believe that the priority of the issue being fixed may be dependent upon how many reports they receive.

I might assume Adobe falls into the same category. We report the issues to them, they forward the issues to Jive. But they in turn have to hope that Jive receives enough reports to warrant a service release of the Jive forums software.

Cheers... Rick




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Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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Captiv8r wrote:

I'm not sure what Adobe could do about forum software bugs. The way I see it, Adobe is a Jive customer much the same as we are all Adobe customers.

Well they could have not moved us over to the new forums when this massive list of bugs showed up in "testing" prior to Jive deployment, but it's too late for that now, so you're right.  Thanks to mismanagement probably on the part of some over-eager Adobe exec that wanted another bullet "accomplishment" added to their resume, we're stuck with a bugged mess and I'm sure Jive knows it.  I only repeat myself because it seems new people come in almost every day wondering why things are so screwed up here now, and the answer is pretty much the same every time.




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Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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Captiv8r wrote on 9/17/2009 5:39 PM:

I'm not sure what Adobe could do about forum software bugs.

Fix them.

As a Jive customer Adobe has access to the Java source code for these

forums. Adobe employs many Java developers and could divert some of them

to work on fixing bugs. I do not consider that a high probability

scenario, but that is because they won't, not because they can't.




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Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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That's messed up, I'll blame Adobe for choosing to go ahead with Jive in the first place, but even I wouldn't expect Adobe to divert resources to fix Jive Software's screw ups.  If that's how it is, they'd might as well start paying Jive a few 100k to have their own people work on fixes and customizations immediately*.  Jive doesn't deserve such charity, IMO.

*Even better, use that funding to find and setup new forum software.




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Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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I'm not sure the bar behavior is a bug. It probably works as designed

(although I admit it's an odd design...)

The way it works is like this: Your full status always shows next to

your posts in any forum.

The Top Contributors show the bars based on the contributions IN THAT

FORUM or sub-forum.





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Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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Perhaps, and that would make more sense--if that were clear or in any way intuitive.  Poor UI design, at best, but still up there at the same level as a bug IMO.  I could probably come up with 10 ways to fix that problem.  That's the best the Jive designers could do?  That isn't what I expect from software that I pay a lot of money for...but that's just me.




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Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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To clear up any confusion, I wish you all would call them "meatballs" since that's what they are.




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Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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Done. Meatballs it is!!

~graffiti wrote:

To clear up any confusion, I wish you all would call them "meatballs" since that's what they are.




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Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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Thank you!  I checked in on this discussion to make sure that was understood.  They are meatballs.  Or - "slabs of jive" if you're not into the whole brevity thing.

That said, I think as it was said above - you get your own meatballs, under your name everywhere based on your total points.  The "top participants" thing shows meatballs based on the points awarded in that particular forum.




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Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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In other words, since we can't work it out, for the casual visitor it is totally meaningless.




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Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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If someting does not work right why bother having it at all.

Ok, I admit having it does not hurt anything. But it is broke, it does not work correctly thus meaningless.




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Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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I don't mean to derail the thread but honestly, this is such a trivial issue in the grand scheme of Jive screwups, it's like worrying about the property value of the moon.

I mean we have mods saying things like the forums have gotten better since the WebX days in the other thread. I guess many of those running this place now are just so far out of touch with reality that the only thing left to do is watch for the train wreck when it runs out of track, which is probably why half the people here are sticking around at all.  Sheer morbid curiosity..

I have been on the product forums a little today but it's mostly due to slowness on my other workstation, and the basic nature of some of the unanswered questions....




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Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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Yes? Yes? Spit it out. You left us hanging.....

Ansury wrote:

I don't mean to derail the thread but honestly, this is such a trivial issue in the grand scheme of Jive screwups, it's like worrying about the property value of the moon.

I mean we have mods saying things like the forums have gotten better since the WebX days in the other thread. I guess many of those running this place now are just so far out of touch with reality that the only thing left to do is watch for the train wreck when it runs out of track, which is probably why half the people here are sticking around at all.  Sheer morbid curiosity..

I have been on the product forums a little today but it's mostly due to slowness on my other workstation, and the basic nature of some of the unanswered questions....




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Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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LOL, if you are going to quote someting I said, please at least exercise a bit of accuracy. Copy and paste has been around as long as I can remember!

You may be referring to this:

...In the fora where I and my fellow Community Experts operate, things are better than ever. Nothing was destroyed it only improved with the new forum. And believe it or not, it actually got even better after some of us became moderators because we are now able to offer helpful things like making announcements about planned forum outages and the like. We have created sticky topic areas and other things intended to assist others.

or possibly this:

...Again, keep in mind that my own experience was limited to the FuseTalk forums Macromedia had. Not the Adobe forums. So my view is most likely stilted. I've never once tried to deny that fact.

Cheers... Rick




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Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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I'm talking about this:

Captiv8r wrote:

While I'm sure that many here believe the Jive software is a total piece of garbage, I disagree. Perhaps it doesn't work as you would like it. Perhaps it operates differently for you than it does for me. But by and large it's an improvement from what existed before it.

You disagree that the Jive software is not a total piece of garbage, and "by and large it's an improvement from what existed before it".  What I said seems entirely accurate.

I mean, no hard feelings, you're entitled to your opinion just as much as the rest of us.  Most just disagree with this point.  Was trying not to start an issue of it in this thread by not naming names.  he he he




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Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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I appreciate the added commentary, but I believe that the experience from my side is different because those that seem to vehemently hate the Jive software are coming from the WebX side. As I said before, my contrast is from the FuseTalk side. It's a bit like comparing spiders to hedgehogs, no?

Cheers... Rick




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Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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As I said before, my contrast is from the FuseTalk side. It's a bit like comparing spiders to hedgehogs, no?

So basically you have no experience with properly and efficiently designed web sites (of which the WebX site was a fine example)?

The more that you spout forth here, the more I realise just how little you know and how limited your so-called "Expertise" really is!




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Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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It would seem you feel that someone bearing a Community Expert logo should be an expert user of ALL of Adobe's 80+ products? A bit unrealistic I believe.

Likely you have zero experience with the products I use on a daily basis. By the same token, I never claim to be an expert in using whatever products you use. Community Expert is simple recognition for offering helpful (and accurate) advice to fellow users. It's an honorary title that is earned by repeatedly assisting and giving of your time and sharing with the community to further knowledge of whatever Adobe products you use.

I've not mentioned this so far because it hasn't been relevant to the thread. However, perhaps now is a good time to do so.  I'm also a "Certified Expert" for my products, meaning I've taken the requisite examinations and have passed them. Beyond that, I'm a "Certified Instructor" meaning that I earn my living by facilitating classes on the two (of 80+) products I know and use daily.

So there again goes YOUR elitism (not mine) in claiming I don't know anything simply because I don't share the same expertise you may. I know my products very well. I've helped thousands of posters with their projects with a smile on my face. And I don't look down upon you and claim how little you must know because you may have no clue what an Information Type is or how to configure it using RoboHelp HTML.

Your general attitude seems to be one observed when speaking to someone that doesn't understand your language. Instead of making an attempt to use a different communication method, you believe shouting your same words more loudly will convey your message.

Sincerely... Rick




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Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009

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I guess the primary point was, and I'd agree, that (no offense) but you're not really qualified or in a good position to judge whether the forums are an improvement or overall "better" than what most of us here had previously.

I realize you never said "Jive is better than WebX" technically, but your tone does seem to imply that you'd rather us all screwed with Jive, than have WebX/FuseTalk or whatever that other junk system was.

Basically just because you're happy because you went from supertrash forums to junky forums, doesn't mean we're wrong to complain about going from decent forums to junky forums.

I don't know, it's getting late so maybe that doesn't make sense.




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Sep 18, 2009 Sep 18, 2009

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I can understand that for anyone coming from those appalling fusetalk forums, jive must seem pretty good.

It's all relative.


The thing about the good advisers that have left these forums is that they are industry leaders in the fields of graphics production and photography. Their knowledge is related to years of experience in the industry as a whole – and not to the learning of a piece of software .

Adobe programs are just a tool in a vast process, and the detailed knowledge of a tool, to the extent of passing tests and collecting badges (wow), is no substitute for the knowledge and experience that is no longer available to the forums.

Most of the posts in the areas such as Photoshop are no longer related to the use of the software in a production environment, but to difficulties in installing the tools and getting support from the lamentable  customer service organisation of adobe.




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Sep 18, 2009 Sep 18, 2009

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John Joslin wrote:

I can understand that for anyone coming from those appalling fusetalk forums, jive must seem pretty good.

It's all relative.


The thing about the good advisers that have left these forums is that they are industry leaders in the fields of graphics production and photography. Their knowledge is related to years of experience in the industry as a whole – and not to the learning of a piece of software .

Adobe programs are just a tool in a vast process, and the detailed knowledge of a tool, to the extent of passing tests and collecting badges (wow), is no substitute for the knowledge and experience that is no longer available to the forums.

Most of the posts in the areas such as Photoshop are no longer related to the use of the software in a production environment, but to difficulties in installing the tools and getting support from the lamentable  customer service organisation of adobe.

Many community experts work (earn a living) in the field they are experts in.  Your stereotyping of Community Experts as simple book readers with no experience is not accurate, as a whole.   There may be some, but I don't think it is typical.   You paint the PS forum as a pretty dismal place.  Maybe it is.  I know the forums I haunt are friendly, and full of experts (badged and not) helping beginners and pros.




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